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Last Posted January 2, 2015 at 3:27 PM
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#179 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

It's a wiki. Just edit it. There's no need to post here about it.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 First experience of TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Scout on 2fort. I was following the signs that said "intelligence," ended up in the sewers, and got lost down there for like 5 minutes there because I didn't realize that the BLU signs pointed to RED intel and RED signs pointed to BLU intel. I just kept turning around and swimming to the other side, seeing a sign that appeared to be saying I was going to wrong way, turning around, etc.

Finally I was fortunate enough to be killed. I stayed above ground and eventually figured out how to play. I never went back to the sewers until I knew the rest of the map.

posted about 11 years ago
#44 Who got you into comp TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Supersadface :(((

posted about 11 years ago
#56 S15 Maps? in Map Discussion
kirbyFor the LONGEST time everyone wanted Gravelpit to stay in the rotation. "It's fun for the spectators to watch", "it's fun to play and requires more teamwork than any other map"and so on. Those aren't direct quotes but more or less what has been said countless times.

Now here we are with a bunch of people saying the complete opposite. I'm just going to believe that maybe the group of people who never liked the map are now for some reason voicing their opinion on it.

As a spectator I used to love GPit... but now it seems boring. My opinion on it changed some time in the past couple of seasons when people stopped coming up with new strategies. It's just getting stale, and it probably doesn't accurately test a team's skill (see: R5 coming seconds away from beating Tri Hards). With few teams even building sentries anymore let alone using interesting strats, the appeal for spectators has greatly diminished.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 upward exploit in TF2 General Discussion

You can also Kritz demos if they know how to aim stickys in there

posted about 11 years ago
#52 S15 Maps? in Map Discussion

What option in the poll do we choose if we want variety but don't really care what gets voted out?

I'm not that attached to any map except GO0OLEEWOWSH (awesome matches this week, best map S14), so I don't care what gets voted out (go ahead, downfrag me, but I wouldn't be extremely upset if we took a break from maps like blands and granary where things are getting pretty stale). I just want to see new maps.

posted about 11 years ago
#354 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion
DelusionalBuffoonJust play heavy, engineer or pyro, to start.

It was generally agreed that random crits wasn't a good mechanic in beta.

Are you like an engie main or some shit?

New players can't be expected to know to pick those classes from the start.

and what does my main have to do with it?

posted about 11 years ago
#352 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion
I don't even understand how random crits even made it out of beta.

This is an example of Valve caring more about # of players than competitive balance.

Let's say you're a new TF2 player. You get wrecked pretty quickly because you don't know what's going on. You get frustrated, all your efforts are futile UNTIL
Crocket. 3 people dead. "WTF just happened?" you ask yourself. You don't know, but you must have done something right. "This is cool." you say. You keep playing. You get more crockets. "OMG This is amazing." you say as people better than you die left and right.

You would have quit. TF2 is too difficult without free kills when you're new.
Random crits keeps newbies motivated to keep playing the game until they're good enough to not need them.

Now, you're an experienced player. You understand all the weps, the correct strategies, you pretty much never die, you're the best. You're on a kill streak, 13 kills from spawncamping BLUs on Dustbowl. You're getting excited, you've never gotten past 15 kills in one life, you're almost there THEN
Crocket. You and your medic are dead. "WTF?! That noob ruined my streak!" you say. "He's never gotten a kill before and he's been playing for 10 minutes! He didn't deserve that at all!" you get angry. You spawn again and keep trying, but you end up dissatisfied because you can't beat your 15 kill streak record, and it's all random crits's fault.
But do you quit TF2?
You keep playing and trying harder.
Random crits does nothing to make experienced players quit; it makes them have to work harder for their goals and maybe they'll end up getting that new record with actual skill rather than mindless spawntrapping.

My point?
Random crits keeps new players playing and old players working harder. It makes everyone stay in the game longer because they don't get discouraged when they're bad and they don't get bored of being unstoppable when they're good.

It's the most genius system of keeping people in a game I've ever seen, and it's one of the definitive characteristics of this game that make it the best FPS out there right now.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Hi, my name is Haydn, and I stream TF2. in TF2 General Discussion

Ruwin's stream is a pretty good template for a great TF2 stream.
-Consistent streaming (doesn't have to be every day, but if there's a time of day/week when your followers can expect you to be streaming, that'll increase the number of people who watch your stream regularly). If you're on TF.TV you'll always get a few viewers, but you'll only become popular if people know when to look for you.

-Viewer interaction. You said you already do this, which is great. People generally expect that you'll read pretty much every comment until you're over ~4 or 5pac (chat moves pretty slowly up to that point).

-Don't do the same thing all the time. MGE, DM, demo reviews, scrims, pugs, pubbing on the huge variety of servers out there, you shouldn't find yourself streaming the same pub server every time. After about an hour of one thing, consider switching it up. maybe ask viewers what they want to see. A big benefit of this is that different people like to watch different things. Sometimes I'm looking for a TF2 HL PUG stream. Sometimes I want to watch MGE. If you're streaming different stuff, you'll reach a wider audience, and they'll probably keep watching after you swap to something new if you're a good streamer. Attract them with variety, keep them in with interaction. :)

-Don't be afraid to stream other games. I mean, people prefer watching tf2 on tf.tv streams, but it's not like everyone will leave if you switch to another game (as long as you're still keeping it fun to watch).

posted about 11 years ago
#4 So How About That Concheror in TF2 General Discussion

It's alright. Definitely an option in HL... I doubt there's room for it in 6s.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 SOLACEEE in TF2 General Discussion

spawn door was MVP, but unfortunately the door carry wasn't enough. gg, looking forward to soL at LAN next season. Make it happen :)

posted about 11 years ago
#7 S15 Maps? in Map Discussion

If you have to vote something new in for gpit, it should be KOTH.
But none of the koth maps are that great.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Compiling competitive changes we want for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Have an unpause automatically give everyone a 5 second timer before unpausing?

posted about 11 years ago
#22 cp_badlands_pro in Map Discussion

I really hope they fix the bugs so that people don't actually consider using this. Pro maps are dumb, hurt the community, and (as in granary's case) are better implemented by simply telling Valve what's wrong and letting them fix it.

posted about 11 years ago
#275 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion
svfreyholy fuck big scary update

did I pick a good time to get back into tf2

please respond

There's never a bad time to play TF2. This update is a sign of great things to come, so I would guess, though it's always a good time, this might be a great time to get back into TF2. :)

posted about 11 years ago
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