I think some time ago I came up with a crazy buff to the Scottish resistance. Not sure how it would fare in game but might as well pitch an idea
- Scottish resistance stickies, depending on the amount they are charged, can cause some slight damage and knockback to an enemy, dependent on how much the sticky was charged up
- Decrease the arm time by a small amount, maybe from .8 seconds to .6 seconds idk
Also as far as scout goes, the only real thing that can be done is to change the scattergun and some of its properties, otherwise anything more would probably be hindering him useless
3 am edit: maybe having some weapons have a charge-up mechanic (kind of like the soldier's banners) and then increase a certain stat or have a certain function within an area of effect would be cool, kind of like soldier 76's biotic field where he provides for some healing within its range. However maybe a buff to how much a dispenser heals at certain levels can be a nice counteraction so that these sort of stations that can get put down or applied in an area aren't just better off than dispensers and such so engineer doesn't become useless practically