The issue is community involvement. Had valve created every existing weapon, I doubt they'd hesitate to make a solution for the problem. But because contributors created the models, They're obligated to keep them as unlockables. Not every weapon is available in forms beyond unique (strange, community, genuine, ETC) so if every item were made 'stock' then certain weapon contributors would cease any form of revenue for their hard work. There's a few ways to 'remedy' this.
- Make unlocks easier to obtain.
Valve tried this by making class weapon packs for 'cheap' when they released mym. Not a very effective strategy, as it still makes people required to pay money to be on par with players who already have items unlocked. The only other ways to acquire unlocks are trading, crafting and achievements- all of which are confusing, time consuming or too expensive for new players.
- Treat weapons like maps, ala stamps
Basically, turn all weapons stock and replace their store variants with weapon stamps/stickers of some sort. Maybe they can be placed on the weapon they're made for, which would support the contributor and give buyers a reason to use them (customization)?
- Make all unlocks stock, give every weapon a strange/community/etc variant, and make contributors income based on said stranges and community variants.
This is my preferred option. It keeps valves revenue system in tact while making it so contributors aren't fucked over by any adjustments. By replacing all store unique buyables with stranges you make an easy way to obtain stranges and no more kids wasting $10 on a unique machina/phlog. This choice creates issues with the economy, however, because of a large influx of stranges, and it could very well fuck hard with crates which are as it is now the main place to obtain strange weapons. But given valve mostly only uses cases for cosmetics, I feel like this wouldn't make an issue going forward, but rather make some complications looking backwards. All previously purchased uniques will turn vintage, or something like that.
Or, just jerryrig a solution.
Something like making all items equippable but only during competitive mode. During casual/community server/all other forms of gameplay they will only be equippable if you own them.