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SteamID64 76561198021957956
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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
Posts 886 (0.2 per day)
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Mousepad TF2
Headphones Plantronics
Monitor ASUS VE247H
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#46 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

I reported a hacker to the TF2C forums, with legit proof, and the guy even confessed on the thread he did and wouldn't do it anymore. Then the thread got like removed or deleted(instead of going to the archive) which I thought was suspicious or strange. Should I post about it or would that be considered resolved?

posted about 9 years ago

I always love the creativity with these jump videos, good job guys!

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion

After reading everything, and the boasting on the 40bud range scam, this guy definitely can't be completely trusted(duh). It seems weird that he went from a scammer into a charitable worker. If he thought the acting like a girl to get free items was a good joke to him, I could imagine him taking all the profits from this event laughing and thinking "ha tricked these shitty tf2ers of their stuff once again". Of course that is horrible and I would encourage that people should resign from giving money to this event. Give the money to a legit official source for charity or wait for TOTH I would say. If there is any "chance" that any charity event might have sketchy backgrounds, NEVER give to that event imo, the risk isn't worth taking most or all times. It's sad to hear this and I hope things somehow go well.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Yugioh is cool in Off Topic

I'm a pretty big fan of Yu-Gi-Oh, especially as of lately. We used to have a TF2 YGO group back in natf2 and it was pretty fun...and by fun tyranny kept rekting all of us. I quit Duel Network though, it's too slow imo seems too weird looking to me now. I use DevPro now which does things for you(correctly mostly of course) and goes at a much faster pace than DN, can customize cardbacks, backgrounds, and music. It's also a great way for beginners to learn how to play Yu-Gi-Oh imo.

You can get it here and Mirror 3 is the working one apparently, but the website is down right now so here's a megalink!M44nUIwD!FOHE6a4ejrD6oIjglDTiBOJ4qrQgnC_-o7_Vv13FU18

If you want a look at it, here's an example of it being played here:

Also, back then I use to be one of those synchro-haters, but they're not so bad, my new common enemy is XYZ's and Pendulums a bit now. I been watching 5D's lately and it's pretty damn good. Relevant:

But yeah, if you guys want to try out DevPro or learn, feel free to add me! Maybe we can start up the group again and do some tag duels(yes you can do tag duels in DevPro!).

posted about 9 years ago
#2 a bhopping video in CS2 General Discussion

Nice bhops, I also enjoyed the zeus kills since usually people just hide in a corner or something with it to kill.

posted about 9 years ago
#111 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
riot124hey guys
do you think blizzard cares who plays their game


It's probably and already is true that they don't. Which is why I dislike them. I realized this more after the Hearthstone fiasco.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
AllealIf they can't be bothered to check the options menu then they're probably not serious enough to appreciate the benefits customizing can give them. But why would you ever want to bring your serious players down to the level of the lazy and casual ones? That doesn't make for a good game. That line of reasoning is almost word for word the same as Sakurai's when he made Brawl different from Melee, and see how that turned out.

I agree, an FOV slider isn't bad at all and is just personal preference. Letting players have a simple customization option like that is completely fine in a FPS. People will be able to have the option to play at which fov they choose and deem "fine" for them, it doesn't/shouldn't mess with gameplay at all. People have the ability to explore their options and learn more when they play a game, that's learning the game and improving. Any or every game is like that, you learn what you can do and what happens in order to play well. Also, just make some sort of tutorial that will have players aware of the fov slider and change it to how they like it, easy. It's shit like this that makes me more mad at Blizzard/devs in general.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 looking for starcraft2 friends in Off Topic

We've had previous threads on this, surprised some people from then aren't posting yet. But as yttrium and 4812622 said, there's a free version that you can have fun with to play around with friends and play in the arcade. Also gives like the first 5 campaign missions to try out which could give you an indicator if you want to purchase it. Here's the steam group we had back then:

Maybe you or someone could start up some SC2 nights again(gotta update the mumble info) and it'd be pretty fun doing some 2v2/3v3/4v4's. If you don't want to dedicate yourself to the game, that's fine, try out the free version and play casually! It's a pretty fun RTS that is well-made in comparison to other games.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 best of in TF2 General Discussion've-touched-me?
One out of many.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Razer Abyssus? in Hardware

Although that video is quite old, he stated that it only happened when he placed it on a certain part of his mousepad.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 tf2center heavy yelling at me in TF2 General Discussion

I wonder if the TF2C admins really even frequent here. But on the topic of it, it's a pretty good idea in general to get someone's attention so they make sure the lobby starts, but it may be too loud for people, hopefully they can add a volume slider for it, or you'll have to use volume mixer.

posted about 9 years ago
#65 Valve Bans CSGO Match Fixers in CS2 General Discussion
downpourakarinstonedchinamanhmm hmmm
this is a good moment to think a bit about this thing and if it ever should happen. CSGO players have actual prizes to play for yet they opt to throw for skins what do you think is going to happen in tf2 where we have virtually nothing worth playing for other than fun. We also don't have 250k majors and valve is never going to give a damn about our betting problems.

I'd like to believe that in such a small community like our no one would really consider throwin for le skins but...
to be honest i wonder how the betting will work in
if its tf2 skins then itll be pretty harmless as most skins arent worth anything outside of unusuals and some promos from when they first started promos.
dota skins are really all over the place in worth so idk how that go.
and if its CS skins then nothing is sacred.

I use to bet in dota2lounge, it's not that great, you have to put up some really high quality cosmetics to actually get a good gain. Most items in Dota 2 are really cheap, even the rares. About 1-2 years ago, most or all rares were like 30 cents or higher which was cool, but now they are/can be as cheap as 3-5 cents. Although biased and with no statistical proof, I feel that is it much harder to get drops in Dota 2, and when you do you most likely get a rare or lower(so it'll be like 3 cents). These low values might have to do with the amount of players playing Dota(over 900,000), so some drops will definitely be the same item and this would decrease an item's value. As years go by, the rares that were a certain smallish supply become cheaper as more and more are dropped. Dota 2 economy is weird and crazy so I don't know much about it.

I have only been betting in csgolounge lately, but it's pretty well balanced. There is numerous amount of skins with different low-high prices which is not too hard to obtain. I been betting 11 cent to 30 cent items and if you win, you would usually get an appropriate reward with it's worth. The CSGO economy seems to be doing well and it's really direct.

As for TF2 and, it'll seem a bit weird at first I think. If we go by steam market prices, you could only really bet vintages, genuines, keys, bills, buds, and unusuals(listed off the top of my head). But some people deem refined metal to be what, 20 cents or something? This could work and not work as refined isn't too hard to make, but at least many will be able to participate(whether you deem this as good or bad depends). I think one thing for sure, it can't be as bad as dota2lounge...or at least I hope.

posted about 9 years ago
#116 The demoman nerf: a semi-statistical analysis in TF2 General Discussion

Before this nerf, in competitive play, no one really had problems with demoman. There wasn't much big demoman complaint threads at all and we were fine with how the game was(aside from little to no support from Valve). Then Valve releases this nerf(probably to cater the pubbers/SPUFers) and as the demo mains start to defend their class, their are others attacking the class or reasoning about it like "learn 2 aim". I agree that before this nerf, demoman was okay, he did a lot of damage, that seems fine as he has 25 lower health than soldier and can be countered by scouts like usual. After this nerf, I feel that demo is not too bad in a rough shape, but the change has definitely influenced how demo is played now. Maybe it's Valve's intention to see the competitive community try to change the stage of "Dealing a lot of damage and having soldiers/scouts clean up" into "Demoman playing more carefully, tactical, and the reliance of soldiers/scouts to initiate", or some other type of scenario.

I think the nerf to demo could've been handled a bit better, Changing mechanics like the radius can be a bit iffy, maybe just a direct change to damage would've been better, or the splash damage would've been more acceptable approach. But the buff to the nade launcher is definitely a message from Valve saying to start aiming with these and use these more. It's understandable, a slight problem is that you only have 4 nades, and unlike stickies, if you miss you can't just "detonate" them, same goes for rockets, but the way you aim rockets and nades are a bit different in the end. I'm not saying that this is the best option, but maybe having 6 nades in a clip(heck the model shows 6 slots right?) and decreasing the amount of stickies in a clip might be one way that Valve would see that would work. As it is harder to aim pipes than shoot stickies in a pub, the pubbers can deal with it until those people get better at pipe aim and start complaining to Valve again.

In conclusion, the nerf to demo has definitely changed the role of demo, whether this is a good or bad thing has been shown in different perspectives, adapting will have to be the result most likely in order to survive, and we'll have to hope to see if Valve can do different things for demo.

posted about 9 years ago
#51 Valve Bans CSGO Match Fixers in CS2 General Discussion

Pro players that have been banned from this deserved the ban. How can you call yourself a "professional" if you're throwing your team's matches. This is bad for the team, your sponsors, and eSports in general.

As for the ban for life, I can see it's pros and cons. One being that it will hopefully let other pro players know that this is unacceptable and that this is the result if you match-fix, thus preventing more match-fixes. But a life ban could be a disaster, some pro gamers that stick to their game, make it their "life/career" pretty much. Also a life ban is a lot in the end, a 1-2 year ban with a fine would've been better.

posted about 9 years ago
#95 How did you come up with your name in Off Topic

It's my favorite and best pokemon. Unfortunately, I'm cursed to have everyone make splash jokes whenever I join a new mumble.

posted about 9 years ago
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