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Signed Up January 8, 2015
Last Posted November 9, 2019 at 7:23 PM
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Monitor ASUS 144Hz
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#60 Ways to discourage stalemating in 5cp in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINI think the developers would have to put some mechanic in the game that causes some kind of forced power shift if you don't push but I'm worried that it may be confusing. I think Riot Games did a great job with league where they added dragons that give you a temporary buff as a neutral objective. This forces teams to push out of their base and contest the neutral objective or face a team that is gaining buffs the longer the game goes on. We should be thinking in this way but ultimately this change would have to be made by the game developers.

i've got it guys

we need to add a dragon to snakewater

posted about 8 years ago
#46 RIP froyotech in TF2 General Discussion
saamI think its hilarious u kids talking shit about muma. U wouldn't say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked, not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants, and hangs with the hottest dudes. Yall are pathetic lol.

nice ad hominem shitpost

posted about 8 years ago
#50 After i58, do you think tf2 lans will go? in TF2 General Discussion
Ice_Cold_LemonadeTapleyTF2 is strong due to our community of amazing people :) better than any game in e-sports history. However this community is getting slightly smaller each lan/year, matchmaking is great but its too late, the game is too old, valve will not give it the financial backing to make competitive big, there is no point in their eyes as they make far too much money out of cosmetics.

TF2 won't die as long as the great people support it from casters to admins to cameramen to artists to spectators. Play for fun and for the enjoyment of creativity don't pin any hopes on this game going big. Pin your hopes on TF3 on Source2.
all memes aside do you think valve would actually consider making a tf3, I mean thanks for the compliments but if valve would do tf3 it creates a fresh new aura, but it probably wouldn't happen

Considering it took them 9 years to make the first one and they've outright stated they haven't even considered porting tf2 to source 2 (which implies there's no existing base to work off of and they'd be starting from scratch today) I'd have to say probably not. It'd be another 7 years before we're even in territory of a chance it existing, and that's if they started TODAY on it

TF2 has landed them huge dollars, and the mega success of overwatch shows them that 'goofy' shooters can completely dominate the online genre, so the idea of TF3 (or any sort of sequel game) is at least somewhat plausible. But I would much sooner expect an eventual source2 port and complete weapon system overhaul before I do a sequel. Valve didn't work a decade and spend another decade maintaining a franchise just to trash it for a new lineup later on. I'm fairly certain they want TF2 to stand on its own feet for as long as possible (even though it will collapse on its own weight without an engine overhaul or complete retweak of the existing weapon pool) People keep arguing that the game will never die, that people have this argument every year. The difference is we're actually beginning to see the repercussions of the years passing. The game is struggling to be balanced and fixed because of broken coding. People are leaving the scene because not enough is happening. TF2 with a completely new playerbase of zero veterans and even more bugs is still a living game. But it's not an ideal one.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 After i58, do you think tf2 lans will go? in TF2 General Discussion

We have these people but burn them out

Not only that, but it takes a long time and EXTREME dedication to bring the potential we've seen to the table. Look at recent GF stream or even i58 itself, they are fantastic streams but they no doubt still end up with clashing audio levels, incorrect screens being shown, confusion between desk hosts and casters about what is going on, "New" faces working on it will require time to get things down and by the time they master it they end up burning out or losing a handful of their working partners

posted about 8 years ago
#19 After i58, do you think tf2 lans will go? in TF2 General Discussion
TsarbucksFUNKe Smart things
Another thing is direct advertisement. Considering you have a fairly large viewerbase, you can probably prod a few hundred to a few thousand into watching i58.

Youtubers larger than me have done similar, and it did obviously help to some extent but in the end most casual players will end up not viewing or not participating in the deeper comp community. Dane for example plugged i58 in a recent video, and many older youtubers years back would frequently make mention of leagues or charity events, but those viewers come for entertainment, not recommendations. I really don't see the comp community growing to a point people want it to without direct valve support.

Of course the game will never "die". but the snake will shed its skin. the new will replace the old. and a time will come the people who make these things happen will be gone.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 After i58, do you think tf2 lans will go? in TF2 General Discussion

The fact of the matter is, if Valve doesn't do anything, we'll see LANs stagnate and slowly disappear as time passes and people running behind the scenes move on to other games/jobs. With an optimistic outlook, this won't happen- We've seen Valve at least WANTS competitive TF2 to work, They don't seem to want to support the existing 6s scene (so to say, they probably want to balance and tweak their own competitive mode more before they start supporting tournies). I think once they're happy with the 6s meta/viewing experience, we'll start to see more Valve support and hopefully some growth from the exposure.

My concern is how long this will take. We've seen it take years to get to even the infancy of official comp support, who knows how many more people will leave before Valve can finally say "ok we're ready"? Imagine if they did ingame things to support tournaments.. taking a note from CSGO or DOTA, having exclusive skins/items given for supporting the prize pool. Constant rebalances, reworking useless weapons based off of statistics and feedback, the game could flourish.

But i wouldn't hold your breath for that.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Dealing with Demoknights as Scout in Q/A Help

equip force a nature, laugh taunt after every kill as well

posted about 8 years ago
#14 We Love Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

cant wait to see scottjaw at i58

posted about 8 years ago
#32 i58 Valve's news post in TF2 General Discussion
dashnerFUNKeSmesii was hoping for a blog post, not a news post.
if it was posted on the blog a lot more people would watch the stream.
it's still a nice gesture from valve.

It is a blog post.

It wasn't initially.

ah, my ringer didn't go off until the blog post was made. weird

posted about 8 years ago
#31 i58 Valve's news post in TF2 General Discussion
Smesii was hoping for a blog post, not a news post.
if it was posted on the blog a lot more people would watch the stream.
it's still a nice gesture from valve.

It is a blog post.

posted about 8 years ago
#707 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
Bleghfuricvalve is going to try to turn 6's into hl

Valve knows classes are meant to be specialist and generalist, the game was designed to work that way

They just don't want to force people off their favorite classes (spy/pyro/engi/etc) so they're doing this half-assed effort to allow players onto the classes and not actually provide any in-game tips or popups saying shit like "ENGI AND PYRO ARE GREAT DEFENSE CLASSES BUT LACKLUSTER ATTACKERS, CONSULT YOUR TEAM ON WHEN THE BEST TIME TO SWITCH MIGHT BE!"

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Warhuryeah rant? in TF2 General Discussion

Man, it really sucks seeing so many before-and-after opinions of TF2 from so many veterans and big names in the scene. So many old videos of people enjoying the game, feeling at least a hint of optimism for its future (during that streak of valve being more vocal about comp support), people who would defend the game with their life over competitiors, but fast forward to post-mym and valve really fucked the bucket hard. I've yet to see anybody think valve knows what they're doing on this, and even the optimistic people fully admit that "Valve DOES want tf2 to succeed! They're just refusing to do any logical steps to fixing it!" I don't understand why it's so difficult for them. I want to hang out for them, but every week that passes just further shows how inept they really are about it

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Florida LAN Pictures in LAN Discussion

What a great looking group of gamers.

i love rogue in this, it perfectly summarizes his presence at the lan

posted about 8 years ago
#114 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster
theoxandmoonBaBsLies, the sole reason I created my account was to fuck with lil kids and waste their time while I smoked. Seems to be working, GG

This whole thing with rando is really dumb. There's something to be said for both sides. Obviously you shouldn't relentlessly shit talk people, especially about their personal lives, but there's also a point in saying that people need to grow a little thicker skin. Until players start making a living wage from TF2, nobody is going to care about what they say. Players will have to be able to deal with rudeness until then.

"Thicker skin" is an alternative resolution, not a solution. People who are toxic beyond the point of "basic" BM are people who need to be called out on their shit. There's no way to control it, obviously. Like clock said earlier you'll find the trashtalk everywhere, the only difference is in other places people have an incentive to not do it (sponsors)

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster
Lyreixthe problem isn't really rando going for jabs at something as low as e-relationships around an FPS community but players actually letting it get to them instead of just muting the player when the option to do so is right there imo

still pretty sad stuff but what can you do lmao

The main issue is when you're in a position like rando, a lot of newer competitive players will look up to you as a role model and saying shit like that creates a self-fufilling circle of developing toxic players who think funny twitter burns are a cool way to get attention. Players should develop to filter out trashtalk like that but if you're high level and you're trashtalking like that you're just not a healthy minded person. Trying to tilt someone strategically through personal insults is also immorally low (not that i'm aware of if any of that is going on in this scenario)

posted about 8 years ago
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