Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ⋅⋅ 128
#30 Valve issues cease and desist to betting sites in CS2 General Discussion
ulmyxxhow the fuck is opening a case or crate not fucking gambling? I understand being against gambling websites that rig odds but how the fuck u gonna tell them not to allow gambling if all you ever do is let people gamble.SpaceCadetOpening a crate is not gambling. You pay for a key so you are essentially paying for merchandise. I see a clear difference.

The reason why crates are legal is because you're guaranteed to win/get something. Same reason carnival games are legal, just because you don't "win" you do always get a small/crap prize if you want it.

posted about 8 years ago
#94 how has your tf2 career changed you? in TF2 General Discussion

A lot actually without TF2 I wouldn't have ever cared to learn how important FPS, Hz, response times, or what makes a good mouse a good mouse and that the extra $30-60 over a generic mouse can and often is very much so worth it. Playing TF2 eventually drove me to learn how LCDs, TN/VA/IPS panel types, CRTs, OLEDs, etc work. I also know a whole lot more about how DVI/VGA/HDMI/DP work. Hell I even started and finished a few mods I built for a Monitor and a mouse. If I never played TF2 I probably wouldn't have got a mechanical keyboard which is something well worth buying in and out of game if you're on a PC alot same thing with a 144Hz 1ms gtg panel unless you like video/software editing. While working on a config for tf2 I learned what a lot of things do/mean in TF2 and other games. Hell my desire to get better and getting a 144Hz + new computer lead to me getting a job.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Philando Castile in World Events
RoyceFrom 1882-1968, an average of 40 black americans were lynched per year. In 2015, roughly 100 unarmed black americans were killed by police. What a world we live in.

I wonder what changed in 1923 that made the number really start to tumble...

upon looking up a few things the numbers reported they're likely very very wrong. According to that website it has 29 black americans being lynched in 1923 this single massacre in January 1923 had between 26 and 150 lynchings it appears official reports show 8...

posted about 8 years ago
#71 slin's valve visit in Videos
k0ngzyconsumonnk0ngzyMikeMattoads_tfi also heard murmurs of transparent viewmodels, that seems like an alright compromise. As much as a love r_drawviewmodel 0, it is important that the game is understandable and visually appealing to the outisder.Why though? Is it really so important to make the game appealing to viewers that we're willing to downgrade the experience for the players? I'm not sure I'm willing to give up no viewmodels just so b4nnys viewers can understand whats going on.
A pointless rant
Theres a big difference between viewmodels and making the game not look like tf2. If valve allows literally everything to be changed, shit like transparent wall textures and spiked models will probably be common as hell.

? You realize things like SV_pure are in the game right? I can't believe I expected more intelligence out of than reddit.

Sv_pure can force textures, giving people options to change the already allowed textures would not magically let people replace texture files with transparent wall textures. It seems as though you have no idea how people even did transparent texture edits. You have to completely change the local files, and this would not get through valve's Sv_pure.

People dont put in commands to make their game transparent, cause that would be cause they are using an sv_cheat they replace files. Next dumbass in line please try me.

EDIT: Changing the way a texture looks, doesn't change what the the actual texture is. (that should be a litlte more easy to understand)

I hope you're just some magnificent troll and not actually this fucking stupid.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 interp won't change in Customization
Phoenix21KairuThere are more net settings than just interp you have to change. If your cmdrate and updrate are low then you also limit how low your interp can go.

From chris/comanglia's configs:

// Good connection
cl_cmdrate 67 // The tricks to get 1.4ms lerp are placebo you're still forced to .0152
cl_interp .033 // change to whatever you like for certain classes projectiles/popping uber/flames = .0152 hitscan = .031 on bad connections = .062
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 67 // The tricks to get 1.4ms lerp are placebo you're still forced to .0152
rate 62000 // anything above 62,000 is completely useless, anything above 48,000ish is useless in HL

// Bad connection
//cl_cmdrate 40
//cl_interp 0
//cl_interp_ratio 2
//cl_lagcompensation 1
//cl_pred_optimize 2
//cl_smooth 0
//cl_smoothtime 0.01
//cl_updaterate 40
//rate 35000

still there is a lot of wrong info here,
// Good connection
cl_cmdrate 66 // The tricks to get 1.4ms lerp are placebo you're still forced to .0152
cl_interp .0303 // change to whatever you like for certain classes projectiles/popping uber/flames = .0152 hitscan = .0303 on bad connections = .045
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 66 // The tricks to get 1.4ms lerp are placebo you're still forced to .0152
rate 60000

you should use cl_interp_ratio to control your interp, the values are in natural numbers, 1 in ratio equals 0.0152 in regular interp, and every value is multiplying the interp value, so the next one is not 0.033, but 0.0303 and then 0.0455.

to bad cl_interp_ratio is/(was?) locked to 1/0 on esea.

sv_client_max_interp_ratio "1"
sv_client_min_interp_ratio "0"

I won't go any further into the mostly trivial nuances of interp.

UngirthedTurns out it doesn't work on 0 either.
It's stuck on 50ms :/

The only reason I can think of for you being stuck on 50ms is either the servers you're playing on are only 20tick are you have your client set to 20tick.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Bonus Ducks Config in Customization

do I not update mine enough or something?

also pls benchmarks + screenshots.

posted about 8 years ago
#42 So I opened a tf2 pub server running comp 6's maps in TF2 General Discussion
shenaniganIt's usually pyro mains or ignorant people that think pyro is weak.

I didn't say pyro is weak, I said PHLOG PYRO was weak. tbh pyro is still a shit class anyway.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 So I opened a tf2 pub server running comp 6's maps in TF2 General Discussion
shenaniganMax_shenaniganDecapotatoPontreddit is filled with a bunch of toxic steel highlander players so don't take them serious. Pyro must be banned!!
It's already been said but banning engie would make 5cp pubs way more fun than banning pyro. Setting the class limit to 1 engie would be good enough, nothing is worst than dealing with 5 engies building on last.
I would rather play against 5 engineers on defense rather than a pocketed phlog pyro with unusuals.
Bonus points if this is happening on dustbowl.
Wait are you actually serious?

In what world is 5 Engineers better than a phlog Pyro
At least sentries don't move and they can be countered by demo,soldier spam/good spies.
While a phlog pyro turns on his crits,gets ubered by a med and then you start to question valve skills when it comes to game's balance.

Not when a server has no whitelist, rescue ranger short-circuit and wrangler are things, and a phlog pyro is incredibly weak outside of like 2 scenarios out of hundreds.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Playing Engineer to Practice xbows? in The Dumpster

Isn't the drop determined by surface area/weight in which case wouldn't they have different drop rates? Pretty sure you should just practice with the crossbow

posted about 8 years ago
#57 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization
k0ngzyI'm not messing with the antialias command simply because I do not have the will to filter through positives and negatives and what went wrong about 7 months ago, but from what I see 0 is the best option.

I just spiled my cofee evrywhere hal;p[

mat_antialias 1 - is actually the best option 0 just defaults back to 1 when you load up tf2 regardless of what the console says. As it was pointed out to me before mat_antialias 0 isn't possible otherwise you'd have just a black screen.

posted about 8 years ago
#54 Odd TF2 FPS Trick Found in TF2 Files in Customization
EvolvingEnviousI didn't make this thing, it is just a trick that you can do, it is just to give you higher graphics as well, if it's crappier then it is crappier, I didn't make it and some people actually happen to like it, so how 'bout you just leave it as this, and pay attention to other things then this, if you don't like this, then ignore it.

I haven't tried this "trick" but I do have to comment that you're a horribly rude person who doesn't think shit through. You find a possible FPS improvement and post about it and give really shitty / almost non-existent instructions and then you act like a dick to people who don't know exactly know how you did it, and then you instantly write off anyone who questions your method. Now I'm not perfect at this either but this is something you've consistently done in the last 5 or so threads you've made.

Also you have no empirical evidence, which is why people question your method(s). For reference when I released my FPS config I posted benchmarks comparing mine to Chris's and m0re's. I even followed through to test huds and document it and including info on a few of the commands I changed and what they most likely did.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Wall of text for potential new gametypes/ maps in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanI recommend making good A/D and 3cp maps.

I'd love to see some more development in 3cp would probably be alot of fun for really fast games.

A psuedo-domination 3cp would be interesting to try. both teams start with 1 point that builds up to say 100 points in order to cap the other teams point you must also control the middle point. 1 CP = 1 point every 5s ; 2 CPs = 3 points every 5s ; 3 CPs = 6 points every 5s. So if neither team caps a point the round ends after 8:20 in a draw, with 2 CP the entire time it would be about 2:47, with 3 CP it would be about 1:23 (realistically the fastest would be closer to 1:45 due to capping mid + fights)

should also make it Bo3

posted about 8 years ago
#25 How do you like your steak? in Off Topic

Medium-well or medium, salt/pepper, + a steak sauce ranch mix I make...

posted about 8 years ago
#51 QUAKE CHAMPIONS in Other Games
dFrogI predict it to be average at best, if not a complete failure.

Average with Quake in the title is a complete failure

posted about 8 years ago
#19 what are the most child safe laundry options? in Off Topic
atidereeeeILLEGALELEPHANTGUNComangliaILLEGALELEPHANTGUNuh i dont know, show your kid a laundry detergent packet and say "THIS DOESNT GO IN YOUR MOUTH" and then if you find they are eating them (why the fuck would they do that) you smack them in the head and ground them.
Just fyi that doesn't work for children under 2. The biggest issues here are poor labels/coloring, and parents not putting stuff out of reach of children. Logically explaining that they shouldn't put stuff in their mouth will 100% not work unless by circumstance if they're under 2 and highly unlikely to work under 4.

As far the main questions of the thread. Buy liquid or powder laundry detergent that isn't brightly colored and sweet scented (free and clear are usually clear and scent free), keep it out of reach of young children, if a child is capable of reaching a high cabinet they're likely old enough to be told and explained why they shouldn't eat/drink laundry detergent which after that point you need to hope they listen / not retarded.(in this final case getting a lock should help a lot.)
if you cant keep chemicals out of your kids mouth then wtf are you doing having kids in the first place.
its easy to watch someone for 8 hours. its hard to do it for 24 hours without sleeping and keep it up for years and years
yea but you should know the responsibilities that are required bringing a child into this world.

I'm now very curious if you or illegalelephantgun have ever been around kids for more than a day. Also are you omni-present? Doubtful.

I hope you're just simply taking eee's quote out of context here.

actually looked at the thread here it looks like eee removed the context of illegalelephantgun quote of mine.
added context

posted about 8 years ago
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