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Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
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Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ⋅⋅ 128
#192 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion
TMPMalkrazFlame particles reactivate after touching a surface, enabling them to deal damage twice.
Hellbent's post on the first page saying "flamethrower does more damage when spamming click vs holding it down" is probably inaccurate as I can't for the life of me replicate this in testing, but the result may have something to do with this bug.
JojoWhen I tested it with some friends it does seem that the first flame particle does more damage than the rest of them(perhaps it has no falloff damage?) So if you can spam click fast enough it will do more damage. You just have to spam very very fast. Personally I can't do it fast enough to make it worth it but with a macro you evaporate people.
The old flamethrower functioned like this: It shot 25 invisible boxes a second or so. When they hit a target, they detected a hit, traced back to the location they were shot at, and if the path was free, did damage then.

The new flamethrower functions like this: It shoots 25 invisible boxes and another 25 boxes in the same way that house the visual particle. These boxes collide with geometry and normalize their speed off the wall. Since the flames are still basically shot in the same way, they're still a bit random. To alleviate this for consistency reasons, the way that flames do damage is different. It doesn't detect on hit that the flame hits a target. Instead, it checks 12 times a second if any flame particle is hitting a target, and if it does, then the oldest one hitting the target does damage. This has the consequence of "the first flamethrower tick does more damage aaaaa", but at the same time that damage is the exact same as if you were to m1 on the target during the duration of the hit. Which is most of the time like, 2 ticks max. It doesn't do more damage. You just have to think about touching flames differently than you do touching a rocket.
It seems you're right. After testing at a much further range I was able to reproduce the effect by placing the boxes where they would collide with the bot for a longer period.

so you guys are saying my macro that's setup to spam M1 every 28ms isn't actually helpful beyond using less ammo to kill someone, and apparently annoying the fuck out of everyone from the noise?

posted about 6 years ago
#168 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion
bsiandont know if this has been posted yet but you can eat the chocolate bar indefinitely as heavy get 5000+ health

I've seen this in every casual MM I did today. Had to start playing spy just for the instant knife kill. It's fucking awful cause I'm on the contract that I need to cap points 20 times on Mercenary Park (defending points doesn't work) and with last point being a fucking nightmare to push I usually only get 1-2 caps in... I really don't want to play this map 10+ times for one fucking contract

posted about 6 years ago
#7 pretty boy pocket pistol in TF2 General Discussion

using the new pretty boy is fucking hilarious in pubs, idk how many times I played like a complete idiot and survived with like 5-30hp at fighting groups of people and pulling out the pistol and hitting 5-8 shots

it fucking needs a nerf and they haven't even added the extra fire speed yet

posted about 6 years ago
#94 Are you happy with the pyro update changes? in TF2 General Discussion

After playing a bit FPS issues galore, weird server stutters ; hard to tell is server or is something specific causes every client to lag at the same time had multiple people report on a community server they all experience a stutter at the exact same time. Among other bugs. and queing is slow as hell.

Winger sound is fucking cool

New Flame thrower manages to be both God-Tier and Shit-tier at the same time. Valve can't math the weapon actually does +200% damage vs burning players (75). The weapon cone of fire is super generous, I swear the weapon range is less than that of a flamethrower which is the big issue with the weapon to easy to use and to easy to abuse its lack of range. Seriously need to tone down the cone of fire by like 30-50% and double the range.

-edit- fuck watching other people play with the weapon makes me rethink what I said above the weapon looks like it has a longer range than I realized idk still feels kinda short to me and the cone of fire is definitely to big imo.

posted about 6 years ago
#85 Are you happy with the pyro update changes? in TF2 General Discussion
EemesComanglia While a lot of those may seem like minor things they still take a lot of work to do.400 days

How easy do you think it is to redo particles and animations, make sounds from scratch and completely redo a game mechanic, make new animations from scratch, design and polish a map, create dozens of new HUD panels while also making all of this look remotely professional and not bugged as hell.

All of those things take a shit ton of man hours, some of the things they changed are honestly not that important to you or me but they still take a significant amount of work.

xoComangliaI really hope this is more of a part 1 of the updated they intended and they have another update planned in the next 2 to 4 months for alot of the other stuff they've been working on (if any).
It took a over a year just for this update, I think everyone here is incredibly optimistic for predicting an update coming out that adds exactly what the game needs in just a simple 2-4 months.

I didn't say anything about adding "exactly what the game needs" they probably have a bunch of half finished shit they would like to add but can't at the moment and will at a later date, whether or not they will prioritize it and make it happen in the next 2-4 months is what I'm hopeful for I have no idea if it'll be what the game needs though.

posted about 6 years ago
#677 update is released in TF2 General Discussion
Jynxiiregardless of how small the dev team is, working every day for a year and a half should yield more results than this. Especially after the promise of 'It contains more than 2-3 major updates'.

Alright this is honestly fucking bullshit.

For all the people saying this isn't a big update that shouldn't have taken so long. Consider the following

There's an actual Valve made map, new voice codec, entirely new party system, new particles and likely animation for all the flame throwers, new particles animations and sounds for the Dragons Fury, Gas Passer and Jetpack , completely reworked airblast, fixed several bugs, added a host of new menus with the PDA and new menus for MM, added several new sounds to the game (5 weapons have sounds updated at least 3 of them are new), added 1st person inspection animations for all the remaining weapons, etc.

While alot of these changes don't seem like they're that important they do take A LOT of work and thus time. For the number of devs/artists TF2 has this is huge.

posted about 6 years ago
#81 Are you happy with the pyro update changes? in TF2 General Discussion
hayesi really (might) like the changes to the pyro, and contracts are always fun. the balance changes seem fairly good to me, although I think some more fundamental changes should be made, but just my opinion. I think what's concerning to me is that if valve considers this to be a "mammoth" update, and that these kind of updates will take 1 year and 4 months to happen... it would take Valve 5-6 more years to really get the game where I think it should be, and there isn't really time for that.

I really hope this is more of a part 1 of the updated they intended and they have another update planned in the next 2 to 4 months for alot of the other stuff they've been working on (if any).

posted about 6 years ago
#77 Are you happy with the pyro update changes? in TF2 General Discussion

I have mixed feelings leaning on the positive side on this.

+ New maps, some might be crap but it's still nice new ones are being added
+ New Weapons that make Pyro more interesting
+ Rebalancing a bunch of broken bullshit
+ Good changes to how the party system works
+ Good changes to the contract system and the drop system, really hope they expand more on this

= Changes to casual match making are better than what it was, but casual match making is literally killing TF2 as we know it. Since casual MM has been released and more specifically since Quickplay was changed to basically no longer put people in community servers ever community servers have been dying and the number of competitive teams have been dropping steadily in both 6s and HL.

- Competitive MM changes were promised nothing was done. They could've at least allowed a few more client side commands or something...
- Valve desperately needs to do something about the value/usefulness of metal, currently it holds no real value as it isn't necessary for damn near anything other than making random regular quality hats. Idk can't stand seeing keys be 20+ refined and the main issue with that is metal being worth jack shit.

also that Cow Mangler buff isn't a big deal, being crit boosted = minicrits , yeah the weapon didn't need a buff but realistically this changes basically nothing about the weapon.

Also for all the people saying this isn't a big update that shouldn't have taken so long. Consider the following

Their's an actual Valve made map, new voice codec, entirely new party system, new particles and likely animation for all the flame throwers, new particles and animations for the Dragons Fury, Gas Passer and Jetpack , completely reworked airblast, fixed several bugs, added a host of new menus with the PDA and new menus for MM, added several new sounds to the game, etc.

While a lot of those may seem like minor things they still take a lot of work to do.

posted about 6 years ago
#375 update is released in TF2 General Discussion
Re4lityVourijetpack bomb the med and 1 shot with new flamethrower, glove slap pocket soldier and fly awayif i understand this correctly, it does not one shot kill it only has one shot before it has to be reloaded.

Note they didn't say anything about a fire interval. Might be possible to spam click it for all we know (probably not). Hell it might be able to do splash damage and allow for Fireball Jumping. We also have no clue what it's base damage is.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Should I go to Uni in Off Topic

I don't know about the UK but in the USA you hit a pretty good sweet spot on what you can earn vs debt accumulated for getting a 2 year degree. So for the US I'd recommend getting the 2yr degree and then work, and if you feel like it in the future you can work up to a 4+ year degree.

posted about 6 years ago
#164 update is released in TF2 General Discussion
shenaniganmorwannegPotato-Chanif you can pyro jetpack and still airblast i might be done for a whileCounterjumping pyros airblasting your bombs constantly. Yes, this is the new 6s meta. Goodbye, second scout.Who in their sane mind would even consider maining scout?

More like who would consider maining roamer at this point.

posted about 6 years ago
#143 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

Wonder how much ammo it's going to take to use that jet pack

posted about 6 years ago
#159 what's the inspiration behind your alias? in TF2 General Discussion

First virus I got on my own personal PC. Earliest reports of the virus is a few days older than my steam account :p

*Got the virus from downloading WinRAR via CNET. I use 7zip now.

posted about 6 years ago
#44 SMH these Open players (PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEME) in TF2 General Discussion
SlicerogueComangliaWe're getting close...

gotta x the 2+ players getting cut from the same team one and the "why no power rankings" one


surprised nerd essay hasn't happened yet. the best I can find is like 2 maybe 3 paragraph posts tops. someone needs to due a true nerd essay ffs and not because I asked for one.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 SMH these Open players (PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEME) in TF2 General Discussion

We're getting close...

posted about 7 years ago
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