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Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted January 2, 2015 at 3:27 PM
Posts 239 (0.1 per day)
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#9 pl_woodbridge in Map Discussion

Had a lot of fun pugging a1 of this map, and this version looks even better. Keep up the awesome work!

posted about 10 years ago
#151 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion
DreamerKoobadoobsSmobo, Terry Crews, and I are the new admins. I don't use tf.tv much, but I think we are pretty recognizable in the UGC community. Anyway, the difference is that previously UGC allocated basically one admin to 6s, and now there are at least four dedicated to improving it. We're not just going to be sitting around doing nothing like the previous poster implied.
Do you have any plans to change the whitelist to be 100% inline with ESEA? The quickfix is broken.

We have not made any final decisions yet. There may be a poll similar to the current HL poll to address maps and weapons.

posted about 10 years ago
#139 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnKoobadoobslvl4u have noticed how ESEA is like

incredibly lazy and not at all good at anything right

ur best bet is to get UGC to funnel Plat and gold UGC teams into open as a sponsorship program where they get 3 matches a week or something

that'd actually be good and fun and finally make UGC useful, but UGC is just as incompetent and lazy as ESEA so like whatev
UGC has hired three new admins specifically for their 6v6 division. Expect big changes over the coming months.
Will any of us recognize any of the names of these admins? I'm not trying to be mean but rather realistic. What will be different?

Smobo, Terry Crews, and I are the new admins. I don't use tf.tv much, but I think we are pretty recognizable in the UGC community. Anyway, the difference is that previously UGC allocated basically one admin to 6s, and now there are at least four dedicated to improving it. We're not just going to be sitting around doing nothing like the previous poster implied.

posted about 10 years ago
#137 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion
lvl4u have noticed how ESEA is like

incredibly lazy and not at all good at anything right

ur best bet is to get UGC to funnel Plat and gold UGC teams into open as a sponsorship program where they get 3 matches a week or something

that'd actually be good and fun and finally make UGC useful, but UGC is just as incompetent and lazy as ESEA so like whatev

UGC has hired three new admins specifically for their 6v6 division. Expect big changes over the coming months.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 The Great #tf2.mix.nahl Revival in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys!

Aero and I are reviving the IRC pug (Pick-Up Game) channel tf2.mix.nahl to give players an alternative to lobbies for focusing on competitive self-improvement. This channel was started many seasons ago to give HL players in the Steel to Gold skill range a place to find consistent, competitive games, and that's the spirit we hope to keep alive. We guarantee that any player new to the channel will be picked right away for their first pug.

IRC can be intimidating at first, but it's easy to learn. If you're unfamiliar, there are tons of people here capable of walking you through it, and there are no dumb questions.

We're looking to make this a permanent fixture in the TF2 community, so we want this channel to reflect what players want to get out of it. Hopefully we can return to the early days of mix.nahl when it would run 10 pugs a day every weekend with two servers running at once! The best way to make that happen is to collect as much feedback as possible. New maps? rtv enabled? captain prerequisites? Post your thoughts and suggestions here!

Please support us by joining our steam group, inviting your friends, throwing #tf2.mix.nahl in your steam username, and most importantly adding up this weekend!

The revival begins this Friday and Saturday, standard scrim time (~8pm EST) and will run as long as there are people in the channel looking to pug. Spread the word and leave feedback here or add me or Aero! Let's play some Highlander!

posted about 10 years ago
#32 windows 10 in Off Topic

Just when you thought no company was worse than valve at counting.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Honeysuckle | by Jay in Videos

You can't really compare this to a "frag vid." It's an entirely different thing. I think it worked well at what it was going for, and I would certainly watch more if you continued making them at this quality.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Humans Need Not Apply in Off Topic

Is it that difficult to understand? Did you read it?

He's saying the entire economy would change with these robots. If everything is made by robots, why should we bother selling stuff for money? Why would we need money anymore? These robots could create an abundance of goods and services for no pay, so instead of worrying about an economy everything could be free, or dealt out to everyone as they need it. The only people left to "work" would be creative minds: artists and singers, etc., and everyone would essentially live their whole life as if they were retired with an endless source of "social security"

Not sure I agree, but that's what he meant.

posted about 10 years ago
#69 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
MorgusThe thing is it doesn't really take that much effort to support comp and because we are free marketing they should give us a truly fucking big bone, c'mon some people have been around as long as the actual TF2 team, for a relationship this long I would expect some marriage between the two colectives

What kind of support do you want?
Would a single person here play Valve's 6s lobbies? Think about it: minimal (if ANY) weapon bans and class limits, and you'd be playing a lot of games with casuals before your ranking gets high enough to play each other.

I can't think of any significant support Valve could realistically offer with their miniscule TF2 team that would satisfy the competitive community.

You have the logic backwards anyway: Why should they give anything to the guys who have been playing the game for 7 years without "getting what they actually want" from Valve. Those players are the kind of people who won't quit this game any time soon (I'd know, I'm one of them). The vast majority of TF2 players are people who will never play more than 100 hours. They'll move on to another game unless they're heavily catered to because they're looking for a casual online experience. If Valve is worried about losing TF2 players, the competitive community is the LEAST of their worries for sure. Would you quit the game if these lobbies were only aimed at pub players? We are the only subsection of the TF2 community that Valve has zero incentive to support.

posted about 10 years ago
#61 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
Daveiiwhy do valve not like 6s? have people actually spoken to them about 6s vs hl ?


He spends most of the beginning of this stream talking about the sticky nerfs from a while ago and competitive balance vs pub balance, but essentially he's saying: If you make an arbitrary ruleset that results in 4/9 classes and 10% of the weapons being used--when pubs see all classes and 80% of weapons regularly--is the problem that the game doesn't conform well to your ruleset, or that your ruleset doesn't fit in the game?

I'm not saying 6s is inherently horrible, but Valve has no incentive to redesign their game around it or to attempt to promote it to pub players who don't understand its restrictions.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Crash on Main Menu in Q/A Help
puddLast time this happened i just deleted my tf folder and everything started to work again.

Currently trying this. Team Fortress now has to redownload a bunch of stuff so it's gonna take a while.

Thanks everyone who has offered suggestions so far.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Crash on Main Menu in Q/A Help

eve hud

I still have the crash after uninstalling eve hud and after reinstalling.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Crash on Main Menu in Q/A Help

Since Monday, whenever I start TF2, I get a "hl2.exe has stopped working" right when the main menu finishes loading every time. I have a scrim tonight so I really need to get this fixed ASAP and nothing I've tried worked (verifying game cache, doing everything in #4: http://teamfortress.tv/thread/19242/bizarre-tf2-crash).

Does anyone have any ideas for how to fix this?

posted about 10 years ago
#127 Favorite Video Game Music? in Off Topic

The entire Jet Set Radio Future Soundtrack is great. I also really like the TF2 soundtrack.

posted about 11 years ago
#52 An Explanation in TF2 General Discussion
alfunksoKoobadoobsckapKoobadoobs I'm used to getting crap from 6s players for maining engy cause it's not a real class or something (also, do you guys only ever play your main or something?It's your MAIN. The one you MAINly play. Or you one of those "jack of all trades, master of none" sort of guys?I try to master engy, and I consider myself one of the better ones in my div, but I play soldier, scout, and pyro all at a pretty-close-to-high-silver level. I'd get bored if I only ever played one class.

I guess I'm the only one who does that?
Listen koobadoobs, if you check their profiles, almost every invite player has about 5000 hours of in-game playing time, hours which include mastering different classes, practicing their DM, pubbing, 6v6 and 9v9 scrims and matches.
I mean no disrespect to you as what your skill level or experience is, but speaking as someone who isn't as good as any invite player at all, it is very very unlikely that everything that comes to you or me as "what would you naturally do to counter this" haven't already been thought of and tried by players that are competing to win prize money if they manage to actually counter the strategy.

Fair enough. With about half that many hours I can believe that.

posted about 11 years ago
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