I get terrible routing and ping to the Chicago servers.
Backstory: TF2PL comes out and it's all Dallas servers. I get atrocious 100~ ping to them (should be more like 45-50) so I commit to just playing scout in Beginner div. It's fun and as I climb out to Amateur div Chicago servers become a thing and I then have good, normal Chicago ping! (I'm in Toledo, OH). Now as of a week or two ago Chicago servers give me over 80 ping for no good reason and basically I can't pug on demo which is all I want. (I don't wanna hear how West coasters always have that ping. If I lived in 80 ping land I'd never have played projectiles in the first place).
Above is a screenshot of me doing a traceroute to one of the Chicago servers. I'm not an iT guy but at least anecdotally I can take note of some things here. Firstly 20 hops is way too many. To get to my own scrim server it takes 11. Secondly it looks like the signal goes from me to Chicago, then to Denver, more Denver, snju01-ca (N San Juan California??), the H81 address wherever that is, then Dallas, more Dallas, then 5 hops to and around Chicago. That is some seriously messed up routing.
I have come to learn that cin (the heroic player formally known as unskilled) has this same problem as well which makes sense since he lives in the same city. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, would you please post and let us know what city you're living in? It would also be great if you could perform a traceroute and post a screenshot like I did.
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Open your start menu and type 'cmd' to open command prompt. Then type tracert and the server ip and hit enter, like I did in the screenshot
I'm sad that for the time being pugs are basically not an option for me and I wish something could change.