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Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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#2 dota2 halloween colosseum in Other Games

I really thought they weren't doing anything this year, glad to see it happen though. Finally I can use my cap point taking skills to use.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 TF2 update for late 10/29/15 (10/30/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
Gemmellnessoptimise one little thing, releases with 2/3 moderate bugs. can't wait 4 the optimisation update gaiz

but seriously, it seems every update has so many things broken recently... stuff like the sorting by date sorting backwards, how did that get past testing?

Not only what Eren said, but usually on every decently big TF2 update that happens, something always breaks. It's somewhat expected nowadays but at least they try their best to fix it immediately and are nice enough to still tend to the game.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Quakelive is steam only now in Other Games

Literally got on TFTV to check if anyone made a post on this yet. Very disappointing that it has come to this, as the age of one FPS continues to die(unless people considered it already dead) and a new one opens today. The great old times will never be forgotten.

posted about 8 years ago
#69 tf2c bans guy for a year for mentioning tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion
zCookieSomeone replied with this and it is pretty legit:

I don't see the problem, you advertised another service with 3 messages in a row and not just that, the guy says you continued to troll so chat ban well deserved.

So if anyone ever mentions Youtube, Google, tf2outpost,, or reddit does this count as advertising since the name of an actual site is being mentioned? Even if TF2C is their site and they have the right to chat ban, they should only be chat banning real trolls or spammers if anything, not open discussion just cause TF2 Stadium is a rising competition.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Organization approaches TF2 teams for Overwatch in Off Topic

I'm quite surprised to see this happen as I am quite a fan of Tempo Storm and Reynad. I find it very interesting that an org as big as them would recognize TF2 players at all, so I see this a bit of a positive. But yeah definitely not the greatest deal. But I think when and if it happens where TF2 gets MM and more support for competitive, Overwatch and TF2 are pretty much near competing games that would be interesting to see.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Will prepare for the influx of mm players? in TF2 General Discussion

It's hard to answer what you're asking in regards of "will prepare for MM" or that we need to "prepare". You seem to think that this preparation is being able to help new players out, so it's hard to say. In CSGO, new players or players would generally youtube or google up guides and help(such as warowl you stated) to learn. I guess it would be the same for TF2 as tons of people with great tf2 helping content such as SLIN or other popular TF2 youtube channels will do the same. As for TF.TV's role, this site/forums has always been somewhat of a good central place for competitive TF2, but remember that most of the people that go here are already experienced TF2ers/ESEA and a decent amount that aren't those people are here to ask questions and etc.

I think one thing that could happen is TF2 youtubers like Slin and others that make guides or help new players tell them a little about TF.TV to direct them here if they have any questions concerning configs, hardware, or tf2 in general. Maybe it's possible(but maybe won't be as organized?) if we open a subforum meant for new players that need help and we have it on the front page saying "New player? Click here to ask for help!" and they can make threads on any questions they have. The bad thing is that it may make other subforums like TF2 General Discussion or Q/A Help not used anymore. Or we could have the front page say "New player? Click one of these that suits your needs" and it could direct link them to the correct subforum. Overall, I think TF.TV will do well for when MM comes out, it can adapt easily.

It'd be amazing though to see a big TF2 mega video over basic settings that need/could be used(like hitsounds and dmg numbers), concepts and basics of comp TF2 in 6v6 and highlander), available sites/resources that the TF2 community has to offer, and etc. Something like how Purge has his own "Welcome to Dota, you suck" guide for Dota 2., something new players can watch and learn a lot from.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 MTG Buys Out ESEA in Esports

Isn't Richard Lewis that guy that gets all of his content banned on that LoL reddit? Also when this comes into action, it might be a good idea to have a few people who represent the competitive TF2 community to contact them, or any ESEA TF2 admins.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Team Fortress 2 Update Released Oct 12 2015 in News
StaticVoidOh boy, an update that'll probably only effect one person.

But they updated the localization files, I would feel that would be the total opposite. Also updating the localization files is always my most favorite :(

posted about 8 years ago
#126 tf2center down? in TF2 General Discussion
Raptor00XWhy are you still feeding the troll BibleThump

In a way to kind of mess with him, even if he was trolling, he's trolling himself if he keeps replying. But it also brought up a discussion I kind of found interest in, what would it take for engineer to become viable(but still not as good as 2 scouts) enough to replace a scout. If Valve is going to bring MM to the game, they might be planning to support the competitive community in many other different ways that we may or may not approve of, that could do with unlocks or buffing/nerfing classes in terms of their mechanics. Not many FPSes have metas that change I would say, but TF2 has the most potential to change in meta I'd say and all it takes is for Valve to change/add/remove things while trying to make sure it doesn't restructure the whole meta. Overall though this thread mind as well be closed since TF2C is back up for now. Or we can still question the integrity of TF2C's ddos protection.

posted about 8 years ago
#124 tf2center down? in TF2 General Discussion
BrightlyBoyMagikarp*shortened for post*
I feel the recent buffs to both the jag and the engie help the class become both more viable and fast-paced. And it meshes well with the push and pull of 6's if you know what to do.
If solders/demo can deal with me easily then I wouldn't be "stalling" games.

But what is the point of stalling games? If we were to say to rollout with an engineer with jag to mid on badlands it wouldn't be fast enough and uses up either a solly/scout slot(which are precious) as one rocket/nade is all it takes to severely damage you(engineer is 125 with less mobility) or the sentry(lvl 1). Engineer on defense is fine but for most of the game? Never. IMO, TF2's comp meta is still primarily based on pure skill and strategy. Pure skill shines the most on scout/solly/demo in terms of aim, movement, and prediction which are much more fast paced than an engineer. In terms of strategy, engineer is alright for defense as a way to stall a push and maybe hope your team can build up uber/kritz to push back/etc. In the end if you were stalling or whatever with engineer, do mind it was in a lobby game where there are all sorts of skill levels mixed up, if it was high level players vs high level players, engineer probably wouldn't last with its disadvantages as a class. Even if the player was like b4nny or quad with great aim and movement on engineer(okay please disregard the quad movie) you are technically still a disadvantage for your team past last point.

posted about 8 years ago
#116 tf2center down? in TF2 General Discussion
deetrBrightlyBoydeetrthis isnt the tf2center forums u arent going to trick ppl here into taking ur side, we have all played this game a lot and have eyeballs
No tricks here. Is there someone I said wrong?

if ur saying that playing engi doesn't slow the game down ur just a blatant troll

This so much. Let's be honest here, going engineer at all in a 6v6 for a long amount of time is not going to do so well.The TF2C admins/mods that are saying it's allowed and that "the meta is flexible" is being ridiculous. After a few years of playing and observing TF2, I wouldn't say the meta is flexible, sure some things have changed, maybe 1-3 things each time, but not as flexible as going Engineer full time, even if you did go against Minisentry+etc. engineer. Still after so long we use 2 scout, 2 solly, 1 demo, and 1 med for so long and for a good reason. Although the unlocks we use on them have changed a bit and our role a bit, but changing to Engineer? Not good enough considering soldiers+demo can deal with their buildings easily. Pyro would've probably been a better choice than Engineer, but regardless the meta is not as flexible for full time engineer.

posted about 8 years ago
#67 tf2center down? in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly, despite the questionable DDOS protection of tf2c, they should have possibly banned Brightly long ago. If it's true that he went full time engineer when he picked up medic or any other stuff then that would definitely be a bannable offense. I would assume that other people who have done that in the past has been banned temporarily at least. It's sad to say but if he had been banned appropriately this whole DDOS situation could have been avoided, or have good DDOS protection in the first place.

If anything the big question right now is what to do, comply and ban Brightly? or let it keep going? Maybe he will stop or not, I assume the ddoser plays tf2centers himself if he knows of Brightly's actions, and he won't be able to play himself either. It'll be worse if Brightly moves to while tf2center is down, then the attacks on will start happening and that will be even worse.
EDIT: Apparently Brightly hasn't even TF2'd since 4 days ago according to his profile, so no idea what to say about that.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 TF2 update for 10/8/15 (10/9/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaAnyone else get the whole you can't connect to VAC server bs?

Yesterday my friend brought his laptop to college to play and got this message while I had no idea why it happened since I didn't think we had any of the listed external programs open. Did this just happen to you after this particular update? But also thanks for the info so I can help fix it for my friend if it comes again.

posted about 8 years ago
#187 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
dummyAlso, Blizzard being shaky with new IPs ? Havent they only released heroes of the storm? That game definitely seems like a failure, but I don't think anyone can really compete with LoL/dota2 at this point. OW is kind of a new genre and its unfair to measure its chance for success with HotS poor results, considering it was an attempt to take on the two biggest games in the world. Just a completely different situation.

The game was in alpha/beta last year and has only truly been released to the public during June of this year. I wouldn't say it seems like a failure to soon, it's doing decently well in viewership though not as much as many would have expected.
There are pro teams such as complexity, Cloud 9, and MVP being part of the scene, as they also have the KR's approval a bit. It'll take time for the scene to grow, but the game itself is very casual and easy to learn considering there are no items, you could really the basics of the game within about 3-5 games which is important for gaining players. If there ever was a competitor to Dota 2/LoL, HotS has the biggest chance compared to all the other MOBAs that have failed. Also I'm a Dota 2 player so hope I didn't show much bias, just my insight on HotS. In the end it's a Blizzard game that is free, so it'll do fairly well for a while I would guess, as long as they continue to update and make good changes of course.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 A talk about lobby seriousness in TF2 General Discussion

Although there will be arguments at how times an offclass can be viable at certain times, maybe there should be a way to make lobbies strictly scout, soldier, demo, and medic only for the new players? As for coaching, how would that work? I imagine being spectate, but one can easily cheat like that(unless someone made a plugin to limit a certain spectator to only be able to spectate the color team he had chosen in the lobby process?) by calling out uber % and positions. I coach new people in Dota 2 and that has an implemented coach system so that works, but we're not close to that in TF2 I think until we have MM. Also I don't count the current coach system for pubs lol.

posted about 9 years ago
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