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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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#17 YGOPro? in Other Games
tetrominoI think it was more the disappointment of opening a pack as a kid and seeing that I couldn't use any of the cards that I got without having a bunch of other ones.

Aw man, I know that feel. I got a McDonalds meal to get Elemental Hero Burstinatrix and that was as far as I got. But nowadays people just buy the cards online or play DP/DN. Elemental Heroes are still cool to me though, I loved GX for it's enthusiasm to never give up and to just have fun.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 YGOPro? in Other Games
tetrominoit went from a game of cards with cool effects to a game of cards with effects that affect another card's effect and you have to have one effect to affect the other effect card's effect

Kind of understandable, and what smiteey said. But it's one way to make the game progress and make it somewhat more interesting and build up a new meta. Could've balanced it and changed it a bit more though. I still don't think E-heroes ruined the game in the regard that you said, E-Heroes kind of describe what you say with their fusions having some cool effects but not always affecting each other's effect and etc.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 YGOPro? in Other Games
tetrominoelemental heroes ruined the game

How did E-heroes ruin the game? Are you talking about how it was kind of the first somewhat structure deck to be shown? Whether it was Elemental Heroes or not, Konami probably still would've made structure decks a thing and many more archetypes that work. If you mean Dark Law, well that deck is only like tier 3 I believe.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 how do you even play anymore? in TF2 General Discussion

Can you teach me how to shoot the rockets through doors in freight :)

posted about 9 years ago
#8 YGOPro? in Other Games
deetryugioh is dead, konami just releases a new op deck every 8 months that costs thousands to build

Pretty much Nekroz right now. I play DevPro but I only play casually and generally just make joke decks with friends. DevPro is probably the best, the only bad sides that rarely happen is bugs with an effect(generally old effects like parasite) and the server goes down maybe about 2-3 times a month, and may be things with chaining.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 MaxBox Quitting in TF2 General Discussion

He has bloom hacks in that picture.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 post ti5 shuffle in Esports

I don't know man, I think I love AuixUniverse and DendixPuppey more than ArteezyxFear.

posted about 9 years ago
#93 Powah needs your help in Off Topic
twenty2020this is the same forum that defended Ruwin and yz50 when they sold the unusuals they were gifted by fans right?

its a gift, a donation, they can do whatever they want with it

im not saying powah has to sell his shit, but its totally within his right and would have been a pretty viable option if he needed a quick 100

True, but the circumstances with ruwin and yz50 seem a bit different, if I recall both had quit the game at some point in there time with TF2? Didn't ruwin sell it all when he went into CSGO?

posted about 9 years ago
#12 quake frag vid in Other Games

Awesome! I always enjoyed watching some of your quake videos. Should've replaced ending though.

posted about 9 years ago
#78 Powah needs your help in Off Topic

The typical girl gamer streamers probably do this all the time having people fund their setups. At least donating to powah will later provide actual good gameplay rather than reading the follower/subscribers out for half of the time.

posted about 9 years ago
#58 Whose at TI5 in Esports

omni aghs too good.

posted about 9 years ago
#55 Whose at TI5 in Esports

This 10v10 is crazy, it's like the Dota 2 version of a tf2 pub.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Whose at TI5 in Esports

Now that I think about it, there's no TI5 thread that I seen. So hoping we can make this it? Unless there's not many dota 2 fans.

posted about 9 years ago
#74 in Projects
MR_SLINGetawhaleIs there a specific niche or need that this site seeks to fill, besides "Admins and a team who aren't idiots"? Is the goal to just become the main source of lobbies for TF2? Would love to hear more about the advantages, unique features, and how you're trying to position this."Admins and a team who aren't idiots" is already an amazing selling point considering the state of NA TF2 right now LOL

Was going to post something about this on the former of the TF2C thread, pretty much so far I seen in TF2, there's always/usually corrupt people in our systems or people complaining about someone that seem to be bad. For example, Aristotle I believe? Does lpkane count for ESEA maybe? Then there's the obvious badmins of TF2C, and then wasn't there some for UGC and ETF2L? I seen drama and bad management at times from some of the TF2 sites and think that it's just some kind of curse or maybe I'm just overreacting over it.
It would be genuinely nice if this system has all the people we know we like and approve of. Examples being like zigster, SLIN, Getawhale, and etc. Many great people who have shown they can be mature, responsible, and have done great things for the community. Not saying the current TF2stadium team is bad, I just hope that the team stays good and doesn't pick up the wrong kind of administration just like how TF2C kind of went.
EDIT: Also knowing KevinIsPwn makes this the greatest<3

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Dumb Competitive TF2 Trivia Thread in Off Topic

Can't remember if this actually happened, but didn't Tyrone cut cringe for LAN and asked Yz50 to come and would give him a pair of shoes and half his LAN winnings? It sounds familiar...

posted about 9 years ago
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