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SteamID64 76561198044193282
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Country United States
Signed Up January 8, 2015
Last Posted November 9, 2019 at 7:23 PM
Posts 322 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.40
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Keyboard Tt MEKA G1 Illum
Mousepad 21 INCH Black rectangle
Headphones ATH-M50x
Monitor ASUS 144Hz
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#123 what introduced you to tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

back in 2012, in the clanchat of a runescape 2006 private server, a bunch of bronies were talking about their epic hat gets and I made fun of them for treating virtual items like they had real value. I downloaded the game a week later and the rest doesn't really matter

posted about 7 years ago
#2 It's about time for a promod in TF2 General Discussion

Whether or not it's possible or on the table still doesn't really consider whether anybody is willing to put such effort into a game with a developer as actively fighting against any chance of the game getting any real traction as tf2 has

At the end of the day what the game NEEDS is developers legitimately working with the community, and not in their normal bullshittery "ok we will try to appease u" but rather legitimately integrating popular competitive opinions and actively supporting the scene through exposure and game adjusting

If the game doesn't get that, it's not going to grow more than it is right now (unless by some miracle a community-made tournament miraculously garners so much attention that the game spikes but that's a theoretical .01% at best)

posted about 7 years ago
#80 TF2 UPDATE FOR 21DEC2016 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#31 TF2 UPDATE FOR 21DEC2016 in TF2 General Discussion

6 months after broken matchmaking and a skipped halloween later this is all we get lmao

posted about 7 years ago
#72 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
puoi1Vulcan baiting Funke so hard lul.

usually baiting entails getting enraged and upset but i'm just really confused

posted about 8 years ago
#66 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
VulcanFUNKeVulcanthe issue is that you bolded objectively, when the main point of your sentence was "liberty launcher"
alright boss I unbolded it, hopefully your third grade reading level can comprehend it now
I find it incredibly funny that men over the internet will try insulting people by comparing their reading level to that of a third graders, when they have only talked to that specific person for a grand total of 2 minutes.
But what should I have expected, grown men being civil and using logic over the internet?

is that you rob

posted about 8 years ago
#63 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
Vulcanthe issue is that you bolded objectively, when the main point of your sentence was "liberty launcher"

alright boss I unbolded it, hopefully your third grade reading level can comprehend it now

posted about 8 years ago
#61 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
Vulcanbolding it will change the focus of the sentence.

I don't understand what you're arguing

Is the issue that I bolded objectively? or that I said liberty launcher? the bolding is completely irrelevant, it relies on the fact that I said liberty launcher which is a different item from what sandblast said

But even when you're told that you still have no idea what you're arguing, so you just keep saying the same thing over and over

posted about 8 years ago
#57 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
"liberty launcher is better than stock"
"liberty launcher is objectively better than stock"

Nobody ever said that first statement.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
Vulcanthen why would you bold objectively??

To put emphasis on the fact that he was extremely concrete in that opinion, going so far as to elaborate on his reasoning for half a video. Bolding it doesn't somehow change the meaning.

posted about 8 years ago
#50 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
VulcanFUNKeVulcanFUNKesandblastthis rob guy is the dude who thinks the airstrike is better than stock if so, let me play this shit
he's the guy who said liberty launcher is objectively better than stock
Please tell me what's the difference between "he's the guy who said[/u][/i][/b] liberty launcher is objectively better than stock" and "this rob guy is the dude who thinks the airstrike is better than stock if so, let me play this shit". You basically corrected nothing, and the second sentence would only make sense if you thought objectively would change the meaning of a sentence.


posted about 8 years ago
#46 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
FUNKesandblastthis rob guy is the dude who thinks the airstrike is better than stock if so, let me play this shit
he's the guy who said liberty launcher is objectively better than stock
posted about 8 years ago
#44 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
VulcanFUNKeVulcanthe way you are using objectively is the same as "better"
Because that's what he said????? You realize I'm not agreeing with him right????
please tell me the difference between "liberty launcher is better than stock"
and "liberty launcher is objectively better than stock"

What?? I'm not disagreeing with the definition of 'objectively', I'm saying rob is the guy who implied a meh rocket launcher was objectively superior to the default because sandblast asked if he was the guy who did something like that..

posted about 8 years ago
#42 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
Vulcanthe way you are using objectively is the same as "better"

Because that's what he said????? You realize I'm not agreeing with him right????

posted about 8 years ago
#40 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster
VulcanFUNKesandblastthis rob guy is the dude who thinks the airstrike is better than stock if so, let me play this shit
he's the guy who said liberty launcher is objectively better than stock
do you know the definition of objectively? because I don't think you do.

That wasn't my opinion. robtheawsm said it was objectively better. That was literally his wording. I never said it wasn't a fucking stupid opinion.

posted about 8 years ago
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