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Signed Up January 8, 2015
Last Posted November 9, 2019 at 7:23 PM
Posts 322 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad 21 INCH Black rectangle
Headphones ATH-M50x
Monitor ASUS 144Hz
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#30 FROYO BLACK uncorked in News
mustardoverlordto clarify, when I said they had a big problem with their roster, I was talking about tagg

bl4nk has flaws on pocket but it's not like there are infinite pockets to choose from

but there are like 10 roamers who could be an upgrade over tagg

from what shade said in the OP it sounds like there's a balance of buddy points and skill points, they could theoretically get another roamer with bigger numbers but tagg knows what he's doing so they aren't looking to make cuts unless someone can't dedicate the general expected attention to the game, in which case changes get made

posted about 8 years ago
#72 A rant about Competitive tf2 financial crisis/art in TF2 General Discussion
PendjiIt's really hard to justify why people should (basically volunteer) work for all these events, when Valve could save it in a heartbeat. Do they even know? Do any of them come here, let alone hear any of it from their puppy eyed MM-mascot b4nny?

Jill's posted on tftv and actively lurks r/tf2, no doubt they're aware of the major concerns

For whatever reason it looks like they're just gonna roll up all their support into one big update where we can assume thereafter we'll get constant support, and I guess they're just gonna stay quiet and inactive in the comp community until then

posted about 8 years ago
#33 b4nny's valve visit 5/9/16 in TF2 General Discussion
Foxit's not a select few members of the community though

it's literally only b4nny

almost the entire production staff for was in the dark until the email they just received, and they said it was an extremely late response anyways lol

I didn't know about that, that's pretty dumb

You'd figure from valves eyes they'd value more feedback as better, i don't get why they'd cut their line that short

posted about 8 years ago
#27 b4nny's valve visit 5/9/16 in TF2 General Discussion
panda106Why does Valve only tell b4nny about upcoming updates and stuff? Why not the whole community?

They should be more transparent about stuff but they're probably well aware the people they tell will spread the message. If I were valve i wouldnt want to raise expectations by elaborating on promises themselves anyways

posted about 8 years ago
#42 How can we bring more people into TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

As everybody has said, it's (for the most part) out of the hands of the community. Valve has to take measures to reinvigorate the game with matchmaking, rebalances, performance improvements, and consistent communication.

The community can help through events (ToTH, i55 etc). The more the community contributes to these, the more tf2 will reach out and people can see how cool the game is when everyone gets together. Smaller ways include things like creating popular media for the game like videos and artwork/mods that get shared around a lot. But these things have been around for so long and dried out that it's difficult to make anything that's new or interesting, So even then those are limited unless valve adds more content to cover in-game.

posted about 8 years ago
#73 clockwork retires, blaze returns to froyotech in News
Pvt_Parrothonestly i don't see why clock would fully retire, i mean he's so skilled and experienced that he'd be better than a ton of other scouts even if he didn't spend time scrimming/dming etc and just played scheduled games imo
it's not like the you have to play OW 24/7 forever to get good, why can't tf2 fit in too

TF2 as a competitive career is too stressfully unlikely and difficult to do fulltime if you're barely making ends meet off even the biggest grand finals, sometimes losing money just to fly out to lan- I can understand why he wants to experiment with overwatch, it's backed by blizzbo baggins who we all know will drop millions into the comp prize pools, plus team sponsorships and stuff and the game is easy as hell so if you do it fulltime you can stomp every player in existence

He could theoretically play both, but if he's a little bored of tf2 or just wants to take a break from it then it's probably better to take the time off anyways

posted about 8 years ago
#364 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
Bucakelol, why are people defending this maxbox kid?
he's like the guy who gives out torches to burn down the city, then a day later comes back with water to extinguish those fires.
and then he proceeds to call himself the hero that made the fires go away..?

fuck this moron.
the fact that he has psychological issues is no excuse. he might have problems, but he's not a fucking retard. he made those choices while being totally capable of not making them.

The guy is 17, and was probably 15 when he made the choices

I agree anything puberty or past needs to take forgiveness without forgetting what they did but cut him some slack who wasnt a retard at 15

posted about 8 years ago
#220 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

Vlad posted the damage control on ugc instead of tftv BibleThump

christ, vlad

posted about 8 years ago
#176 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
Rondego is clean.

there goes half of the jokes in my arsenal

posted about 8 years ago
#151 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

Is this hopefully the end of wide scale hacking in TF2 then? Or are there other clients valve will have to investigate on?

posted about 8 years ago
#56 PSA: Hacker collecting TF2 player IPs in TF2 General Discussion
same dude that stalked my reddit history back three years to find me talking about depression and tried to use that to shame me, also banned for over a year from ugc for cheating

really an amazing individual

yeah, this makes my suspicion a lot more likely. hmm, guess i'm a target

posted about 8 years ago
#55 PSA: Hacker collecting TF2 player IPs in TF2 General Discussion
fahrenheitMikeTF2 sounds familiar

Wasn't he posted in the thread Skye made about people hacking in Matchmaking? And someone posted like 4 of his alts?

its always the people with the anime avatars

I don't want to witch hunt, but IIRC mike joined the UGC HL match i had been casting with a friend of mine, and then snipehacked.

Likewise, less than a week ago, I got a reddit message from one of my stream viewers, and they told me "after you ended your stream someone was talking hardcore about doxing you and your friends, like he could do it easy if he wanted to". The viewer didnt know who said it, just that he remembered he wanted to warn me.

Not saying they're connected since I can't confirm who threatened a dox in my chat, but it seems really suspicious to me. Just really unsolicited since I've never heard of mike, the closest thing was when he showed up in podgy's match we were scrimming and me and my cast buddy jokingly rooted for mike because we're unprofessional shitlords. Never made enemies with the guy though

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ESEA Season 22 announced in News
retrogradelet's get some more newbie teams in this time, especially with the mm and stream boost

As someone who came from a newbie team i second this, it was an awesome way to enter esea

posted about 8 years ago
#191 mango playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxoIt is notable that he probably has some deal that he splits profits with his sponsor. Or only really just has the name of his branding in exchange for support with lodging to LANs. In any instance, it's hella dumb to spend all the money you make at that point.

also im not sure if its any different for twitch, or if there even is a tax, but on youtube when you do taxes you have to pay a lot more than you would in a regular job where your employer generally does a big cut of taxes right out of your paycheck. since stuff like youtube/twitch the money goes straight to you without being taxed (the half twitch takes is for their own profit, not taxes iirc), you essentially have to pay double in taxes (like 33%) meaning however much he's making he has to cut a lot out of taxes (luckily you can write off anything bought towards the job off your taxes, so i believe stuff like new computer equipment, travelling to lans, etc, can all be written off as long as it's done specifically for 'work related purposes')
ps im not a lawyer so dont use my word as law

posted about 8 years ago
#156 ESEA S21 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches
DrVinylScratchAny confirmation on whats up next for this game? ESEA on the 20b team page says its upcoming, but instead of showing a 0-0 or date it instead shows the result at end even though the admins of esea ruled it would be restarted.
So any date settled on or forefit agreed to yet?

"ESEA admins ruled that the entire series has to be replayed from 0-0. Probably the fairest ruling. Fresh start. No more BS hopefully." b4nny on twitter

so it sounds like reschedule confirmed, date uncomfirmed

edit: shade on twitter "Since that match is being replayed and @froyotech didn't lose... I'm technically an undefeated invite pocket AND roamer. #esports #tf2"

so yeah reschedule confirm

posted about 8 years ago
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