Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ⋅⋅ 128
#24 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help
thehwordSo the problem is I play different classes and different games. And every time I seem to find something comfortable and keep it for some time I just bump into another game where it doesn't feel that great.

Probably the only thing I could say for sure is that I don't like to run out of mousepad which is ~ 40 cm.
thehwordunfsounds like it's in your head and not a sensitivity problem
But would someone play and be good with something like 0.1 cm/360 or 8 m/360? There is probably a reasonable range and I think it varies from game to game because the paces are different. So I generally ask what would be this range for someone who plays different games.

Maybe I'm psychically ill but that is what I think. Feel free to correct me.

Also Comanglia has given me a range. That is something that pleases my mind and my confirmation bias :s

Just wanted to point out the range I gave you (24cm to 36cm/360) was based mostly off those 2 statements from your OP. The range is short enough to not give you to much issues with a 40cm mouse pad, and based off high level competitive players from TF2, CSGO, Quake, and even Battlefield I've never heard of anyone saying that range is to low or high in sensitivity. I also have a little bit of a subjective reason as someone who used a ~50cm/360 for sniper/scout for a long time. I always found it difficult to play soldier/demo, and basically any other game that wasn't csgo.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help

If you plan on using the same sensitivity in every game and play all kinds of games staying around 30cm/360 (give or take 6cm) should be low enough to aim accurately and if you have a large mouse pad it should be high enough to move the mouse comfortably

thehwordI tried keeping the sens constant for several months (was that enough?). But I never seemed to completely get rid of this itchy feeling of inconsistency.

3+ months is right around the time I'd say you're fully used to a sensitivity

Now as for inconsistency their's a lot of factors here.

What kind of monitor you have, and the various specs of it (Inpug Lag, refresh rate, pixel response, to a much lesser extent contrast ratio and sharpness)

The mousepad could also be an issue. Some mouse pads don't track well, or they could be very dirty.

What kind of mouse you have can have a huge impact as well. But for the most part most optical Razer/Zowie/SteelSeries/Logitech mice are "fine". If the sensor is dirty at all you will have issues. If you're using a non-native dpi you will most likely have input lag.

Other non-game factors that could make you inconsistent. Hydration levels, caffeine, all kinds of drugs, Poor mood, sleep deprivation, slight distractions, posture, etc.

Other game-client factors that could make you inconsistent. Low FPS, variable FPS, skill of the opponents you're facing, poor internet connection, shitty server.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 What did you buy for Black Friday / Cyber Monday? in Off Topic

alot of christmas presents

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Sideshows incredible dreamhack motivational speech in Videos
wruthe EU sdogg

of all the things I miss from when I played on TH no.1 would have to be his speeches

posted about 9 years ago
#79 How did you guys got introduced to comp tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Had a friend play in CEVO ~2009 told me about it, started watching videos as I didn't exactly have time to play back then. Interest kinda died around late 2010 started watching again in late 2011 or early 2012 decided I wanted to play HL after watching this platinum all star match

my first season consisted of me playing scout/soldier/demo/heavy/sniper for 6 weeks (I got to play scout twice) in UGC HL S7 in steel...

Eventually got tired for playing for HL teams that died after 1 season, took a 3 month break and decided to play for a 6s team.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 auto-reload prevents firing in Q/A Help

Austria = Europe

Coincidence? I think not!

You have no idea how many Americans have trouble with this. It's mostly due to a sizeable number of American's not knowing what Austria is and they think you're trying to shorten or fucked up saying Australia.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Safe to use textures? in Customization
bruntolina0So im safe aswell even if I add the additional .vpk files from these two folders "defaults in sv_pure & works differently in sv_pure"? to play on normal pub servers

all of them are safe to use, they just might not work on some servers. You will not be auto-banned or vac-banned. Some work some don't depending on sv_pure

posted about 9 years ago
#188 froyotech disbands in News
botmodelethargistnow that ascent/tsu will be the top team in invite can we ban the loose cannonEither ban loose cannon and booties or unban iron bomber because at this point they're all equally better than default pipes

Also please ban the cozy camper, the thing is actually God tier

legitimately OP for 6s mostly because their's no spies to worry about 99% of the time

the health regen and extremely minimal flinching makes it much easier to quick peak and get someone when you normally wouldn't

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Safe to use textures? in Customization
bruntolina02# Comanglia, Is it 100% sure it will never cause a VAC ban? If I only use the mod I linked.
Have anybody analyzed the .vpk of this mod to see that its 100% legit aswell?

No texture mods in TF2 will give you a vac ban

so unless their's some hidden files in that which I highly doubt their are any, you should be fine.

Most people use the flat textures from this instead though

flyingninjabuddy more like it

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Safe to use textures? in Customization

you will not be vac banned, though it may not work on all servers

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Turkey shoots down russian fighter jet in Off Topic
the301stspartanh0b5t3rgoldfishthere are speculations that turkey is working with ISIS, just saying
Not so much working with them as allowing them to kill Kurds to hurt the independence movement.
TommunistThis isn't going to lead to a shooting war.
Turkey has made its self clear it isn't going to let like this into its airspace without permission (they've shot down drones before, and last year they shot down a syrian plane) and Russia can't afford to start another war especially a NATO ally, while its bogged down in Syria and arguably eastern Ukraine , and the price of oil is so low.

Not just a NATO ally but a full fledged member of NATO

Arguably ex-NATO member in the blink of an eye, should Erdogan actually prove dumb enough to get into a conflict with Russia.

Which I don't think he will.

I highly highly doubt turkey would just simply be dropped as a NATO member. Given Turkey's central location it's an extremely important area that the USA / NATO risked getting involved with back in the early 1950s.

Plus Turkey has already played their Hand, basically if conflict is going to happen it's all up to how Russia wants to react, which as Tommunist pointed out before it'll likely be mostly talking and posturing.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Turkey shoots down russian fighter jet in Off Topic
TommunistThis isn't going to lead to a shooting war.

Turkey has made its self clear it isn't going to let like this into its airspace without permission (they've shot down drones before, and last year they shot down a syrian plane) and Russia can't afford to start another war especially a NATO ally, while its bogged down in Syria and arguably eastern Ukraine , and the price of oil is so low.

thank you tommunist for bringing rationality back to my mind.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Turkey shoots down russian fighter jet in Off Topic


I don't want to be drafted...

posted about 9 years ago
#131 froyotech disbands in News
4mationTF2 Hall of Fame

* Dignitas
* Epsilon eSports
* Classic Mixup
* Froyotech

Another day, another legacy.
Who's next?
trippamissing coL and Pandemic on that list

I think x6 deserves their own spot in that too.

posted about 9 years ago
#44 How much of a disadvantage is 60hz vs 120hz? in TF2 General Discussion
Why does it matter that the video is 4 years old? That doesn't change how crazy the shots are. Also, AFAIK, Hal never changed his monitor from the one seen on the video(at least up until mid 2015, when he was still winning CPMA and now Reflex cups). It's actually certain he still used a "75Hz Samsung" up to 2014, because he has commented stating so in that same video, on 2014.

I went ahead and did some digging around about Powah, and I'm afraid you're mixing things up - here's a 2015 tweet from him showing his gaming setup, with two cheap lcds:

AFAIK one of those is his old monitor he has since forever, and the other is a new one that's still 75Hz though...

I myself have a BenQ 120Hz and as much as I like, and believe I can feel the difference, I'm still able to play just fine after a brief period of adaptation on ~2200 elo QL lolCA... if that means something heh (just to make clear, i'm arguing 120 is better, but not a requisite - speeecially for non hitscan)

Edit: Also, on your argument about every scout in invite using 120/144Hz: IMO it could be more of the fact that they can/belive they need to do so than that they actually need to do so.

Alright I was wrong about Powah I seriously thought he had a CRT.

hektikEdit: Also, on your argument about every scout in invite using 120/144Hz: IMO it could be more of the fact that they can/belive they need to do so than that they actually need to do so.

Who is better clockwork at 120Hz or clockwork at 60Hz?

If the answer is 120Hz then it does become a need for competition. Especially if it's instant improvement to go to 120Hz or an instant detriment to go to 60Hz.

That's not saying anyone is shit for playing on 60Hz they're just not going to be no.1 and more than likely they wouldn't be in the top 10 at least for today's standards for scouts, CS:GO, quake, and basically any competition fps.

Also hal_9000 comments on that video are from 2012 or earlier... also from that same youtube channel 4 months later using a CRT instead of an LCD albeit he's not playing quake he did upgrade. comment from the same youtuber who posted the HAL_9000 video not sure if this is HAL or not but he claims it's a 120Hz model in 2013

posted about 9 years ago
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