Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ⋅⋅ 128
#341 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
konrCan anyone give me a hand making DX9 look and feel as similar to how the game felt on DX8 as is possible? I really don't like DX9 but obviously we're all going to have to get used to it.
mat_phong 0
r_worldlights 0
r_pixelfog 1

those will help the most, and already in my 2 FPS configs.

posted about 8 years ago
#329 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
VictorI'm still getting unknown command errors in the console for some stuff that's still in your config, dunno if it means anythingUnknown command "mat_shadowstate"
Unknown command "mat_debugdepthmode"
Unknown command "mat_debugdepthval"
Unknown command "mat_debugdepthvalmax"
HDR Disabled
Unknown command "cpu_frequency_monitoring"
Unknown command "cl_forcepreload"

Unknown command "mat_shadowstate"
Unknown command "mat_debugdepthmode"
Unknown command "mat_debugdepthval"
Unknown command "mat_debugdepthvalmax"
Unknown command "cpu_frequency_monitoring"

just removed all of those

Unknown command "cl_forcepreload"
I double checked my stability and quality pc one and both have this command removed not sure how you're still getting this to show up.

posted about 8 years ago
#327 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
springrollscomanglia, can i have your rationale on mat_trilinear 1 vs. 0? just curious

Personally i hated the circle effect 0 creates around the player, that any beyond the blurryness of the toaster config the 2nd most common reason people added me to fix stuff with the toaster config was about the circle effect 0 creates around the player.

That and the fps difference is negligible just like
mat_filterlightmaps 0/1
mat_filtertextures 0/1

don't affect performance for 99% of users most would prefer them set to 1

for those of you having issues with the new configs try my old stability one here

posted about 8 years ago
#323 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

removed most/all sv_cheat commands

net_queue_trace 0

removed above needless commands

mat_antialias 1

is now commented out

mat_picmip -1 changed to 2
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0 changed to 1

(it was even worse w/ transparent viewmodels on, the entire screen would look spotty and fiery until I set r_drawviewmodel to 0) (r9 270x, i5 4460)

I couldn't recreate this issue on 2 machines
Build 1
R9 270x

Build 2
R9 390

I tried all dxlevels and tried with and without transparent viewmodels still haven't had this issue.

while attempting to find what's wrong with bleed/fire effect I notice that mat_viewportscale is no longer limited to .5 - 1

value is .01

still doesn't effect fps for 99% of users just thought it was interesting. mat_viewporscale is still limited to 1 at the max but the minimum seems to be 0 now.

posted about 8 years ago
#305 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
Vanamat_antialias 1 also turns the mumble overlay grossly bold stark white for a lot of people would be good to put a note next to it.

that's odd

I use the overlay and I'm not getting that issue

actually the only time I ever had that issue was when I wasn't using -nod3d9ex in launch options

posted about 8 years ago
#6 TF2 update for 12/18/15 (12/19/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
pazerValve- Added an option to the Adv. Options menu to disable teammate glow effects after respawn
Where is the option for this/what is the cvar for this? I can't seem to find it.

glow_outline_effect_enable 0/1 (same one for the cart and weapon drops)

posted about 8 years ago
#297 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
have this problem too, and sometimes my whole screen gets covered in a fire effect when I'm bleeding even

also whenever I use the basher my viewmodels disappear, even if they're supposed to be on

edit: I get this problem on both the max stability + high quality configs

-dxlevel ?

and this is after my update correct?

after testing for awhile I can't seem to fix this, maybe the hotfix update did it.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Comanglia cfg UPDATE + Mac's Guide to FPS! in Customization
bornaComangliafrom what I can see

things you've changed

removed a lot of comment sections
rate 60000 (removed from good connection settings and no replacement)
dsp_slow_cpu 0 (I had 1)
mat_queue_mode -2 (I have -1 not sure why you'd switch to "legacy default" but ok)
mat_reducefillrate (you flat out removed this command which does boost fps when set to 1)
mat_filterlightmaps 0
mat_filtertextures 0     //OPTIONAL
mat_specular 0
mat_trilinear 0
^ I had 1 for all of these, also you have these in here twice you have the original ones I put in and you pasted these to the bottom

There's a couple more differences since I updated my config just a few hours ago, but I didn't expect to find my most up to date one within yours
Listen bud, I'm trying I'm just new to the config community. I didn't steal yours I just made it more user friendly and added a few commands and took a few out. It seems to have worked better for me but thanks for your feedback!

this is a bit uncalled for, when I see a new config that's based off mine I don't expect much beyond 3 to 4 changes and maybe some formatting. My post was more about, hey you should reconsider a few things, and remove redundancies.

Also it's not like I make money off my configs, I'm not bothered that you're making one.
I also saved you some time on the eventual "how does this differ from the config you based it off of" question.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Comanglia cfg UPDATE + Mac's Guide to FPS! in Customization

from what I can see

things you've changed

removed a lot of comment sections
rate 60000 (removed from good connection settings and no replacement)
dsp_slow_cpu 0 (I had 1)
mat_queue_mode -2 (I have -1 not sure why you'd switch to "legacy default" but ok)
mat_reducefillrate (you flat out removed this command which does boost fps when set to 1)

mat_filterlightmaps 0
mat_filtertextures 0     //OPTIONAL
mat_specular 0
mat_trilinear 0

^ I had 1 for all of these, also you have these in here twice you have the original ones I put in and you pasted these to the bottom

There's a couple more differences since I updated my config just a few hours ago, but I didn't expect to find my most up to date one within yours

posted about 8 years ago
#290 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
ry4ntkYou can remove the command "cl_loadondemand_default" since it was removed from the game so it no longer does anything.



why no r_worldlights 0 in config? makes dx9+ lighting look like dx8
dunno if it adds frames though


tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1

also added, removed a couple redundant lines as well. Also beginning the search for which command is causing the black props in demos/local servers. I know the command is tied to sv_cheats though.

Updated date of last update
also changed
mat_antialias 0 to 1
mat_forceaniso 0 to 1
both should be set to 1 now.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Effect of different monitor resolutions on perform in Hardware
KonceptLegacyComangliaOld bench mark I did

basically the actual resolution doesn't matter, the aspect ratio does due to it's impact on your FOV

so 4:3 = Higher FPS ; Lower FOV
16:10 = Middle Ground
16:9 = Lower FPS ; Higher FOV

So I have a square monitor as my secondary monitor. Could that be the cause of my lowered fps? The only reason I'm using it is because I don't have another one on hand or the money to get another monitor. I'll try downscaling my resolution when I'm on it next time. And are you using your own config? And if so which one?

Honestly when I used 2 monitors and trying to play TF2 I usually disable the 2nd monitor as I always seemed to have weird fps drops because of it.

Just pick which monitor you want to use you have a 16:9 and a 4:3.
4:3 you'll have more fps but have narrower view
you could use a 4:3 res on the 16:9 monitor as well instead of using the square monitor.

Also I use a slightly different version for my tastes, but it's most similar to this one

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Effect of different monitor resolutions on perform in Hardware

ComangliaBenchmarks for Aspect Ratios

1280 x 1024
2639 frames 11.506 seconds 229.35 fps ( 4.36 ms/f) 11.492 fps variability

640 x 480
2639 frames 11.525 seconds 228.98 fps ( 4.37 ms/f) 11.855 fps variability

1680 x 1050
2639 frames 11.643 seconds 226.65 fps ( 4.41 ms/f) 11.369 fps variability

1920 x 1080
2639 frames 11.843 seconds 222.84 fps ( 4.49 ms/f) 11.428 fps variability

1280 x 720
2639 frames 11.825 seconds 223.18 fps ( 4.48 ms/f) 12.324 fps variability

Old bench mark I did

basically the actual resolution doesn't matter, the aspect ratio does due to it's impact on your FOV

so 4:3 = Higher FPS ; Lower FOV
16:10 = Middle Ground
16:9 = Lower FPS ; Higher FOV

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Mousepad feels like it "drags" in Hardware

dehumidifier if you want to spend a bit

you might want to clean the mousepad (look up some youtube videos)

try new mouse feet.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Benq monitors in Hardware
Tricky_thanks for your quick reply. So do you think I should get the 2430T model then? Are the colours really improved in the new models or they basically look the same after some colour calibration. you said that its a good update but then you said they look the same in terms of colour quality.

All are based off the same panel though the newer ones have different options based on vibrancy and Black equalizer. Which typically make true color quality worse though you may prefer how they look.

just to clarify the 2420T has an older panel that wasn't as good as the one introduced in the TE model. The TE model has the same panel as the 2430T and 2420Z.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Benq monitors in Hardware

2430T or the 2420/11z models should all be reasonably good updates since the TE model.

Also after calibration nearly all these monitors are the same in terms of color quality.

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ⋅⋅ 128