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SteamID64 76561198008063381
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Country United States
Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted February 19, 2021 at 10:11 AM
Posts 520 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ⋅⋅ 35
#164 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion
cmecompletion of engineer contract crashed my game
also if you try to play a server, the game crashes, if you fulfill the contract it crashes as well

Same. Crashed like 8 times within an hour already.

Crashed as soon as I got my contract, then crashed again when I opened it, and crashed one more time trying to decode it; decided to validate and that fixed those crashes.

Didn't crash when I completed a Medic mission to get an assist with an Ubered Heavy, but I did crash as soon as I finished the mission to score 100 points as Medic, and now joining any server crashes.

EDIT: Moving items in my backpack also crashes the game.

posted about 9 years ago
#723 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
MaxillawsRocket Jumping will be fixed tomorrow

Shouldn't this have shipped by now?

posted about 9 years ago
#11 When does a hud become its own? in Customization

If you replace every piece of a boat, just make your own fucking boat and stop taking credit for your shitty carbon-copy HUDs.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 What mumble overlay skin do you use? in Customization

disabling the overlay has saved me a couple frames per second

posted about 9 years ago
#3921 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

look i'm being original

posted about 9 years ago
#3903 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
suikaminimal hud w/ nonobstrusive health/ammo positioning

fuck, i might have seen something like that before

posted about 9 years ago
#9 TFTV Creating a New Crosshair Font in Customization

How are you going to decide which crosshairs you include and which you exclude?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 on-the-fly crosshair changer in Customization

i made this a long time ago and thought nobody needed it so voila
you can change your crosshair size/color without opening your console
you can also cycle through the different crosshairs, including the default crosshair
needless to say it only works with the in-game crosshairs

///// Crosshair Changer /////

// Script Binds
bind "<KEY>" "+togglestate"		// change <KEY> to the key you will be holding
bind "R" "rkey"
bind "G" "gkey"
bind "B" "bkey"
bind "MWHEELUP" "mousewheelup"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "mousewheeldown"
bind "MOUSE4" "mouse4key"
bind "MOUSE5" "mouse5key"

// Default Binds -- change these to your liking
alias "rkey" "+reload"
alias "gkey" "+taunt"
alias "bkey" "lastdisguise"
alias "mousewheelup" "invprev"
alias "mousewheeldown" "invnext"
alias "mouse4key" ""
alias "mouse5key" ""

// Script
alias "+togglestate" "bind R incred; bind G incgreen; bind B incblue; bind MWHEELUP plusscale; bind MWHEELDOWN minusscale; bind MOUSE4 nextcross; bind MOUSE5 prevcross"
alias "-togglestate" "bind R rkey; bind G gkey; bind B bkey; bind MWHEELUP mousewheelup; bind MWHEELDOWN mousewheeldown; bind MOUSE4 mouse4key; bind MOUSE5 mouse5key"
alias "incred" "mwheelred"
alias "incgreen" "mwheelgreen"
alias "incblue" "mwheelblue"
alias "mwheelred" "bind mwheelup plusred; bind mwheeldown minusred"
alias "mwheelgreen" "bind mwheelup plusgreen; bind mwheeldown minusgreen"
alias "mwheelblue" "bind mwheelup plusblue; bind mwheeldown minusblue"
alias "plusred" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_red 0 255 15"
alias "minusred" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_red 0 255 -15"
alias "plusgreen" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_green 0 255 15"
alias "minusgreen" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_green 0 255 -15"
alias "plusblue" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_blue 0 255 15"
alias "minusblue" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_blue 0 255 -15"
alias "plusscale" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 18 48 1"
alias "minusscale" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 18 48 -1"
alias "cross0" "exec defaultcrosshair; alias nextcross cross1; alias prevcross cross7"
alias "nextcross" "cross0"
alias "prevcross" "cross7"
alias "cross1" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair1; alias nextcross cross2; alias prevcross cross0"
alias "cross2" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair2; alias nextcross cross3; alias prevcross cross1"
alias "cross3" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair3; alias nextcross cross4; alias prevcross cross2"
alias "cross4" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair4; alias nextcross cross5; alias prevcross cross3"
alias "cross5" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair5; alias nextcross cross6; alias prevcross cross4"
alias "cross6" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair6; alias nextcross cross7; alias prevcross cross5"
alias "cross7" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair7; alias nextcross cross0; alias prevcross cross6"

this is a separate .cfg file, name it "defaultcrosshair.cfg", if you don't you won't be able to cycle to the default crosshair

cl_crosshair_file ""
posted about 9 years ago
#4 Question about ESEA Whitelist in Q/A Help

Last updated in March, no ban mentioned for either (ctrl+f quickie and iron) so its probably up to date.

I guess I was wrong about their whitelist being out-of-date, although some of the Game Settings info does seem to show some age.

cme All weapons released after May 8th 2013 will be automatically banned.

This is what confused me. These weapons were released late December, in the off-season before Season 18; we had threads discussing them but I never realized they were actually allowed afterwards, and given that no stats are recorded for them last season, I would have just assumed they were banned (but perhaps new weapons are not yet tracked).

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Question about ESEA Whitelist in Q/A Help

I feel embarrassed to ask, but is the ESEA Whitelist on accurate? It lists Quickiebomb Launcher and Iron Bomber as "allowed," but I can't find any stats of their usage on ESEA's website, and I know the whitelist on there hasn't been updated in a long time.

posted about 9 years ago
#181 notoHUD in Customization
rowpieceshey omni, im not sure if this is how you designed it, but i have had these little triangles on the top left of the control points and it really bugs me
any way you could fix this?

The little triangles are the white-ish borders of the control point images. This is more obvious at certain resolutions than others.

You could replace the stock images with a custom image without the white borders, but that wouldn't work on sv_pure servers. The other alternative would be to block off the corners with the image panels; you could either add panels directly over the corner, or you could thicken the existing image panels until they cover the corners.

I'm not sure how you're more bothered by the corners than by how obviously uneven the borders are at your resolution.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 AutoCamera in TF2 General Discussion

Split-screen isn't that great to begin with.

In most scenarios, pretty much all the information a viewer would gain from a split-screen perspective would also be evident from the fragger's perspective, like who got to mid first, or where the Snipers are positioned, etc. Every time you go to split-screen, it takes the viewer out of a viewing experience into an analytic experience, while also making most of the HUD elements illegible.

I liked watching the first couple stickies from both Demos in a split-screen perspective to see who had the better start, but that's about it.

The AutoCamera functionality sounds like a good idea, but I think a cameraman manually using the cheat feed would be the better option, since human judgement usually picks out the best plays better than whatever algorithm a computer runs. I think is often the case with automated "replays," which sometimes don't make very much sense.

Edit: from your posts it seems the only use you intend for AutoCamera is as a secondary camera for split-screens, so I don't really see the point.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 LF nosplash friends in Mentoring

Not sure if no splash has actually helped me very much over the years, but it can be fun. I'll hit you up.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 ToonHUD Modifications in Customization

Not nearly enough people on this forum use ToonHUD to warrant its own modifications thread, which in and of itself is a dumb idea. Plus, I don't think using the pre-made customization options counts as "modification."

posted about 9 years ago
#3784 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Wholegrainhow do u even learn to do this colly
You can even download pre-made layout templates.

I decided to copy a much older and uglier design language:

posted about 9 years ago
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