MagikarpLooking at the DreamHack HotS stream, they are currently doing a "Battleground Information" of one of their game modes so new viewers understand what's going on. Not saying of course that this is the answer to your question, but it could help those new to TF2/comp on what to know and understand about the game before a match begins. Maybe have a video of someone explaining 5cp and the classes that will generally be played or something along those lines during the downtimes.
Just to elaborate a bit more on this, cause I still think it's something that we can definitely do. Here's the exact time in the VOD where they go over this:
Could definitely do it in a TF2-style way where we could like explain "cp_badlands" and how it is a 5cp map where both 6 player teams are fighting for control over control points and what classes will be seen here and whatnot. I would think that these kind of informative videos and stuff would only be displayed during like the semi-finals or finals of a season and whatnot. Please continue the discussion.