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Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 59
#7 more Overwatch bans in Esports
This guy won't have a girlfriend for much longer.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Diabotical Kickstarter in Esports

Looks like they're not gonna call it Reborn anymore. But still looks pretty cool/good.

posted about 8 years ago
#93 ESEA Season 23 Whitelist in TF2 General Discussion
ApolloftwHere is the infamous match that got the battalions backup banned from ESEA:

Wasn't that also the game that got Sydney Sleeper banned?
If I recall, it was the x6 team that got both of them banned.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 strategy games in Other Games

SC and Civ are pretty good.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 List of stuff to fix for valve? in TF2 General Discussion
SmytherReally guys? You wouldn't ask for some of the simpler, more obvious weapon rebalances first? Like "cosy camper now only adds 25 health"?

Right now it seems that weapon balancing hasn't been all that great with Valve for years due to multiple reasons. While we as a competitive community may want some changes to certain weapons, there is the rest of the TF2 community that differs toward our opinions. The issue right now isn't weapons for now since there are much bigger issues currently. Mainly being: Comp MM, Casual MM, Bugs and Exploits.

The focus before weapon balancing is making the game enjoyable for both casual and competitive communities. There are still people uncomfortable with the current system of casual mode that can be fixed as the same goes for competitive mode. We are in the year of 2016, with two games known as Dota 2 and CSGO that has had success in their own kind of casual and competitive modes that were made by Valve themselves...let's try to take advantage of that. The CSGO casual mode seems to work well and most have no problems with it, it'd be in TF2's best interest to mimic it, so that these current issues or dislikes about it can go away. Maybe even improve it a bit more and add an TF2 version of the Overwatch lootcrate system that was mentioned in the other thread.

As for competitive mode, there is still multiple issues. When it comes to a matchmaking system in any game, there has to be a certain set system that works as best as it can up to a point and can fix the issues that we have. There's never going to be a perfect matchmaking system, but it can be near perfect. As yttrium mentioned, there was a person who abused the system and kept reconnecting continuously. This doesn't happen in CSGO or Dota 2, they have a time limit for ALL players to connect by a certain time before the game starts, and if they haven't connected, then it restarts the queue process. I could probably list much more but in short, just mimic the CSGO and Dota 2 system and take the aspects that will make the Comp TF2 MM system work in its own way to go against hackers, griefers, and abusers.

Those are just suggestions to fix the "systems" of each, I feel like it shouldn't be too hard, but I find it a bit ridiculous that our Casual mode and Comp MM is this behind despite multiple other games including Valve's can accomplish much more established systems. Maybe it is the lack of people on the TF2 team, I don't know. What more to add onto the list are the "changes" that we want to add such as the viewmodel options primarily.

While we also need to fix a bunch of bugs. If this thread actually was filled with problems and a list of things, it'd just be a list of lists that list things. The best way to actually communicate this to Valve is to have a single person(possibly someone known in the community or with great knowledge of the game and it's current problems) make a post on reddit(because Valve reads it first probably) and email them an ORGANIZED megalist full of the changes that we need to casual mode, changes to comp MM mode, and as many/all of the bugs/exploits that we can find(and it's steps to produce it). I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but it's definitely a big step that would prioritize all the changes that are needed to fix the reoccurring and popular issues and make it easier for Valve. This idea isn't new or anything, I've seen it done multiple times on the Dota 2 reddit where someone posts a huge list, it gets upvoted to the top, and Valve actually fixes all/majority of the issues within the next day or that week(but the Dota 2 team probably has countless people to help). Otherwise, we can all kind of just wait for Valve and see what they do and see if it fixes our issues and problems.

posted about 8 years ago
#70 MaxBox Quitting in TF2 General Discussion

I find it a bit odd that he would specifically talk to Jill from the TF2 team though. Or maybe just because Jill is someone he already has added/has connections to in Valve.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

yttrium, the savior of TF2. Your move, Valve.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Growing the tf2 community in TF2 General Discussion
eeetl;dr: play MM for nowy

I agree. We've waited long for this and expected it as the passage to success and growth. I think we're going a bit too fast for now and need to slow down and start using what we have now, matchmaking.
Now I know we all have our problems with the Competitive MatchMaking right now in terms of viewmodels, configs, server regions and stuff. But in due time it is possible to cooperate with the TF2 team to get these things changed and fixed. It's best if many of us play the matchmaking now and start showing the appreciation we have for the TF2 team for working to get us this feature, and also as a way to make sure we have players playing it. It's important to make sure that the competitive MM mode isn't so bad that the queue times are too long and to make sure it's not a mode that's gonna die out in TF2 or become barely used(like I have no idea if people even play PASS time or whatnot that much or anymore). If MM dies, then we essentially failed to populate it despite wanting it after so long.

Which goes onto the next point. Populating it. Of course in a perfect TF2 world, we'd have the numbers that csgo has for queueing for competitive mode and things would be great. But of course we don't because we already lack a large playerbase IN COMPARISON to CSGO(I know that TF2 still has a large playerbase in comparison to multiple other games). It'd be cool to find people interested in competitive to try out the mode or find pubbers with great talent and skill to try it to possibly get into it. Advertising may help more or less, but it's definitely the least effort we could do. As many others suggested, maybe adding "|" or "|" as a tag could work. When new players do come to to get into competitive, they might not know where to go or how to play it. I think it would help if enigma added a redirect button to a thread or that says "New to competitive TF2? Click here!".

While a big tournament or Valve-sponsored tournament might help, Valve doesn't quite see the investment in TF2 quite yet or see much reason to at this point as many others have said. We have to give them a reason. It may be the dream, but we're not quite there yet. We have to keep playing and growing slowly and until we get there. What we could possibly do is put more work into Newbie Mixes, Mixchamp, getting into competitive guides, and much more. If we do want to do something on a small-scale for more "advertisement", we could have a couple of showmatches and fun events.

Ultimately what we should do is: Keep playing matchmaking(and not be toxic to give a more positive experience), give more feedback(even if it's just wanting viewmodel commands, it'll show how much more of the playerbase wants it), advertise a bit, guide new players, and have fun because that's why we're here.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 can we still use viewmodels now? in Q/A Help

Viewmodel update wait counter: 5 days
I hate to say this a bit, but I think it would help if someone like Slin make a reddit post about this and show that the community wants these changes. If we all upvote it and get some great positive support for it, it might work.

Or a composed email to Eric.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 TF2 needs optimization in TF2 General Discussion

Holy shit, made my day. Thanks.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 TF2 update for 7/9/16 (7/10/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Viewmodel update wait counter: 2 days
Let's see how many days for this one. The devs are just going to have to understand that one reason why we like TF2 is also due to its quake-like features that many players like to use.

Custom huds, custom configs, different viewmodel_fov numbers, viewmodels on/off, transparent viewmodels and what not. TF2 is possibly one of the only few games left in this day and age(other than Quake and Reflex) that can still do all of these in an FPS and that's another thing that makes it special. Each player can have what they want in any way they want to their preference. It's another reason why all of us like sticking to TF2 for other reasons from just the gameplay and playstyle. In the end, it's not affecting the pubbers/redditors(heck, some/many are probably even using some of the things I listed). It's been like this for years and there has generally been no trouble(in terms of players getting mad over some "advantage").

Valve said that they read reddit, forums, streams and more. I'm pretty sure by now(at least hopefully) that they have definitely read TF.TV over the times and see that the COMPETITIVE community wants these cvars unlocked and if they're pushing to make Competitive matchmaking great and all, this would be a nice step for a positive push forward.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 TF2 Blog: "Casual Mode Update" in TF2 General Discussion

Rather than thanking Valve as a whole, I wish to give my full thanks to the TF2 team. The people that stayed on the team up till now to make this all possible. If I recall, people at Valve choose what they want to work on. Whether the updates are bad or not, there are changes and progress coming through, even if it's slow progress. We're lucky enough to even have such a team still helping us after so many years.

Also it seems the communication is getting better. Hopefully it gets as good at Valve is with r/DotA2(those guys get changes done quick).

posted about 8 years ago
#54 So... what did this update actually fix? in TF2 General Discussion

To the ones that went to Valve HQ(Slin and Geel I think?), I remember someone stating that Valve's update was going to be amazing and that it was something that we were all gonna like or along the lines of that. Something about "they know what they're doing". Now that the update is here, which exact parts were you referring to that was suppose to be great and amazing.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 TheOxAndMoon's NoCrit NoSpread Server (East Coast) in TF2 General Discussion

There are 4 things that make me happy about this:
1. No crit
2. No spread
3. Not located too far away in a location where most players aren't
4. cp_badlands in a pub

I hope this server goes well and unlike the last 100, but with the quickplay being kind of shit, I think you have a good chance of populating this server. If anyone on TF.TV hates the current quickplay casual mode searching, just play on here.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 To: HUD DEVELOPERS Subject: MEET YOUR MATCH in Customization

My custom hud makes it where if I click the "Find a game" button on the main menu, nothing happens :( But everything else works.

posted about 8 years ago
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