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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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Monitor ASUS VE247H
1 ⋅⋅ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ⋅⋅ 59
#46 removing rng from competitive tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumMagikarpI don't know about that completely, I've seen some SC2 matches with maps that have 4 spawning locations and it has had an effect:
If it were fixed spawns, MC would've known where to 4gate with no problems. That was in 2013 though, but the latest was in 2015 at Blizzcon where they played Iron Fortress LE:
Which is apparently a a 4 spawn position map so idk. But don't the players themselves choose the maps from the ladder rotation? I definitely agree though that most of the maps played at the competitive level are 2 spawn position maps though.

4 spawn maps exist but they usually force cross positions. The rule of thumb is that the map must be symmetrical no matter what spawns occur. An interesting map is called Korhal Floating Island, where the map would always be symmetrical but depending on which set of spawns occur, it could play totally differently. This randomness never puts a player at an advantage or disadvantage though, because the map is always symmetrical.

The map you showed didn't force cross positions, which isn't always a problem except that the map was rotationally symmetrical, which isn't an okay combination. This doesn't happen anymore.

Maps are picked from the ladder pool, yes. Those maps aren't allowed in the ladder anymore though.

Oh my god I remember Korhal Floating Island rofl. Thanks for the explanation!

posted about 8 years ago
#42 removing rng from competitive tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumSmytherFall damage has random variance? I've never heard of that. Actually I don't really know how fall damage works.

You're right about SC2, thought it can have random spawns, which is pretty big compared to pistol spread.
All competitive maps in SC2 have fixed spawns. Maps with random spawns never make it into the competitive rotation.

I don't know about that completely, I've seen some SC2 matches with maps that have 4 spawning locations and it has had an effect:
If it were fixed spawns, MC would've known where to 4gate with no problems. That was in 2013 though, but the latest was in 2015 at Blizzcon where they played Iron Fortress LE:
Which is apparently a a 4 spawn position map so idk. But don't the players themselves choose the maps from the ladder rotation? I definitely agree though that most of the maps played at the competitive level are 2 spawn position maps though.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 TF2 not working!! in Q/A Help

Maybe verify integrity cache for starters. To do this go to:
Steam Library>right click Team Fortress 2>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of Game Cache

posted about 8 years ago
#62 QUAKE CHAMPIONS in Other Games
kuliCryptoreflex exists :(
Reflex doesn't breathe Quake if you know what I mean.

This, but also I can't run Reflex like I can run Quake ;_;

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Opinion: 6s needs payload maps. in The Dumpster

You act as if Overwatch's PL mode is completely superior and use only OW for tiny counter arguments lol. Also for argument 3, you act as if we never tried before. Long ago in TF2 people have trialed multiple different things and over the years we come to conclusions and answers on each aspect. As for it will attract more "pub players", I wouldn't necessarily deem that as a good way of gaining more into competitive. If you truly want to play competitive TF2, then you will do it, and shouldn't do it just because of a game mode.
Pretty much what everyone else has been saying, Overwatch =/= TF2.

posted about 8 years ago
#38 What was your first experience in competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

tf2lobby and going against D's stack and multiple other stacks.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Is P-REC a thing of the past now? in TF2 General Discussion
CitroMaindwas this thread really needed? i mean you could of just discussed this on the update thread lol

Some people just get beat by a minute, the life and times of TF2 update threads.

posted about 8 years ago
#42 Opinions on push-to-talk in TF2 General Discussion
InhakeIs it possible to use a foot pedal for PTT? Just wondering.

I recall one dude on TF.TV stated that he used the razer keypad for this purpose.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 If you could customise a mouse.. in Hardware
aierafrictionless scrollwheel on any mouse for EZ bhops

I thought the Logitech 502 Proteus Core already had this. I've used my friend's mouse and you can set it with a button.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 How to ruin spy"s effectiveness in Highlander in TF2 General Discussion

Well if it's "Highlander" I would assume that would mean it's a "competitive" game. Most competitive games on TF2 use Mumble for voice chat anyway and not the in-game voice chat. Also sv_alltalk is disabled in competitive anyway so you can't talk to the other team...
tbh I'm just a confused about your post and your suggestion cause it may sound like you never played a competitive game of Highlander/TF2 before.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 OJ Da Jewman (hacker) in TF2 General Discussion
TobHe switches IP every time. Unless you can set something up so an admin or the people on the server can do something about it quickly he's just going to keep killing servers. Perhaps have a kick vote (not a ban vote. Just in case it gets abused) that reports kicked players to admins so they can ban the hacker accounts.

also if this happens again you can piss him off by typing Retry in console. Reconnects you to the server. He'll lose his domination.

Can't you ban a STEAM ID from the server though? That'll force him to have to make a new steam account every time at least and create a hassle for him.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 FLAME/FLARE COMBO [HELP] in Customization

If you can't perform a combo as simple as this, then I don't know man. Also yeah you can't use the wait commands in a regular server.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Blizzard statement on Overwatch cheating in Esports
Our in-game camera system does not always play back footage at the same fidelity as real-time gameplay (this loss in fidelity applies to the killcam, Plays of the Game, Highlights, and—to a lesser extent—the spectator camera as well). This can sometimes result in a player’s aim appearing more snappy or less fluid in playback than it did in-game.

So does this pertain to Taimou's case?

posted about 8 years ago
#11 TF2 update for 5/11/16 in TF2 General Discussion
wickedplayer494rowpieceswelcome back wickedplayer494!!!What, you thought I didn't learn from late December/early January and I stunned myself again?
Show Content

Don't you dare bring that /s reddit stuff here! Speaking of reddit though, why does the Dota 2 reddit hate you? If I recall I heard something about that.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Sorry. in Off Topic

"don't pull a spadez" will never be forgotten.

posted about 8 years ago
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