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Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted June 22, 2016 at 1:35 AM
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#22 10 Tips By Stultus in Off Topic
FearlessKey things to keep in mind:

Use your body as a communication tool
We're physical creatures and if you want to get her interested in you sexually, you sure as hell aren't going to charm her into bed with only wit. Use light taps on the shoulder when emphasizing points, give her hugs, keep strong eye contact when talking to her.

Don't be an emotional tampon

Girls are really talkative while guys bond through doing activities. Know how you get classified as just another friend for the girl? You're always there to listen to her emotions. It's good to care about people but you need to show her that you're a man who's interested in her. Not doing so is an easy way of getting friend zoned.

Don't be a white knight at her service
If you comply to her every request, you seem overeager to please her and win her attention. She's going to be thinking, I guess people don't really like him since he's bending over for me.

Be confident and learn how to lead
Take charge of situations and act like you do. People like to be inspired and to follow people who have natural charisma. If you ask her for her number, do so in a confident tone and not like a meek little bitch. If you want to take her out on a date, say at x time we're going to blah blah blah. Don't ask.

You're the prize to be won
Sure you're interested in her. But she should qualify herself to you. You're a great catch. What makes her so special compared to all the other girls out there? By keeping this mindset, you remain confident and you don't put her on a pedestal. Tangentially, live an interesting lifestyle. No one wants a guy who simply plays video games. It's fine to have an interest in it (hey, I play it too) but have other motivations out there in life. Pick up a sport, read some books, go work out, have a plan in life.

That's all for now.

Should be a great way to actually keep a relationship lol

posted about 11 years ago
#21 IYO, the minimum hours to play ESEA-O Scout? in TF2 General Discussion

You should also consider that in ESEA after the first couple of weeks, you will start playing people at your own level.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 sim city 5 in Off Topic

Honestly, save yourself some money and play an older version. Maybe I am just too annoyed at the idea of logging into a server to play a single player game that has less options than the counterparts, or it's the fact that I can't stand EA, but I just don't feel like the game is worth it at all.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 10 Tips By Stultus in Off Topic

Go out for drinks if you're of age. Lowers tensions for the first meeting

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Best location for NA tf2 lan. in TF2 General Discussion

Columbus really is dirt cheap for flying/rentals/hotels. Pretty central location and everything takes 15 minutes to get to.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 osu! songs. in Off Topic


Pretty insane on insane

posted about 11 years ago
#17 DDoS Attacks in TF2 General Discussion

I hate when people DDOS but at the same time I hate the recent jail sentences that have been given for those that have been caught doing it. "23-year-old Mitchell L Frost, of Bellevue, Ohio, was given a 30 month prison sentence for a series of DDoS attacks he launched against the websites of high profile US right-wingers Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Rudy Giuliani."

I mean, come on, 30 months for that is insane. The idea that you can spend less time in prison for Domestic Violence for that just really bugs me

PS- Sorry Slin that you have a bunch of asshats causing you trouble

posted about 11 years ago
#12 200 120 monitor in Hardware

I have it and the input lag, as other people have said, is really poor. Been using it for the past 3-4 months and I can tell you that my shots (scout and sniper) has been worse than any other season. Luckly, I wasn't taking this seasons very seriously.

It's fine if you're not playing games with or only playing single player. Pretty decent for a cheap 3d video

posted about 11 years ago
#9 injured at work in Off Topic

But to be serious when I was about 18-19, I was cleaning the broilers and a piece of the iron flew into my eye. I had to spend about a week wearing an eye patch and putting some shit into my eye every few hours. It sucks and the worst part is that after like 10 years my eye sight is half of the other eye. It just seems like it doctors say it "could" heal but it's unlikely it will. Since that piece of the broiler (iron piece at about 500 degrees) went into my eye I now have 20/10 in the right eye and about 10/20 in the eye that got hit. It really sucks, and I hope you completely heal from it.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 injured at work in Off Topic


That's how I got my splinters

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Does anyone else play games to in Off Topic

Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety

posted about 11 years ago
#21 What most schools don't teach in Off Topic
thronesholy shit getting a job is awful what the fuck interviews with 300 people and they only accept 4 jesus shit ass fucking bullshit

I think the worst part about applying for any position is the pointless cover letter that you have to write. There was a study done a feel years ago and it was something like 60% of managers don't even read them, yet they still ask you to write it.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 What most schools don't teach in Off Topic

My Highschool actually had 3 level programming classes, in fact, you could take that for your foreign language class. I know it sounds odd but you have to consider that it was the last 90s/early 2K and it was just starting to blowup. I started my undergrad years as a computer science minor, but the intro and even the 200 level classes were way too easy. I remember one class that was required my intro to word, the book cost 120 and I never even took it out of wrapper.

I'm not sure if other schools had that issue, but I had to drop it since I was never going to class because of how easy it was.

Also another cool thing that my school had during my years was a video game design class, until the professor left for Microsoft or something.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Is there a need for a dedicated competition server in TF2 General Discussion

If you're playing Highlander and trying to setup a 6's team, I would go ahead and save it for your own teams. While most teams do have their own servers some will have to scrim on your server. It also helps to easily get STV recordings and stats.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Newbie Mixes in TF2 General Discussion
dfyis this due to the lack of coaches? i know that was one of the issues but another one i think is the time you ultimately chose to host these mixes, friday night a lot of people aren't around, even more typical for people not to scrim on fri/sat but just to do the coaching in general may be a bit rough

Yeah, I think that's one of the biggest issue is getting coaches on late Friday and Saturdays. On the days I am around, I will always try to help but just looking at my friends list when I am playing those days I think I may have 20-30 people playing out of 250.

For that reason alone, I would suggest having multiple admins so that they may only have 1 weekend a month to run it. I think that this would help the admin getting burnt out from losing a weekend night out too. I don't know, just a thought

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ⋅⋅ 83