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Signed Up September 24, 2013
Last Posted July 28, 2023 at 2:11 PM
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#13 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events

Can we get Soros to go away?

posted about 4 years ago
#3 time for some free keys boys in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tftheyre tradable now

Can't trade in-game because item server down and I can't list them on steam market either.

posted about 4 years ago
#19 Worst date (your fault or not) in Off Topic

I was under the impression that we are just casually grabbing something to eat. So I came with sweatpants on and no money (didn't have any on me at this point). She came looking like she prepared for an hour. Long story short we didn't go anywhere.

Funny enough we have been together for a year now though.

posted about 4 years ago
#69 Jeffrey Epstein in World Events

I am very afraid this whole thing will be just ignored until it goes away. We don't have anything on anyone, they won. We can be outraged and laugh at it all we want, they know it will go away.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 ETF2L S33 Mid GF: KNOPPERS vs уротцы eSports in Events


posted about 4 years ago
#40 Another mass shooting in El Paso Texas in World Events

UPDATE: The guy said in his manifesto that his plan existed long before Trump's presidency, but that he knows Trump's thetoric will get the blame anyways.

posted about 4 years ago
#36 Another mass shooting in El Paso Texas in World Events
SherwoodfanOrange man bad

So being against open borders pushes right wing people down the spiral of hatered and madness. Ah yes, the connection is clear. Certainly there aren't any much more significant factors at play and you should blame Trump. I've also said ILLEGAL immigrants can be described as invaders, not legal immigrants so read carefully.

posted about 4 years ago
#33 Another mass shooting in El Paso Texas in World Events
CovooDoom1ShearsI'm not saying that Trump directly caused this mass shooting. We can agree that that is ridiculous. What I'm saying is that Trump (and yourself) contribute to the broader cesspool of anti-immigrant hate that led the shooter to believe that his actions were justified.
It's honestly such a bullshit logic that somehow being openly and adamantly against immigration somehow makes him at fault for some freak going insane and murdering people.
People refer to the rhetoric he uses that dehumanizes them, like calling them invaders.
I'm not going to say Trump is THE reason, but to ignore the huge spike in violence after his presidency from the right-wing is so fucking naive.

"I'm not going to say he is THE reason, but he is the reason", basically. You're correlating Trumps presidency with rise in right wing terrorism as your argument and yet you dont want to call him the reason. Also, Trump is referring to illegal immigrants when he says invaders, which doesnt seem like a bad word for it at all. They are forcing their way in.

posted about 4 years ago
#31 Another mass shooting in El Paso Texas in World Events
ShearsI'm not saying that Trump directly caused this mass shooting. We can agree that that is ridiculous. What I'm saying is that Trump (and yourself) contribute to the broader cesspool of anti-immigrant hate that led the shooter to believe that his actions were justified.

You could say the same about leftists media who exaggerates everything Trump says as if he was some sort of devil. I constantly get spammed with how much he hates minorities, opens "concentration camps" for immigrants, is blatantly racist sexist and everything the worst when in reality, even if you are a Democrat, you clearly realize its greatly exaggerated.

It's honestly such a bullshit logic that somehow being openly and adamantly against immigration somehow makes him at fault for some freak going insane and murdering people.

It's funny how in America you could read CNN for a month and Fox News for a month and you would get two COMPLETELY different images of reality.

posted about 4 years ago
#20 best cereal milk in Off Topic

Cereal is just sugar and chemicals and also feeds you for only like an hour. It's the worst food ever. In the past you would eat it because it's so worthless even rats and bacteria wouldn't touch it. It's just a starvation-proof food that has no place in the lives of modern people. Thank you for reading.

posted about 4 years ago
#21 how to get a jewish girlfriend in The Dumpster

Depends if she is a zionist or not. Find out and proceed only then. Anti-zionists and zionist jews are two completely different types of people.

posted about 4 years ago
#58 what's ur goto order from mcdonalds in Off Topic

Would rather kms than eat at mcdonalds

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion

One of your nicknames on steam is "hat kid kills transphones irl" while having hat kid on your profile picture lol.

Anyways, when is the ETF2L ban coming???

posted about 5 years ago
#2 ETF2L S32 Low GF: OINK 5 vs. amm0m0d cr3w in Events


posted about 5 years ago
#49 Sketchek is back? in TF2 General Discussion

You may be alive, but you're dead to me.

posted about 5 years ago
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