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Signed Up July 24, 2013
Last Posted February 18, 2018 at 1:13 PM
Posts 511 (0.1 per day)
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#19 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Well, I could easily make it do a popout window of the chat using your default browser. Is that what you mean?

I haven't used an IRC chat for Twitch before but I know HexChat works with it I believe. Would the popout window be enough or would people prefer an IRC program be required?

posted about 10 years ago
#17 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Big update done it, you can now see which streams are live and which aren't and a couple other small changes. Removed "Back" button because you can only go two levels deep into Twitch anways, so I just kept the "Home" button and left it at that.

New Favorites Look


Reuploaded to SourceForge and made a new video.

Both can be found here.

Thanks and enjoy!

posted about 10 years ago
#16 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Cool, either way.


SourceForge was flooded with spam yesterday on random projects with "Stream" in the name and they wen't through and banned a bunch of accounts/projects. Mine was flagged and removed but my account has been restored and their working on the projects now to get them back. So download is down for the moment. Sorry.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion
FayngSo essentially this is giving the ability to watch livestreams without being in your browser? The first post confused me a little.

Also, you can save streams in a favorites list and essentially load a stream in one click. I'm going to look into a way to make it so in the favorites list it'll show if their live or not, but not 100% sure if I can atm.

And thanks to everyone for trying it out.


Thanks! Glad you like it!

posted about 10 years ago
#10 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Alright, updated to version 2.3. A pretty big change.

  • GUI is now resizeable, you can make it as small or big as you want.
  • Back/Home/Refresh buttons from the Twitch.tv browser.
  • Quick Copy of the URL of the stream via Ctrl+` key.
  • Pressing the "X" on the GUI (Close) no longer kills the app, it just sends it to tray. You can right click on the tray icon and click "Show" to bring it back up or "Exit" to close the program

Here is a new and clean video of the updated app and the download link is now located on Sourceforge

Please comment and let me know what you guys think :)

posted about 10 years ago
#9 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Just an FYI, I had to update to 2.2 because I forgot a piece of test code in there, so if you have v2.0 at the top, redownload from the above post for v2.2.

Also, a video demo is shown here.


posted about 10 years ago
#8 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Alright, another update, going up to version 2.0. Had more time than I thought on my hands tonight, girlfriend working late and all :)

So, unless there are any bugs that I didn't catch or something breaks the program due to updates or something I think this is complete.

You can now view the live streams from Twitch.tv and when you find the one you want just easily copy the URL right from the program and click the tab "input Stream" tab to save and or watch it :)

Here is a little image of the revised GUI


The only addition to this is the viewing of live streams using an embedded web browser. Nicely cut to fit the window and all :)

So yeah, here is the new download link located here.

As always, let me know what you think :)

posted about 10 years ago
#7 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Alright, updated to where you can fully use the Favorite's section.

New video here.

And new download link here.

Let me know what you guys think :)

posted about 10 years ago
#5 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Haha, sorry xD

So long as it works with LiveStreamer it will work with this, all it needs is the URL for you to copy/paste into the input.

Update coming in about 5 minutes :)

posted about 10 years ago
#3 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks, let me know what you think. I should have all the features done within a week or so. Just depends on how busy I am.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 LiveStreamer Pro (QuickLauncher) in TF2 General Discussion

LiveStreamer Pro brings you LiveStreamer and Twitch into one area. You can also save your favorites to watch in the click of a button! And it will also open the chat window up in your default browser automatically!

By default chat is enabled, but if you want to disable it go to the tab "Chat Options" and deselect it. It will remember what you have selected if you close/reopen the program.

Please note, due to some issues with Twitch servers sometimes the program will take a upwards of ~8 seconds to load. Sorry.

LiveStreamer MUST be installed for this program to work!




Video Link

Download/Info Link

As posted before, this is for windows users only, sorry.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Quick Livestreamer App in TF2 General Discussion

So I recently had to switch to Livestreamer because my PC decided it didn't like Twitch.tv anymore. So to negate my sadness I wrote this quick little script to quicken the process. It will detect when a new Twitch.tv link has been copied to your clipboard (Control+C or Rightclick/copy) and pop up a window asking if you want the program to launch said link. If you press yes then it will open a run window and type in the info you need and press enter and effectively run the Livestreamer. The other thing about it you can go into the Preferences.ini file that comes with the program and in the Speed section, after the "1=" type in what speed you want it to stream at (IE, low, high, source ect.)

So yeah, here ya go.


The script was written in AutoIt3 which has been flagged by most anti viruses as malicious. For more info please check here for more info.

And also, here is the source

Show Content
[code]#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
Global $ClipOld = "", $Clip = "", $CHeck = ""

Global $Speed = IniRead("Preferences.ini", "Speed", "1", "NotFound")

While 1
$Clip = ClipGet()
If $ClipOld = $Clip Then
$ClipOld = $Clip
If StringInStr($Clip, "Twitch.tv/";) Then
$Check = MsgBox(4, "Twitch", "Twitch link found!" & @CRLF & "Would you like to livestream this?")
If $Check = 6 Then

Send("{LWindown}" & "r" & "{LWinUp}")
Send("livestreamer ")
Send(" " & $Speed)

In case anyone wants to make sure nothing malicious is going on. You can also have the people at the AutoIt forums look over it to verify. But yeah, there you have it, in case someone else wishes to use it :)

Download Link

Oh, and this is for windows users on... sorry linux/mac :(

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Livestreamer (Cmd Prompt Help) in Q/A Help

True, speaking of which.. that gave me an idea.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Livestreamer (Cmd Prompt Help) in Q/A Help

Just for anyone who is using and or forced to use Livestreamer to watch Twitch on their pc for unknown reasons (it seems) I wanted to share this tidbit of info.

Most people think you can't paste into a DOS box and or command prompt, but you in fact can.

Open a command prompt and right click the title bar at the top of the window and select "Properties" and then on the right hand side check the box "QuickEdit Mode"

From now on your can right click into the command prompt window and it will automatically paste your clipboard.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 TF2Pickup.net - the easiest way to play pickup in Projects

So I wanted to try this out to get into a more competitive scene but when I logged on it stated I did not meet the requirements.

My Tf2 hours are at 1,100hr's and I don't see any other restrictions I fall under so any idea why this would be happening?

posted about 10 years ago
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