Bumping this two year old thread to provide an update on my future plans for the TFTV DM Servers.
As you can probably notice, I have not been providing any support for the servers over the past few years other than paying for them to be kept up (I don't even know if people still use them). I haven't played the game more than a few times over the years, and this will probably not change in the future. With that in mind, I believe it's now time for me to finally bring these DM servers to a close.
The servers are currently paid for up until around the end of July. After this, they will close down as the billing period expires on each one. If for some reason someone wants to overtake the servers, they can get in contact with me via Steam. Otherwise, this decision is final on my end and I will not be entertaining offers to continue running the servers myself as I can no longer afford to keep them up and running, nor am I interested in doing so even if I had the money. I will provide a link to each server's files near the end of July for anyone who wishes to run a DM server with similar configurations to what I currently have.
I would like to say thanks to everyone who has used the servers over the many years they have been up and running, it was a fun experience for the time I was actively maintaining them.