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Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 ⋅⋅ 182
#112 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

pretty cool stats so far


all data pre June is from the old site I was doing alone

had a pretty tiring day and long day at work and I'm about to play some tf2 cuz I haven't played in 2 days but I will try to get the usergroups and some other things up later tonight

posted about 11 years ago
#107 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
MrPoT4tOHook me up for the spanish translations. I might get a group of people to work on it too.

I would advise strongly against any type of translation at this point, we are still in time where content on the site is changing every day, and I feel it will be like that for the next few weeks, after it stabilizes we should worry on getting translations, not right now, or else those translations would be outdated in 1 day.

Thanks for the offer tho, and we will need it eventually, just not now.

over and out to bed, tomorrow will deal with the user groups on wiki and try to create some templates

posted about 11 years ago
#104 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Started adding people to the moderation team. Should get things going on smoother, just worked on the steam group for now, will add the moderation group and user rights to the wiki tomorrow only (it's already quite late).

I added the most active people on the wiki but I couldn't find the steam ids of many active users because they have different names on the wiki and this forum. So if you want to apply for a moderation position just be active on the wiki and add me on steam, or add your steam ID to your User Talk page on the wiki and just be active and wait for me to invite you.

If you want to support the site you can join and invite all your friends

posted about 11 years ago
#103 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

updated the wiki with a new text editor, similar to the one used on wikipedia

should be much more straightforward to edit


You can opt out for the old editor in your user settings

posted about 11 years ago
#100 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
RJOn a separate note, is anyone against my previous suggestion of adding POVs, Commentaries, Guides, etc. into each class and/or map page?

ie adding PYYYOUR's medic commentaries for the medic page, Ruwin's Demo Reviews from his recent streams, etc.

Maybe even some amazing games played and casted from some LANs -- I'm thinking something along the lines of the older Mix^ vs. bp games, one of the being on badlands, iirc.

Speaking personally, not at all, as I said that would help everyone, even me, if I was looking for a specific class guide let's say for Highlander Medic, I go to the specific page, and there's a list of povs of that class being played at a high level, list of demo reviews of that role being played, etc etc... It just needs to be well cataloged and have a nice template on the page.

posted about 11 years ago
#83 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
RJI've written bits and pieces for the Official TF2 Wiki's now-stalled Competitive pages. Would you like me to revisit them, and possibly paste them over to this wiki?

Check the current pages, if there's info missing on the wiki you can fill in, sure why not? Altough In the future it would be better to have original content and not cipypasted.

RJI also suggest we find the most comprehensive guides out there and put them under a "References" or "External Links" section for each class. I worked on DarkNecrid's Spy Guide, and I believe it to be very helpful to those who chose to read it.

There are various "guides" on maps as well -- the old "Moose Tracks" series was very helpful for Highlander players, and I believe the Crack Clan team members are still working on their "Crack Clan Basics" series for various competitive maps and strategies -- those could be very useful for newer 6v6 players as well.

Sorry for the super long post, but I am anxious to help out if at all possible. :)


I don't know if I'm alone on this or not but that was absolutely one of my aims when I bought the domain, I didn't want just a site I could direct all the newbies to competitive to, I wanted a site I could use as well when in need of a guide or a pov demo review from a top player. If we have all that info compiled and cataloged it would make it that much easier not only for beginners but for everyone that wants to improve.

posted about 11 years ago
#81 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
kirbyCan you link the logo? I'll throw it on my stream page



Will work on a better quality version tho. That was done literally in 1 minute in photoshop

posted about 11 years ago
#79 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
This page has been accessed 3,000 times.

In 1 day!

This community makes me proud!

posted about 11 years ago
#78 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Just got home from work. Going to work a bit on the wiki

KoobadoobsI understand ordering classes the way they are in game, but the "offensive", "defensive", and "support" groups are really inaccurate in comp and can be misleading. Should we keep the order and just remove those headers, or maybe reorder everything with our own groups (Picking classes, Support classes, and priority/big-damage/whatever you want to call the soldier/demo/heavy/medic?), or are Valve's groups fine and I'm the only one that's bothered by it?

Absolutly, I liked the change as it makes it a more professional looking homepage but the roles of the classes are completly out of place in regards to competitive, particularly pyro, which is far from an attack class... Maybe put only the classes, or add more specific roles for them?


This guy has been adding junk all over the main page. Can we somehow ban people from editing?

Banned for 3 months by IP, next guy trying to be funny will get a permanent ban. I really don't like banning people but it takes an huge asshole to destroy what others have done in such a small community. Keep reports of abuse coming if you find more. Tonight probably (or tomorrow) I will start working on user groups and adding a couple of people as mods with baning rights.

We should also start working on templates for popular types of pages, like a template for map pages, a template for class pages (which is pretty much done as it is now), template for league pages, template for player pages, for team pages, etc, etc...

I know a guy has been creating some templates from what I have seen but we need to make it the norm across the wiki to maintain consistency and improve the user experience

Any suggestions let me know...

Also, feel free to start creating pages for famous teams and players with their history, but maybe work on a template for it first.

posted about 11 years ago
#70 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
LionxI don't know if this has been posted but is it possible to have a place for Comp. demos separated by HL and 6s? From high level players in each game type.

Yes. It would be possible and it's an objective as well.. I also hope we are able for each class to have a gallery of YT videos of POVs of that class, for example crack clan videos for roamer on the roamer page, MGE videos on each respective class paage, etc etc... That way it would make it much easier even for experienced players to find more helpful high level videos.

wareya"Standard 6v6" should be the name of our 6s page because naming it "6v6" is the same thing as calling Highlander "9v9".

Throwing that out there for whoever wrote that the "Standard 6v6" page should be merged into the "6v6" page.

It was me who wrote that. Well at least it should be the same page, not 2 pages for the same game mode, that's what I meant.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Just modified the main page with class icons of higher quality similar to the ones in the official wiki. Should be more user friendly now.

About to go to bed cuz it's 2:30 am and I have to work tomorrow ;_; will try to get more stuff going on tomorrow. Leave your critics/suggestions and feel free to help out in the wiki.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
DrewThis should really be done in someway on THIS site. The purpose of this site was supposed to reduce the amount of spinoff/branch websites on competitive TF2. TFTV is supposed to be the center of everything competitive TF2.

A website/wiki like this has already been done more than once before and it doesn't help that they're all spread across the web.

I don't think that was the objective behind this site, maybe enigma can prove me wrong. Also, the scene is not a one man's show and I'm sure enigma wouldn't mind another community member creating something nor I think he is doing it for personal gain.

I think there's nothing wrong with it. When I was a newbie I struggled a lot to find good guides and information on tf2 competitive, maybe something like this would have helped me and that's what I am aiming for.

renxzenCould we do some tf2 history?

Like the forming of mixup or bp, Clockwork's career (like some kind of http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/IdrA), you could put here different leagues results, players biographies, etc.

That's one of my original ideas although not really the main ones that need to be worked on now. We are missing a "competitive" encyclopedia with all these players and teams history and if we can do that on comp.tf It would be really cool

elliott_Is there a particular reason to use this over the regular TF2 wiki? The comp section on it is stalled, but it already has a few articles written, and it is on a website that is linked in the game.

Yes, the official wiki already has a set userbase and guidelines, most of the content we will try to put out here wouldn't bee approved or would be subject to severe scrutiny in the official wiki. We have more freedom to do it out of the official wiki.

RawrSpoonWe should have a glossary of commonly used terms in competitive. Things such as lit, flank, combo, etc.

If we're having individual map pages, a list of commonly used terms for areas of maps should also be included.

Thats one of my main objectives as well... When I came accross comp tf2 there were so many expressions I wasn't used to, and the only way to understand them would be by experience or by looking like a fool on forums. You can actually see a menu for glossary on the old comp.tf site screen I was working on, it already had a kind of complete glossary but I trust our community to build one even better.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Please keep the title format for classes like Spy (6v6) and Spy (Highlander) and not 6sScout and HLScout, the first format is more user friendly and also search engine friendly.

Added a small comment on the main page to keep the format consistent

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
flatlineI've created a sort of "system" on the spy page for stuff like this (with main articles and whatnot)

woo posting

I actually like this layout. Gives the possibility of having a small description of the purpose of the class and then links to the main article for that gamemode.

Might actually adopt this as the standard format

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Tomorrow or Tuesday when I have more time I will eventually start working on users group and probably create a moderators group from the most active contributors. That should improve the content quality as well..

I'm new to this whole wiki thing, it's the first time I am actually managing a media wiki installation and I'm not entirely familiar with the wiki markup as well... It's gonna be a bumpy but extremely exciting ride if everything works out for the best!

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 ⋅⋅ 182