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Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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#36 thoughts on finding scrims in TF2 General Discussion

There are so many options and ways to find scrims, but nobody really uses them. I currently noticed that in the TFTV discord is a scrim channel, this could be a more simplified way to replace IRC. If not then a subforum or use of the other sites is good also.

posted about 8 years ago
#64 Favourite aspect of competitive tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

It's so hard to pick a favorite aspect of competitive TF2, when there are so many good aspects that I love. I think overall in the end, the best aspect to me and my most favorite is the community.

The community is what makes a game thrive and keeps it moving forward, but not only that the comp TF2 community has amazing people in general. We have pro players that interact much more with the community, the people who create/host TF2 related sites that we use(thanks Enigma and others), the casters who dedicate their time to it, the people who are a part of the production, the people who year to year keep donating to make events happens, the charity events that we have, and so much more.

I also generally love how this community is much more personal, since we generally use Mumble to communicate, there have been people we usually hang around with in mumble and interact with much more than just playing TF2 matches, they become our friends, and overtime we make more friends through this personal interaction. If you were to go to someone's steam profile from the community, you'd probably have multiple friends in common with them. The community is small of course, but also still friendly in a way and easily interactive. Also compared to other game community forums, I always enjoyed comp TF2's the most, I genuinely enjoy how much more we're able to express ourselves in comparison to other forums we're I feel that it's much more different and we have to abide to certain standards.

The relentless, caring, and most of all amazing spirit that this community possesses is truly remarkable, to last like this over the years. Besides the community aspect, competitive TF2 also has so much to it that makes the game skillful, unique, and fun with teamplay elements. In my opinion, it's the perfect game, and if not then at least close.

posted about 8 years ago
#106 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic

Quake, StarCraft, Melee, Pokemon Emerald(The start and end of my Pokemon career), zOMG!(If that counts?), Dragon Fable, and if it counts Yu-Gi-Oh!.

posted about 8 years ago
#161 what is ur favourite pokemon :) in Off Topic

There is a lack of a certain pokemon.

posted about 8 years ago
#84 Hassassin_ cheat evidence. in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordbrownymasterSpaceCadetI like hass so I am not accusing or commenting on him directly but I can't fucking understand the general mentality here. In all my years of online gaming, the TF2 community defends cheaters more than any other I have experienced.

This same exact argument was given for Insom when he was seen cheating. If someone is fucking cheating, it doesn't matter is it is a pub or not. Why do they need to cheat in an "official match" for people to care and make it punishable?

There is no gray area, the fucking player is cheating. End of story.
What if they're hacking in Plants vs Zombies? Would we need to ban them from TF2?

The saddest thing in this entire thread is the fact that we are two of the only people who get this reference

I giggled myself too man, I thought everyone would forget by now rofl.

But overall, the start of this thread was horrible, all you did was bring up information from 3 screenshots that are old, and a skial thread is that is old. No demos, logs, or etc. of Hassassin cheating. I've been friends with the guy for a long time and he's always been one to try and improve his game, and always brings up the "It doesn't matter how many hours you have in the game, it's how you spend them" quote. When he MGEs he tries, when he DMs he tries, and when he plays matches he tries. If he ever did hack in pubs then that's just pubs and is irrelevant to competitive TF2 matches that matter to us. It's like using gameshark on the gameboy, many of us have done it before but it's a minor thing.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Omega Rhythm by Almie (first CS:GO edit) in CS2 General Discussion

I enjoyed all of it. The editing, music, and the kill notifs were awesome. Also the frags weren't so bad either so pretty great, I hope to see more CSGO vids from ya.

posted about 8 years ago
#295 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games
indecencydownpourthe301stspartandownpouryeah dota and league are so balanced right?
dota only recently has really hit a point where theres no stand out OP thing in the game, and league has patches every 2 weeks and still manages to find a way for things to be broken

Balanced enough to be the biggest games in the world would be balanced enough for me
i dont think their popularity stems from their balance

esspecially league, people say since its popular and more people play it, it makes it good but you can tell they put all their money into marketing and cosmetic shit 10 times more than dota instead of actually improving their game, ie. the sheer amount of fucking skins they just shit out

You were kind of right until you said the cosmetic shit. Dota 2 has quite a lot of cosmetics(there are possibly more cosmetics just for the head of a hero in Dota 2 than there are skins in LoL). But it's not the cosmetics that bring those people in(but possibly a reason to stay), it's just how casual and easy the game is to others. First the game was easy to get into so it attracted players, than those players attracted even more players including friends, family, and etc. It's a chain, you go to some high school and nearly all the asian kids play LoL because it's just their thing and their way of being "in".

But it is true that they focus more on their skins possibly and other stuff rather than actually improving the game. I'm sorry but when it's been like over a few years and the most used champion skills are Flash, Smite, and that other one, and the other ones are barely used, there is definitely a problem. The same goes to how many of the old champions in LoL become irrelevant.

posted about 8 years ago
#292 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games
indecencyyukisometimes imbalance actually creates the fun guys
you say that until something OP becomes of it to the point where u can barely do anything anymore

This was how I felt about Protoss during Blizzcon ;_;

posted about 8 years ago
#273 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games
brownymastergr8stalinkevif the grind isnt too bad i dont mind

if its league tier im gonna die
I don't want to play another MP shooter with an XP grind period. It's the current year and I should be able to pay for the game itself and have everything that allows me to play with everyone else.
Same, Dota2/CSGO is the better model for competitive. TF2 has a similar smaller problem with getting unlocks that aren't from achievements (I tried to keep up for 4 years before giving up on half the new unlocks). Thankfully most in TF2 suck, but still.

I agree, I always thought that was the great positives for Dota 2 and CSGO compared to LoL and Hearthstone. Also I usually keep my ubersaw, kritzkrieg, escape plan, and gunboats drops to give out to new players that want to join competitive. It sucks that people have to go as far as Milestone 2 & 3 for kritz and ubersaw. I hope Valve changes it to where maybe you can give kritz, ubersaw, escape plan, and ubersaw for free and replace the milestones with things like Crusader's Crossbow(or free?), Vitasaw, Black Box, and etc.

posted about 8 years ago
#111 all aboard in TF2 General Discussion

That stuff is hilarious, but setting that aside, I just noticed that the discussion of how MM is going to be hasn't been brought up, or at least I haven't seen much discussion.

Not talking about 6v6, whitelists, and etc., but more on how the game will be when people enter the server. Since there are no class limits it seems, it is a wonder how people will first start out in the selection of their class or if someone else on the team wants them to choose a certain class. In Dota 2, a team usually wants to consist of a mid, carry, offlaner?, and like two supports. So generally the players most of the time try to discuss who goes what hero to be able to play those roles.

In TF2 with 9 different classes and no class limits, I can only imagine people who are new to competitive will have the craziest team compositions from 6pyro to 6heavy. If our 2121(2 scout 1 demo 2 soldier 1 med) meta does become a norm in MM TF2, it'll somewhat be a battle between players trying to pick the class they want. Imagine 3 players that want to play scout, 2 wanting to play demo, and none wanting to medic(which is also one of the least favorites to many). Unless I miss something in the MM threads about class selection during the MM process or anything else, I can imagine that with the current parameters and things that have been confirmed, there may be a tiny amount of chaos or conflict in the MM system.

posted about 8 years ago
#216 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

It was posted something here but was now removed by the subreddit mods.

Basically it said that the "collectors edition" aka origin edition would be $60 for a physical copy and include all that stuff like skins + poster and access to future betas, while the normal game would be $40 full price for pre-order. It included a screen for a receipt as well.

Obviously nothing is confirmed but seeing as it got removed from the mods so quickly it's kinda suspicious it might be true

Honestly if this game has a $40 entry price with microtransations later on then it's doomed from the start. When you have dozens of f2p shooters out there (like tf2) and the most played fps in the world (CSGO) at $10 then this game doesn't seem to cut it.

I was eager to try it but I'm not paying $40 for a multiplayer only fps. Still hoping it's announced as f2p or with a very low entry fee. But if its not, Im still happy, good news for tf2.

Why would you not pay 40$ for a multiplayer game that can (potentially) give you tens of thousands of hours worth of gameplay as opposed to paying 60-70 for a 30 hour singleplayer game?

Kind of a good question, but it's just as he said, if OW was $40, and and free shooters like TF2 and a $10 CSGO(most played) are available, there would almost be no point. You do have a point that the game could potentially give tens of thousands of hours worth of gameplay but you never know of course. It's like why pay $40 for Diablo when Path of Exile is free and has been known to be better than Diablo and have extra aspects that Diablo never had?

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Black OPS 3 in Other Games
kirbylike lune said, it's $37/38 on g2a and cdkeys

can't wait to stop being broke

Don't forget that 3% off discount g2a codes that many streamers have in their about.

posted about 8 years ago
#54 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

History class with Professor Fragile and P.E. with Coach wonderland and Coach exile. The TF2 dream is real.

DamnEasyjump basics?

Also yeah, this might be important, a general rocketjumping/stickyjumping class may be important unless they want to incorporate it with bball?

posted about 8 years ago
#140 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games
deetrYa the dumbest part is I (along with many others) have been having discussions on the subreddit actually talking about the game and not just complaining that not enough keys were given out, but apparently they only looked at 1 thread that was all about people complaining that they didn't get in and gave those people keys. smh my head

That sounds horrible. It is also unfair to those that did not get in, feel bad or hate how they didn't get in while others who were in the same boat got in due to a reddit thread. Blizzard needs to understand some sort of boundary at this sort of thing. It's simple, limited amount of players for a closed beta, people were generally randomly chosen, and they didn't get in out of those hundreds of thousands. It's just like the lottery in a way, some people are just ridiculous and have to understand that not everybody can get in.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Best place to browse tftv outside of home? in Off Topic

Chill Mighty, I think you're going a bit overboard on that post. People can talk with their friends about anything they wish, from Video games to whatever was on TV last night. Video games exist, and if anything it is becoming more relevant and has become much more noticeable than it was years ago. If anything, video games can be a great topic, you talk about what you enjoy or what others may enjoy and it keeps a conversation going(this is also important since many non-social people tend to have trouble with keeping up a convo).

You bring up how "nobody cares" about one specific thing, what about people who talk about TV shows or what they ate that morning? You think people care about that? Or care about every single thing that people talk about? It's just a simple topic, there are over millions of gamers in the world everywhere. You may not see them in an obvious light but they are there still being regular people and interacting, while I can assume that some do talk about video games and can still "have a life".

Also I don't know what talking about TF2 has to do about being indecent in front of teachers and peers, there are many decent people in the world that talk about video games and still look decent to others(in regards of just being a normal healthy person).

posted about 8 years ago
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