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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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#25 cultural appropriation in Off Topic

I for one would still love to eat tacos and such while I share my pho with you all. UNITY.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Matchmaking Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly, imagine how many problems would be solved or how much better MM would be if they had just not restricted all these settings/configs/etc.Then that way they could possibly work their way from there and communicate with the community more properly.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 It seems my keys keep unbinding OR joystick in Q/A Help

Hi, can you post your solution? Thank you.

posted about 8 years ago
#101 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion


him and his band of puggers (thing 2 etc) were all in a stack

he was blatantly cheating with what he claims to be his own external, he also admitted to making his own cheat to strazyyy

puppy actually admitted to making pasting laff his external cheat during the katie drama and that he gave it to some of his friends.

i really want his platinum gamesense of prefiring a cloaked spy because he's too stupid to implement cloak/DR checking.
It looks like we can stop focusing on his past now and focus on his present cause he's still hacking rofl.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Class Switching Binds in Q/A Help

This is what I use my numpad for:
bind KP_END "join_class scout"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "join_class soldier"
bind KP_PGDN "join_class pyro"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "join_class demoman"
bind KP_5 "join_class heavyweapons"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "join_class engineer"
bind KP_HOME "join_class medic"
bind KP_UPARROW "join_class sniper"
bind KP_PGUP "join_class spy"

You can set the binds to how ever you want it though.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Specs Question in Q/A Help

Not HP.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 How to make tf2 an esport in The Dumpster
Marmie#13 these changes i think i would find more enjoyable to play than the current state, but if there's ever a time to rethink the base of the game it's before valve start involving themselves in comp

That's your opinion and that's cool and all. But the general opinion seems to disagree with you. I for one think that Valve did think well enough before involving themselves in "comp". For one thing, it's not too much of a commitment other than MM, it's just the first step to seeing how things may go. They did think how they wanted their MM to be like and have done what they wanted to it so far. But also remember, "after 10 years, it was worth the wait". They put a lot of time into making TF2 what it would become in terms of playstyles, respawn times, and such. Then us the players revolutionized our competitive format and have adapted to what the game has to offer. This lasted for multiple years and stands as one of the longest living games with a decent player base. Back then, Valve was a god in the things they did and their decisions is what made their games amazing.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 How to make tf2 an esport in The Dumpster

On the 5v5 point, rip scout mains. I assume and still think that there are generally more scout/soldier players in the community. In a way this could also be bad for now if a scout would be the class that would be cut, that scout would require a whole new different team that requires 2 sollies, 1 demo, 1 med...aka you have to find another med player and assuming that there are decently low amount of med players. It's like how people want Highlander for 9v9 in MatchMaking, for every one pyro that wants to play a HL MM match, that requires 2 medics, 2 heavies, and 2 engineers(one for each team and assuming that those are the least played/picked). On the actually gameplay basis of 5v5, that makes scout a bit more vulnerable as scout combos are strong together and can be very tough to play alone time to time. There will be even less variety and the scout's role may get worse.

As for respawn times, you are suggesting that we slow down the game and make things longer in order to help make it an eSport. This only works for games such as Dota 2 and LoL, essentially MOBAs because they have a more defined early, mid, and late game. SC2 is changing to a faster paced game with it's 12 workers in the beginning and need for early expansions, which allows for more variety of builds and combos. But FPSes are a different story. TF2 is somewhat of a fast-paced FPS game if not the fastest team based FPS game that is still alive today(sorry quake i love you). The way soldiers, scouts, and demos play is somewhat fast and each kill is important. If you make respawn times longer, then dying would be HORRIBLE. You have to remember and note that killing in an FPS is generally fast and happens more frequently than it does in a MOBA. The respawn times in games are set to a decent scale depending on the speed of their games. While TF2 respawn is a bit weird and works in different ways of cap points and such(check the wiki), it has somewhat done us well. Changing ubercharge times and cap times longer is a bit too much, as it's changing one of the bases of the game pretty harshly. There also seems to be no problem with it either as far as these past few years have been.

Overall, you have stated that you wanted to broaden it to a larger audience. But if the only way to broaden it is to change what we are used to, love, and what the game really is, then it's too far. It's important to not change the game too much in what the community loves cause it's also what we liked in the first place to keep staying all this time. It's like how the Melee community loves how things are in Melee and they stayed with it. I think it's a popular choice for the game to stay the way the people who are loyal and already play it rather than changing just so other people can start to like it.

posted about 8 years ago
#119 Stabby talks class balance in TF2 General Discussion

I don't want to make a whole big post on this, but the thing is that in a way, this is the most fun, fair, and best format that has been developed for us. The reason we don't change it after all these years is that it is pretty much perfect or near perfection. You may somewhat think that change is necessary in competitive games or games themselves but that's not necessarily true. It works for games like Dota 2, cause it requires changes and patches in a way to freshen up things. TF2 and FPS games are completely different. Look at CSGO or CS in general for example, technically that game is still stale in their 5v5 format and how things work, but that's because it works. Just like how our current 6v6 2121 format works(2 scout 1 demo 2 soldier 1 med). Although, new unlocks that come out do time to time change how we play. We utilize gunboats, direct hit, kritzkrieg, and much more in different ways. We even have offclasses time to time to attempt to end stalemates.

But in the end, there are multiple games that have stayed nearly the same with minimal changes that makes the game work. TF2 is definitely one of those games we have seen, at least in the competitive 6v6 format. It's possibly also why we even love competitive TF2. Now your tweet is pertaining to matchmaking, and I think that everything should be at most a max of 2 except for heavy and medic for a fair try, and if needed, demo to 1 also. It does suck that you did just post your own opinion and we attacked you for it though. While we all may be right and such, I think we need decrease or stop our attacks on our own TF2 comrades. Competitive TF2/MM is getting closer and bigger and if possible, we should attempt to act like a supportive and not so offensive community.

Damn it, I made another somewhat long post.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 TF2 update for 3/1/16 (3/2/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
TheMetaspringrollsanybody's custom hitsound messed up on sv_pure 2? it was working earlier on a pubHitsound or killsound

Hitsound, I believe. I have killsound disabled and my quake 3 hitsound is not coming up properly now.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Darwin's danger shield is a flawed design in TF2 General Discussion

Back when it first came out, I enjoyed just having the +25 HP just so I can snipe a bit longer before dying. It did suck going against snipers with DDS and had medic buffs but that was the only annoying part. I'd say it was decently fair/balanced at the time as for when you fight at mid-close range you won't have an SMG to defend yourself with, thus relying on your headshots. Even at this time, people still hated it and just felt annoyed how they couldn't one hit a class. For some reason, Valve somewhat further buffed it with the bullet resistance, this brought even more hate towards it as snipers could go out with this without the need of medic buffs and not get instant killed by enemy sniper headshots. I think they should just revert it back to what it originally was so it can possibly get unbanned.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 (Unofficial) TF.TV Vanilla TF2 Experience Server in TF2 General Discussion

4 of us are in right now, it just got to badwater.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Stock TF2 server in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumMagikarpNot to discourage, but we've had a couple of these servers and they have tend to fail. I for one actually do support these and try to join when I can, but overall nobody joins them enough. I will try my best to join this one when I can as I have always loved map rotation servers with old maps. I would recommend having 20 minutes as the server time limit, so people won't feel they are too bored with one map and can get to play more maps faster. Pretty good mapcycle you have already.I'm trying to improve it over previous iterations by allowing some unlocks and having a really nice mapcycle. It won't replace pubs, of course, but I feel it's a nice medium between lobbies and pubs for a competitive skill level.

I've always liked a nice medium, but some people from this community due tend to just rather play a lobby due to the format of 6v6 being well loved and something different from pubs. I do thank you for the effort you're putting into this.

Back then when I played a pub, one of the closest models to this kind of was the nomnomnom servers(which quite a couple of players here have come from, sorry guys). The server had an actual mapcycle that would change each week that included a good mix of stock and custom maps. The server map time limit was also 20 minutes(so people wouldn't have that same old pub feel) and had many good players on playing. I also believe that the max player count was between 18-24 so it wouldn't be a complete 24/32 player mess. No whitelist, but this was back when there was not as many unlocked weapons released.

posted about 8 years ago
#125 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

Flame I wish I could upfrag you twice for that post, I could never find the exact words to explain it to others like that. But overall it's true.
From the perspective of people that want to play OW/casual shooter: They probably just want some randomass fun-looking shooter with crazy abilities/etc. and think it will be amazing.
From the perspective of people that have played FPS and etc. for years: The game is a complete mess of an FPS.

When it comes to FPS, you have to be careful on what you add to it, how much you add to it, and what you add/remove to it. I feel that OW added too much, there's many different things and variety you could do, which may seem like a great thing, but then it just becomes a mess at some point and you have to try to balance all these things which can be difficult. This is another reason why we should be a bit more grateful to the TF2 devs, in the way they release new weapons/balance them, they try to be careful on what they do before making the action. OW is pretty much a TF2 pub mess times 3. The game has already went downhill in general with the confusion with the community and it's pricetag, and who they had let into the beta.

It truly is a shame that it has be this way, but it's Blizzard. The game will still be somewhat popular and decently stay alive just because it is a Blizzard game and people who will never learn or realize these things will continue playing it. Blizzard just seems to have this trend in their games that somehow mess up balance or certain aspects of the games. They've always had the potential and ability to change these things, but they tend to refuse to. Valve is always listening and willing to adapt and change. They frequently update their games and make changes when needed. Blizzard tends to hesitate despite a majority of the community complaining and telling them something is wrong. Blizzard does eventually follow up on these, but takes a long ass time to do so, or never do so at all. A more recent example would be in SC2 with the Adepts and Pylon Overcharged.

Overall, Blizzard is just a greedy company trying to get as much money as possible from OW. Now while it is obvious that companies will always try to get a profit, Blizzard has tend to take a lot of money and not put effort into their games afterwards. Valve has shown to put effort and making our games worth playing and valued through time and time again. Also I have no idea how this thread turned into OW.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Stock TF2 server in TF2 General Discussion

Not to discourage, but we've had a couple of these servers and they have tend to fail. I for one actually do support these and try to join when I can, but overall nobody joins them enough. I will try my best to join this one when I can as I have always loved map rotation servers with old maps. I would recommend having 20 minutes as the server time limit, so people won't feel they are too bored with one map and can get to play more maps faster. Pretty good mapcycle you have already.

posted about 8 years ago
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