Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ⋅⋅ 128
#3 Nvidia 3D settings in Hardware

It's sad I can't find a good guide properly explaining Pre-Rendered frames.

but 1st what to do.

Open Nvidia Control Panel

Under "3D Settings" select "Manage 3D Settings"

Now you can either do this Globally or for a specific Program (or game) if you select by program you will have to select the one you want to change via the drop down list or you may have to add it.

Either way under "Settings" you will find "Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames" for most FPS games set this to 1. (you can also do this globally if you want)

Now for what Pre-Rendered frames does (to my understanding which really isn't that indepth on this)
Pre-Rendered frames when set to 3 draws 3 frames before releasing 1. Which in practice means you have higher input lag (how much depends on your framerate)
Formula = (1000 / FPS) * PRF = Input Lag in milliseconds ( this is assuming a constant fps plus I might be slightly off on this)

Pre-Rendered Frames = 3
FPS = 200 (assuming constant)
Input lag = ~15ms
Input Lag added by PRF = ~10ms

Pre-Rendered Frames = 3
FPS = 100 (assuming constant)
Input lag = ~30ms
Input Lag added by PRF = ~20ms

Some of you might ask why you would want to have PRF = 3 or at least anything higher than 1. The main point behind this is that if there's a sudden FPS drop, say you have 90fps while playing your favorite RPG and then you suddenly drop to 20-30 having those extra Pre-Rendered frames really helps to smooth that out. In some cases having PRF higher means you'll have a slightly higher overall FPS.

If anyone knows more on the topic feel free to correct me.

Personally I have global setting PRF = 1 and I individually change games to higher PRF if I have a lot of FPS fluctuation (Witcher 3 and Ark Survival Evolved I have PRF = 2 and PRF = 3 respectively)

posted about 7 years ago
#7 United Flight in World Events

Corporation makes mistake, consumers get man handled by police. Yep makes sense to me.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Beta Fish Name? in Off Topic
DoctorMiggyJim Lahey

He doesn't have enough liquor to satisfy a fish with that name.

posted about 7 years ago
#39 What is the best mouse in Hardware
ScrewballComangliaPretty sure weight is a mostly preference thing as well. That's great if you like RSI.

RSI isn't developed any faster or slower based on mouse weight it's the repetitions and lack of breaks. Matter of fact I'd argue that since heavier mice tend to be larger palm grip mice and more ergonomic that RSI likely develops slower on those than on light ambidextrous mice.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Made a Fragvideo - thougts/tips? in Videos

I couldn't watch all of it as it was giving me a headache from all the black frame insertions and frame jumps you did.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 What is the best mouse in Hardware
Doggerelwonderlandthis one is the best one
What mouse is that?

It appears to be a WMO with the Wheel removed and bare wires (no protective jacket)

posted about 7 years ago
#27 What is the best mouse in Hardware
ScrewballAnything around 90 grams or lower and a decent sensor (3310,3366, mercury) is good. Shape is personal preference.

Pretty sure weight is a mostly preference thing as well.

there's a plethora of top level CSGO players using mice over or around 100g. Unless you count 100g "around" 90g though

A fine point to make on this is Scream went from using a ~104g DeathAdder to a ~80g FinalMouse with his name on it and his aim doesn't seem any better or any worse for that matter.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Legendary Sniper Showdown in Videos
scopeMax! still best sniper ever....

Havent seen POWAH's name in like forever tho :o

Max! was really good and had great aim, but definitely not the best even when you ONLY consider sniper play. Pretty sure Sheep was overall a better sniper at the very least his gamesense and judgement if not his aim was better than Max!

also if you respond to this I don't plan on arguing about this as this shit is kinda pointless anyway.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Daily dog images in Off Topic

My german shepherd when he was a pup.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Mouse flicks up when rocket jumping in Q/A Help
mousiopeprobably your mouse tracking speed bugging out, try a different dpi, disable angle snapping or try a different mousepad or updating mouse firmware
but im guessing you need a new mouse

This is definitely your issue, you may not need a new mouse, though you might prefer that over the other options for a fix.

Mousepads matter quite a lot in Max Tracking speeds here's an example that I left in a review for the Ripper XXL series mousepad.

Mice Tested:
WMO 1.1a
Zowie FK
Logitech M-UAE96

Mousepads Tested:
XTRAC Hammer
Steel Series QCK+
Custom Cloth Mousepad (of the generic cloth type)

With the G400s @400 DPI 1000Hz
Ripper XXL 3.2 m/s
QCK+ 4.6 m/s
Hammer 4.2 m/s
Custom 4.0 m/s

G400 @400DPI 1000Hz
Ripper XXL 2.8 m/s
QCK+ 4.2 m/s
Hammer 3.7 m/s
Custom 3.6 m/s

WMO 1.1a @400 DPI 125Hz
Ripper XXL 0.9 m/s
QCK+ 1.6 m/s
Hammer 1.3 m/s
Custom 1.2 m/s

Zowie FK @450 DPI 1000Hz
Ripper XXL 3.0 m/s
QCK+ 4.4 m/s
Hammer 3.9 m/s
Custom 3.7 m/s

Logitech M-UAE96 @400 DPI 125Hz
Ripper XXL 0.8 m/s
QCK+ 1.4 m/s
Hammer 1.0 m/s
Custom 1.0 m/s

I don't know exactly how to describe this but in my experience Solid Black Mousepads > everything else and typically mousepads that have a bit more resistance tend to have the best max tracking speed for a mouse, while mousepads that seem to have more glide to them are significantly worse.

Side note: Common side affects of hitting your max tracking speed. Looking straight up/down almost instantly, crosshair just suddenly skips like 10 degrees of movement either left/right, massive negative acceleration.

FYI new gaming mice rarely have this issue as all the new logitech mice with the G502 sensor can do like 7+ m/s on basically any cloth surface, Zowie is around 5-6m/s with their latest series of sensor, razer DA chroma series or anything recent is also 5+m/s on basically any cloth surface, etc.

@OP Most mice do best around 400/800 DPI so you don't really need to change that, if you're not using 1000Hz for your mouse though you should definitely try that. Otherwise your options are use a different mousepad (I really like the Steel Series QCK pads, from what I've been told Puretrak Talent mousepad has a similar max tracking speed if you prefer that) OR you could get a new mouse.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 I need help for tf2 performance in Q/A Help

posted about 7 years ago
#90 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster
SpaceCadetA decision needed to be made right then. I can underline shit too.
You tell me what other options there were at the time?

Idk maybe treat the same way we treated Germans during WW1, perhaps the same way we treated the Vietnamese Americans during the Vietnam War, maybe the same way we treated muslims/iraqi americans during desert storm.

Hell just flat out comparing the Japanese internment vs German/Italian internment during WW2. Less than 1% of Germans and Less than 1% of Italians that met the criteria for of being "at risk" were actually interred. While the Japanese saw interment rates of nearly 20% and nearly all mainland Japanese Americans were forced to move. (if you count temporary interment that number reaches nearly 90%)

Hell even the criteria for being an Japanese American was fucked up especially when compared to German and Italian counterparts. The Criteria for Germans and Italians being at risk was within 3 generations of immigration, Japanese you could be as little as 1/16 Japanese i.e. a Great Great Grandparent being Japanese. to be interred.

posted about 7 years ago
#87 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster

If you seriously think the US has never imprisoned peaceful political dissidents you're sorely mistaken. Their's literally thousands of people who were put in prison for protesting wars, dodging drafts, and thousands more imprisoned during the civil rights movement.

hell the USA even committed genocide against native groups

I don't think you can label the internment of Japanese Americans as being "political dissidents".
They weren't protesting or saying anything negative about the US government, they were just straight up imprisoned because it was war and we couldn't trust them for fear of another back stab (Pearl Harbor) on our home soil.

Kinda goes hand in hand with political prisoners, these people were imprisoned based off the belief that the Japanese American were traitors, even with no proof.

I disagree but I understand where you are coming from.
IMO you need look at the context of the situation instead of just viewing it as "black and white" on paper. This wasn't like the US Government decided out of thin air to put people in camps. There was proof and 2403 reasons to push this plan ahead.

I'm not saying our government doesn't do shady shit but this wasn't one of them.
SpaceCadetIts not "weird" at all. I knew all about this commission and its findings in the 80's. Once again, it needs to be taken into context. The findings shelled out reparations and that is all fine and dandy. My point is that at the time this situation happened, there was nothing wrong with taking proactive measures during a war situation where we were just sneak attacked.

There is a clear difference between looking at this on paper or in a textbook and trying to view the situation as it was unfolding back in the 40's.

Something is wrong with one or both of these underlined statements even in your logic.

Also just going to point this STILL meets the definition of a political prisoner. It makes NO difference if their was some BS reason or not or whether the US or USSR or anyone else did this. This is still fucked up.

posted about 7 years ago
#85 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster

If you seriously think the US has never imprisoned peaceful political dissidents you're sorely mistaken. Their's literally thousands of people who were put in prison for protesting wars, dodging drafts, and thousands more imprisoned during the civil rights movement.

hell the USA even committed genocide against native groups

I don't think you can label the internment of Japanese Americans as being "political dissidents".
They weren't protesting or saying anything negative about the US government, they were just straight up imprisoned because it was war and we couldn't trust them for fear of another back stab (Pearl Harbor) on our home soil.

Kinda goes hand in hand with political prisoners, these people were imprisoned based off the belief that the Japanese American were traitors, even with no proof.

I disagree but I understand where you are coming from.
IMO you need look at the context of the situation instead of just viewing it as "black and white" on paper. This wasn't like the US Government decided out of thin air to put people in camps. There was proof and 2403 reasons to push this plan ahead.

I'm not saying our government doesn't do shady shit but this wasn't one of them.

Weird cause according to our own government in the 1980s we had 0 reason beyond racism.
"In 1980, under mounting pressure from the Japanese American Citizens League and redress organizations,[22] President Jimmy Carter opened an investigation to determine whether the decision to put Japanese Americans into internment camps had been justified by the government. He appointed the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) to investigate the camps. The Commission's report, titled Personal Justice Denied, found little evidence of Japanese disloyalty at the time and concluded that the incarceration had been the product of racism. It recommended that the government pay reparations to the survivors. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government and authorized a payment of $20,000 (equivalent to $41,000 in 2016) to each camp survivor. The legislation admitted that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership".[23] The U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion (equivalent to $3,240,000,000 in 2016) in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been interned and their heirs.[22][24]"

posted about 7 years ago
#83 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster

If you seriously think the US has never imprisoned peaceful political dissidents you're sorely mistaken. Their's literally thousands of people who were put in prison for protesting wars, dodging drafts, and thousands more imprisoned during the civil rights movement.

hell the USA even committed genocide against native groups

I don't think you can label the internment of Japanese Americans as being "political dissidents".
They weren't protesting or saying anything negative about the US government, they were just straight up imprisoned because it was war and we couldn't trust them for fear of another back stab (Pearl Harbor) on our home soil.

Kinda goes hand in hand with political prisoners, these people were imprisoned based off the belief that the Japanese American were traitors, even with no proof.

posted about 7 years ago
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