Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ⋅⋅ 128
#9 ez cardio that isn't boring in Off Topic
eeeCitroMaindi think that running is the only and best way to go about cardio imho. might be wrong tho.
Idk how its stressful tho man. just get headphones, a nice chill playlist and go for a run
nah swimming and biking are better because they're lower stress, but my bike is 300 miles away and im too insecure to use the campus pool.

might try jump rope or skate boarding or smthn tho

Could try going to a local thrift shop and see if you can find a ok bike for cheap. Craigslist might be an option as well.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 mouse lagging in Hardware

What mouse do you have? I think I've heard of this issue before but I can't fully remember what the cause/fix was.

looked at your profile you have a g302

here some quick troubleshooting questions

1. Does the issue still happen after using a different USB port?

2. Does the issue still happen when you use a different mouse on the same USB port or on the same PC?

3. Does the issue still happen with the g302 on another computer?

posted about 8 years ago
#66 ban sheepy petition in TF2 General Discussion

You basically wasted your time and posted a bunch of shit that doesn't support anything you have to say yet again.

In each post, I can't spot a single fucking instance where I was being "RACIST" against anyone. In each and every one of those posts, I stated my valid opinion on those incidents that is shared by many in this country. Maybe you should learn that just because others don't have the same opinion you doesn't mean you label it all "racist"

In the "live from the streets" and "ferguson" thread: It is not racist to support the police regardless of the color of the victim. If you don't agree with my view point that is fine but nothing I said was racist at all.

In the "donald trump" and "Paris attacks" thread: It is not racist to hate and want to destroy every terrorist that means my country harm. Once again, you and whoever else can disagree with me but it doesn't make anything racist.

I think you need to look at yourself kid and get off your moral high horse thinking your point of view is the only one that matters. You also need to analyze what it means to "say something racist" because you obviously have no fucking clue.

I'd hate to agree with mustard but things like this "Can't those religions just stay in their respective part of the world?" and "A time will come, probably after many more attacks, when the countries of the west realize you can't be civilized with cultures/religions that have not evolved to that level." are horribly bigoted and lacks a lot of understanding. Islam =/= terrorism, and the way you said those things makes it look like you're saying that Islam = Terrorism.

posted about 8 years ago
#64 favorite fast food restaurant?? in Off Topic

Raising Cane's

posted about 8 years ago
#36 sleep paralysis in Off Topic

Don't think I've ever had sleep paralysis and if I ever did it lasted for less than 30 seconds.

Not sure if counts as sleep paralysis if you can't move your arms but you can move your legs or the other way around. Have had that happen a few times didn't panic though cause I was able to start fully moving them again in less than a minute anyway and could still typically move something like my fingers or toes barely.

I did panic though when I was 6 and woke up and couldn't open my eyelids. Started screaming after trying to open my eyes for 5 or 10 minutes. Eye boogers dried up on my eye lashes keeping them shut, took about 10 minutes of rubbing water on my eyelashes to be able to open my eyes. I had really bad allergies the day before that likely caused it.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 PSA: Hacker collecting TF2 player IPs in TF2 General Discussion
AriekosHow can I change my ip address? and wouldn't playing through a vpn make you lag? or at least increase your ping? Basically how can I as a player prevent myself from getting ddos'd.

Also what is preventing people from ddosing the servers that we're playing on? If I remember right only one of the server providers under serveme has ddos protection.

Depends on your ISP. For mine, I can power off the modem, change my router's MAC address and power on the modem again to get a new IP.
For some just power cycling the modem can be enough, or leaving the modem off for 30 minutes before turning it on again might work.

The 1st one is true and should work basically everytime unless there's someone else using that MAC already (highly unlikely but possible.
The bolded part is pretty rare most DHCP leases at the ISP level can range from 30min to 1 week (most ISP I know of do about 12hrs to 2 days)

Other ways of changing your IP.
If you not so tech savvy and really feel uncomfortable with changing the mac having a 2nd router and changing those routers out every week or so should make you change your IP every time and odds are pretty low you'll get an IP you've had before.
Have 2 routers and switch 1 out specifically for matches. You would guarantee this way that you'll 1 have a new IP every week for matches, and 2 if anyone does pull your info from a pre-match scrim it wouldn't be the same.

Technically they're the same but it comes down to preference of the user on when/how they want to change their IP.

Side note for anyone who does IP bans, you're an idiot. It's really easy to get around and in areas serviced by the same ISP could result in another legitimate player getting said IP but is banned cause someone else was a douche.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Zowie EC2-A out of stock everywhere? in Hardware

curious if this fix would also work for the zowie mice with this issue.

posted about 8 years ago
#417 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware
WaldoI'm looking for a 120/144Hz monitor to take to college since driving my 65lb. CRT 300 miles isn't quite feasible.

I assume that the VG248QE/XL2411Z is still standard, but I was wondering if this one had any merit:

The reviews are overwhelmingly positive and therefore look overwhelmingly fake but the specs seem good for the price.

And while we're at it, what about the Korean 1440p monitors which supposedly OC to 110/120Hz?

If you want a cheap 144Hz

go for 1 of these korean models

Make sure if you get 1 of those you get the perfect pixel guarantee otherwise expect a shit ton of dead/stuck pixels. Also both can be overclocked but that really fucks with the colors.

Though the 2411z and VG248QE are going to be much better overall than those (both have OSD menus to start with or at least a better one, better default colors, better pixel overdrive which means less "ghosting", I believe both can do lightboost or some form of blur reduction, both have significantly better customer support). The QNIX doesn't have an OSD menu, and both of those monitor have about ~2ms of input lag which still makes them better than most 144Hz and cheaper. Also as I mention with customer support good luck getting customer support from people who may/may not know English that well in a different country with no US or Euro branches.

The 1440p korean monitors don't always overclock well past about 96Hz, some of which need you to buy a higher amperage power brick in order to get them to work right.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Dr Levi on mouse sensitivity in Off Topic
phobiawouldn't having lower sens cause you to move your wrist more because of the slower speed? that makes no sense to me


if you're going from a 2in/360 to a 3.5in/360 yeah you're probably creating more strain on your wrist. Going to a 10 or higher in/360 using your wrist for movement starts become pretty unfeasible.

posted about 8 years ago
#54 favorite wwe wrestler in Off Topic

the wwf of the late 90s was very entertaining lol. Degeneration X, Ministry of Darkness, The Corporation a lot of really dumb antics, the death/merger of wcw...

posted about 8 years ago
#52 favorite wwe wrestler in Off Topic

as a child kane was probably my favorite.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Cherry Dating Tips - How to get any girl you want in The Dumpster
CHERRYspammyEvery girl is different and every girl needs a different approachOf course not every approach works for every girl, but it's always one of these three

What about the girl who wants only money? None of the 3 you mention includes that. :p

posted about 8 years ago
#54 Colour test in Off Topic
please tell me you didnt just edit the html and spent ages figuring out how to get the max possible score based on the scoring system

Nah he probably just hit score test without moving any of the tiles. I just did that and got 944. Took the test with a non-calibrate IPS and got 19.

posted about 8 years ago
#78 tf2 guilty pleasures in TF2 General Discussion

Enjoying medic in pubs and occasionally main calling.

miwoevery now and then i go into a pub and just play heavy for 3 hours

even rarer still i will play and actually communicate and try to coordinate with a pub medic (only when there is one) like those crazy 25+-year-old heavy mains with like 5 e-gfs (do you guys know the type? I've always wondered if anyone else knows like the type of person i'm talking about...)

Polk is a prime suspect for this definition.

felt like it's worth mentioning the most fun I had in TF2 in the last year was when I rang as medic for a steel HL team playing against a Silver HL team.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Wireless mouse testing in Hardware
ZestyThe main problem is the crazy price which makes it completely not worthwhile. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought out a cheaper wired version down the line or the price drops though.
Damn I got ninjad but yeah.

I have a feeling a large part of the price here is related to R&D, this is a rather significant upgrade for wireless gaming mice in nearly every way.

posted about 8 years ago
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