Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ⋅⋅ 128
#3 Street Hoops eSports picks up Muma to replace Duwatna * in News

Get well soon Duwatna

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Weird Network Loss in Hardware

Wi-Fi connections blow for a multitude of reasons.

Being to far away or having many solid objects between you and the router/AP means you'll have a weak signal, or having a multitude of wireless signals on the same spectrum will create interference, that and Wi-Fi connections are half-duplex which means you can't send and receive data at the same time, which also means if you were to try to send data when you're also being sent data there will be a collision dropping the data (this happens significantly more often when there's interference and a weak signal as well)

As to why this started happening. It's difficult to say.

Things it could be.

Dying Router/AP and/or producing a weak signal.
You moving your system further away from the router/AP.
The AP/Router being moved further away from your system.
Solid objects being placed around or between you and the router/AP.
A neighbor moved in with a really strong 5GHz signal (unlikely unless you're in an apartment) if you were on 2.4GHz though this is really likely.
You switched from 2.4GHz to 5GHz or vice versa. (2.4GHz goes further than 5GHz, but 5GHz typically has less interference)
The Antenna(s) on the Router/AP may not be attached properly or at all.

btw you didn't need to scratch out your IPv4 and IPv6 address both of those should be on a local address for IPv4 = 192.168.x.x and IPv6 is probably self assigned anyway (which is untraceable unless somebody was off the same LAN as you so basically just people in your house) and if not you probably have something setup wrong.

posted about 7 years ago
#59 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware

Another update. For the lucky Australians out there you can pre-order this monitor for 899.99AUD

899.99AUD = ~680USD / ~895CAD / ~635 Euro / ~550GBP

Considering most goods cost more in Australia than they do in NA / EU probably safe to say it would be a fair amount lower than that in your area.
further confirming the price
Swiss 749.90 Swiss Franc (this is after VAT which I believe is roughly 20% which would put it around 599.92CHF = 596.16USD)

Euro (supposedly available as low as 625 Euro)

posted about 7 years ago
#89 what do ya'll do outside of tf2? in Off Topic

Be Married - spend a fair chunk of my time with my wife
Other Video Games - Namely ARK Survival Evolved
Reading - been reading a book about giving/receiving performance reviews

posted about 7 years ago
#57 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware
yttriummeth0di know..i've never attempted to explain how processors work...the point was to show that it is very possible to run tf2 at about 240 fps with max video settings at 1920x1080 on a 32 men server with a stock 5820k. hence you can take advantage of a 240hz monitor in a 6v6 match npI can't get a stable 144fps with a 5930k at 5GHz and a 970 on a 12 man server, so either you're completely delusional, talking out of your ass, or both.

Eat shit.

This thread turned to shit, so much anecdotal evidence, or people completely talking out of there ass.

Also with a 4790k @4.7GHz in a 6v6 setting I never drop below 240fps in dx9. You're definitely doing something horribly wrong with your PC if you can't even get 144FPS in 6s with any i7 at 5GHz. Hell even an i5 I have a 4.4GHz can easily handle 200+ fps in Dx9 for 6s

Just tested in a 24 person server, using fraps, dx9, 1920x1080, i7-4790k at 4.7GHz, GTX 1070, 10 minutes of game time in a full server on pl_badwater. Min: 205fps , Average: 403fps

I'm now fully convinced you have something set wrong if you can't get 144fps in 6s with a "5930k at 5GHz" hmm perhaps I should test with a max quality config

posted about 7 years ago
#28 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware

Thought I would update this thread. according to this video the Asus PG258Q is going to be in the $500 range (not 100% sure on this but that would match the price of the BenQ XL2540 @ $500 and AOC AGON AG251FZ @ $450)

Also 144Hz to 240Hz isn't that comparable to 120Hz to 144Hz as JarateKing pointed out the math

240Hz = 4.16ms
144Hz = 6.94ms
120Hz = 8.33ms
100Hz = 10ms

" (2.777ms difference for 240hz-144hz vs 1.3889ms for 144hz-120hz)."
In this case 144Hz vs 240Hz is more comparable to 100Hz vs 144Hz
or 2.78ms difference vs 3.06ms difference (if you really want to know the level of difference 103Hz to 144Hz would be almost exact and you could test this on a 144Hz monitor with a custom resolution/refresh)

As for this specific monitor there's plenty of other justifications to get it. Namely that Asus monitors typically have slightly better pixel response times compared to their competition (though Asus has had some serious issues with QC on some of their monitors as well). Assuming Asus uses a similar method of achieving low input lag as they did in the MG279Q and PG279Q, and assuming similar level of pixel gtg as the PG278Q it should have a input lag of 2.25ms (this doesn't include the refresh rate), for comparison the BenQ XL2730Z has a input lag of 5ms (signal processing + gtg). For example if XYZ had a BenQ XL2730Z and the got a Asus PG258Q they would see a total reduction of 2.75ms of input lag + the difference in refresh rate of 2.78ms would mean you would experience ~5.53ms less input lag on average. (not like that's HUGE but there's definitely a lot more to monitors than refresh rates and advertised pixel gtg)

*source for the input lag (go to the lag classification section)

posted about 7 years ago
#582 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
JackStanleysage78the no bullet dust script link seems to be down, ( )
could someone reupload it to pastebin or similar ?


Updated the OP with that link thank you.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Monitor Flicker in Q/A Help

Does this occur in different games?

Does this occur in non-source games?

Does this occur during youtube videos?

Does this occur when using another PC with this monitor?

I currently have 3 hypothesis's for what's causing your issue.
1. DVI or Display port cable needs to be reconnected OR replaced. (poorly connected or bad cable)
2. Uninstall and Reinstall updated GPU drivers. (Bad/conflicting drivers)
3. Your GPU/CPU is overheating and/or dying.

I doubt this is your monitor cause this would happen during any kind of pixel transitions including video if that was the case and it wouldn't look like this.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Help me in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#163 World Series in Off Topic

I have to say this was the 1st time I actually enjoyed watching baseball. This world series is one to remember, game 7, 10 innings, 8 to 7, longest dry streak ended.

I actually want to watch the Cubs and Indians next year...

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Monitor(VG248QE) interferes with my mouse(ZA 11) in Hardware
ShorieSo yea, as the title says, when my mouse goes to the top left of the mousepad it starts to skip/jitter/not work at all. I've figured out it's due to being close to my monitor. when i put it under the bottom right of the monitor my mouse won't work at all. Has anyone dealt with this before? If so, what would happen to fix this issue?Shorieyep, ive tried multiple areas of the mousepad, different wire positions etc. two different mouse pads. I moved the monitor away and it works fine, So its definitely the monitor.

Edit: i've also tried it with different computers/ OS including linux and it still persists with this monitor only.

You're having an EMI (electro-magnetic interference) issue.

Something is definitely out of spec/breaking (probably some bad capacitors) on that monitor if it's strong enough to overwhelm the signal on a WIRED mouse. Unless you know how to solder and replace capacitors and you want to take apart your monitor and then rebuild it, you should just replace your monitor (RMA/buy a new one).

I want to clarify something is SERIOUSLY wrong with your monitor if it's interfering with the signal of multiple different wired mice. I wouldn't be surprised if your monitor dies suddenly or if you start smelling burning electronics, cause this just doesn't/shouldn't happen with an LCD panel.

posted about 7 years ago
#62 Question for people who quit TF2 in Off Topic
POpsAnd, of course, why do you browse a forum for a game you no longer play?

I still have a great interest in the game and its funny to see everyone argue in the Open and IM threads.

You got me to laugh on this one. It's funny seeing people making the same dumb/childish mistakes and arguments you had at some point.

posted about 7 years ago
#59 Question for people who quit TF2 in Off Topic

Has your life improved since you quit?
Yes, but with a lot more stress.

Do you get bored enough to feel the urge to come back to TF2 often, or are you satisfied enough with where you are (or dissatisfied enough with TF2 when you left) to not even consider it?
I still like playing TF2 occasionally and I do still have the urge to play. I've just significantly cut the time I play TF2. On the plus side I play more CSGO with some old high school friends now which has been alot of fun.

Did you have some other, non-videogame hobby to spend your time on, or did you exit into the world with no clear plans for what to do next?

What was the main reason that you decided to quit TF2?
Not enough time, tired of looking for a team with players I could actually mesh with.

And, of course, why do you browse a forum for a game you no longer play?
Mostly so I can help nerds get more FPS, and keep up on what's going on in Invite.

posted about 7 years ago
#71 Felik's config // Chris' config replacement in Customization
puoi1ComangliatreetoonI'll be switching to feliks using DX8.1, despite the 10~% FPS loss over Comanglia's because it feels like it's running smoother.
You know this is something I've never been able to quite figure out. Cause I know when I tried the -default I noticed players movement seemed a lot smoother but I was getting significantly lower framerate and mouse movement felt a bit odd. I had assumed one of 2 things was happening either A their was some kind of placebo going on, or B at higher settings their might be more animation frames for model movement (or something to that affect), but I was never able to pinpoint exactly what it was or how to get that in my config.

Motion blur?

that's definitely not it. motion blur is an awful thing and doubly so in TF2. Motion blur in TF2 makes me nauseated while most other games it's just annoying.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 Felik's config // Chris' config replacement in Customization
treetoonI'll be switching to feliks using DX8.1, despite the 10~% FPS loss over Comanglia's because it feels like it's running smoother.

You know this is something I've never been able to quite figure out. Cause I know when I tried the -default I noticed players movement seemed a lot smoother but I was getting significantly lower framerate and mouse movement felt a bit odd. I had assumed one of 2 things was happening either A their was some kind of placebo going on, or B at higher settings their might be more animation frames for model movement (or something to that affect), but I was never able to pinpoint exactly what it was or how to get that in my config.

posted about 7 years ago
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