Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ⋅⋅ 128
#23 I've compiled a list of all the UP weapons in TF2 General Discussion

not sure if I agree with the detonator being on this list, it doesn't really need a buff except maybe less self damage to encourage more detonator jumps.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 why do all scout mains have a landscape avatar in The Dumpster
Smesiits either a landscape, tumblr oc, random art or anime
sniper mains aswell

If you include random art you probably hit most people in general.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Been gone 3 years, what have I missed? in TF2 General Discussion

I released a FPS config that's arguably more popular than Chris's
and then later

Axiomatic calling M4risa a hacker

lmaobox suffered 2 vac waves

CEVO made a brief comeback to die relatively quickly.

Faceit Tf2 is a thing

This guy faked his death (not sure if you were around for that)

killing isn't an esea admin anymore

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Felik's config // Chris' config replacement in Customization

cl_SetupAllBones 1 when was this command added?

it's been there the entire time. I wonder if it actually makes a difference...

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Steam account that's been offline the longest in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Longest time offline you've seen? in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#128 Valve, TF2 prize money and us in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Game stutters/feels laggy despite high FPS. in Q/A Help

GPU temps could be a culprit as well.

Bad/conflicting drivers. I just recalled an incident I had with BF4 that after updating my drivers the older drivers didn't fully uninstall and was causing a conflict.

could try and then install the latest driver (or one of your choosing if the latest driver has an issue)

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Valve Wishlist in TF2 General Discussion
KonceptChristmas wishlists in September?

How fast do you think valve is? Fuck I should've made this like 3 years ago just to have a hope for this christmas.

posted about 8 years ago
#122 Valve, TF2 prize money and us in TF2 General Discussion
Phoenix21also the the any range is also not true for the grenade launcher, you can't shoot very far with it, the loch and load has ridiculous range.
and the speed of the projectile combined already with with everything else is what makes it flawed.

the loch-n-load only has more range because there's no random projectile spin at 1:25 in that video you would see that if you get a pill with a lucky trajectory and no spin on it, it has the EXACT same range as the LnL. Also by doing 100 dmg at any range I meant at any range it can directly hit someone.

LnL is strong but to call it broken is just down right wrong.

posted about 8 years ago
#87 Valve, TF2 prize money and us in TF2 General Discussion
Phoenix21ComangliaPhoenix21trashsome general replies:

2) there is absolutely no way to allow every single weapon and have people handle it, because fully comprehending what it'll all do to the metagame takes a long time. ETF2L had the right idea when they opted to instead slowly bring in new weapons season-by-season
not only that, valve added unlocks that are "balanced" for pubs, none of the unlocks were intreduced to appeal to competitive players, so we shouldn't be punished by allowing broken and unbalanced into the whitelist.
doesn't matter how important valve's support is, there needs to be a line. allowing the loch and load was such a big mistake, it's not overpowered it's just broken, I have 80-100 ping and some packet loss so I use a high interp value (30.3-45.5) and even on medium range I don't see the pipe before it's already infront of my face.

To play devil's advocate, it's not valve's fault you have shitty internet; also this means you would have issues with the Direct Hit, Liberty Launcher, Huntsman arrows, medic arrows, flares, charged stickies, and rescue ranger bolts since all those weapons are faster than the loch-n-load so lnl is definitely not "broken" it might be a bit OP but the only thing broken is your internet. Further more the loch-n-load can be seen as helping balance out 6s since it significantly improves demos chances of dealing with scouts. (Personally I feel l-n-l is a tadd op especially in 9v9 and pub formats. since large clusterfucks tend to happen)
hunstman is predictable and has a super slow charge, direct hit is not as viable as regular rockets, medic arrows are not doing a lot of damage.
most of those weapons are slower to fire than the loch and load, and deal less damage.
the loch and load shoots faster than the stock rocket launcher and direct hit + does 100 damage from any range.
when a weapon deals a lot of damage, is spammable (due to firerate) and incredibly hard to dodge it's broken.

Now see that's different you said the LnL was broken because

Phoenix21I have 80-100 ping and some packet loss so I use a high interp value (30.3-45.5) and even on medium range I don't see the pipe before it's already infront of my face

which would be true of every other projectile I listed.

Phoenix21the loch and load shoots faster than the stock rocket launcher and direct hit + does 100 damage from any range.
when a weapon deals a lot of damage, is spammable (due to firerate) and incredibly hard to dodge it's broken

That isn't broken that's a bit OP. Especially when you consider the stock grenade launcher does all those same things except that it's projectile is slower.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Valve Wishlist in TF2 General Discussion

Well christmas/new year is around the corner and I thought it might be a good idea to make a wishlist valve might actually look at and get around too.

Try to add 2 or 3 things you think valve should add/change/fix to TF2 (if it's a bug try to link what it is and how to reproduce and/or fix it)

My wishlist
1. Remove random projectile spin from all of Demoman's primaries. (LnL is the only one that doesn't have it, though tbh it doesn't matter on the iron bomber or loose cannon since those are both spheres)
2. I'd also like to see the animation and some of the hitreg changes done in csgo applied to TF2. (where applicable)

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Good 144 Hz Monitors in Hardware
unskilledi mean this is just me, but the only criteria i have for a 144hz monitor being good... is if it's 144hz
therefore, by this standard, the only OTHER criteria for it being a good monitor is how cheap it is
and that is why i bought the acer gn246hl

definitely not true

  • Some 144Hz monitors don't allow for overdrive at 144Hz which means their pixel gtg is 4/5ms
  • I have found a korean 144Hz that has an extra 3ms of input lag.
  • Not to mention some 144Hz support lightboost or some form of ULMB or none at all.
  • G-Sync or no? (most people don't care but some do)
  • The ROG SWIFT PG278Q has the best pixel gtg and overdrive control on the market, but their's some serious QC issues with that monitor and some people have gone through 6 or 7 of this monitor since it's release and died consistently after about 2-3months.
  • There's also the deal of IPS vs TN vs VA for 144Hz as well
posted about 8 years ago
#4 Game stutters/feels laggy despite high FPS. in Q/A Help
RentQNThis has been getting worse with the most recent update, but I've been having this issue for a while now.
The game runs at 200+ FPS and I have a ping below 50 on most servers, but for some reason the game doesn't really feel smooth at all.
I have those micro stutters where the game kinda freezes for like a fraction of a second.
In the best cases I get those stutters every 5 to 10 seconds, but sometimes it's more like every 1 to 2 seconds or more and the game looks like a flip-book.

I don't really have any idea what might cause this problem.
I didn't really change anything about my system that I can think of.
Same HUD, config and mods I've been using without issues for over a month.
Tried verifying integrity of game cache, but that didn't help.
I don't have anything running in the background that might cause this either.

Are there any known fixes for this kinda problem?
Don't really know where to start trying to fix this, because I have no idea what causes it and it could be like a hundred different things :(

what kind of cpu temps do you have?

Do you use a FPS cap?

I've experience this issue in 2 different ways, FPS caps for some reason on gaming laptop from 6 years ago, and on a few other PCs were the cpu temps would fluctuate from 80c to 60c.

posted about 8 years ago
#84 Valve, TF2 prize money and us in TF2 General Discussion
Phoenix21trashsome general replies:

2) there is absolutely no way to allow every single weapon and have people handle it, because fully comprehending what it'll all do to the metagame takes a long time. ETF2L had the right idea when they opted to instead slowly bring in new weapons season-by-season
not only that, valve added unlocks that are "balanced" for pubs, none of the unlocks were intreduced to appeal to competitive players, so we shouldn't be punished by allowing broken and unbalanced into the whitelist.
doesn't matter how important valve's support is, there needs to be a line. allowing the loch and load was such a big mistake, it's not overpowered it's just broken, I have 80-100 ping and some packet loss so I use a high interp value (30.3-45.5) and even on medium range I don't see the pipe before it's already infront of my face.

To play devil's advocate, it's not valve's fault you have shitty internet; also this means you would have issues with the Direct Hit, Liberty Launcher, Huntsman arrows, medic arrows, flares, charged stickies, and rescue ranger bolts since all those weapons are faster than the loch-n-load so lnl is definitely not "broken" it might be a bit OP but the only thing broken is your internet. Further more the loch-n-load can be seen as helping balance out 6s since it significantly improves demos chances of dealing with scouts. (Personally I feel l-n-l is a tadd op especially in 9v9 and pub formats. since large clusterfucks tend to happen)

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ⋅⋅ 128