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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
Posts 886 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ⋅⋅ 59
#29 Quake Live Trailer in Other Games
NinjaDCnow available on steam!

holy shit alt-tabbing in fullscreen is fucking broken

It's always been like that even before released on steam. Try ALT+ENTER.

neeko_trying to figure out how to use my old cfg now for the steam release version if anyone knows. do you have to rewrite over a config in console like the old way?

WariSure QL is on steam and all but

Was waiting for Benroads but this'll do!

EDIT: Darn you DanceNumber, 38 seconds X_X

posted about 10 years ago
#58 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
kirbypine_beetlekirbyMaking pyro more enjoyable for everyone who isn't the pyro would require the biggest nerf in the game's history, and Valve wouldn't do that.
They nerfed sticky bombs.

The pyro demographic is probably a lot higher than the demo demographic, plus the required nerf that would be applied to the pyro class would be on a larger scale than, in comparison, simply nerfing stickies.

Well there's probably a reason for that, maybe because many pubbers have found the pyro to be one of the easiest classes with it's critshots and airblasting, and that gives the kills that many pubbers want. But It wouldn't be bad to nerf Pyro, also I wouldn't say it's the biggest nerf in TF2's history, I still say the demoman one was a big one that affected the stock weapon. Back then before the time of degreaser, Flare Gun didn't do critshots, and people effectively used the Flamethrower+Axtinguisher fairly well.

There's a few very old video's like Bloodsire's and TMP's that include frags where they didn't need to rely on what pyro has now and was able to make do with it, and somewhat showed a level of skill. I feel that degreaser is just a training wheel flamethrower that people use just for the faster switch to ensure that they get their critshots in with the enemy barely having a good enough reaction time to stop it most of the time. Degreaser doesn't have much of a con also since the beginning, it would definitely be fair to get rid of airblasting since players like to focus on their "fast crit flare shotting" when choosing the weapon.

There's more than one class other than Pyro in the end. Too many pubbers likely rely on it for their "fun and frags" and so much of the pyro population is probably based off that. There's more than one way in TF2.

EDIT: Also I think reworking the range and how airblast works is a fair balance. Maybe not like a forcefield, but a more closed in area so pyros would need to be a bit more exact.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Quake Live Trailer in Other Games

When the announcer said "impressive", it didn't feel like it was impressive anymore :(

posted about 10 years ago
#591 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
eeethey're not gonna add 6s lobbies unless you can play without weapon bans and class limits :\

Although this might not happen or work, maybe we should just allow no weapon bans and class limits and allow the 6v6 format.

Games will be played, and if the competitive TF2 as we know it with the 2 scout, 2 soldier, 1 demoman, 1 medic using certain weapons every time is so good, then let's show it to them. Pubbers may try the 6v6 format, go engineer/spy and etc. and realize it's not as viable as they keep losing each round and don't understand why. If enough of the competitive TF2 community plays the format we play, eventually they might learn what works and what doesn't.

Despite we are use to our class limits/weapon bans, and for certain reasons too of course, it might be good to make things unrestricted and let things go as they are in order for the game to evolve, like how CSGO gives the freedom of weapon choice, but certain guns are used anytime anyway cause they know what works. Same for Dota 2 to an extent. It wouldn't hurt to have it implemented, if we don't like it, we can just go back to our own matches/pugs/lobbies where there is weapon bans and class limits.

posted about 10 years ago
#89 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games

Couldn't one just put
bind w "+forward; jump" ? Then you'd never have to hit spacebar and just hold down w.

posted about 10 years ago
#51 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games
VortexI don't understand why they would make loadouts enforced as the default ruleset of Duel/FFA/TDM because it literally breaks all three gamemodes. Duel spawns are going to be a joke because starting with a weapon ruins the balance of spawns and makes it completely 100% powerup dependent. TDM weapon control is non-existent with the global 5 second weapon spawn and loadouts. FFA is now basically CA without being stacked at the start.

If you're going to radically change gamemodes in a game where the core mechanics have been the same for over a decade, make it a new option instead of enforcing it as default. This is fucking retarded.

This for duels so much. Duels should be kept the same throughout, new players shouldn't be dueling so early anyway and can practice getting better in the other game modes. Let duels somewhat be the last place for the current players of QL.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games
Alleali just want people to like real esports :(

This so much, StarCraft, Quake, CS, Dota, and some fighting games. When will we reach the dream?

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games

I don't even know this game anymore. This somewhat goes against Quake everything stood for in FPS.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Twitch Rechat in Off Topic
turtsmcgurtsMedusaWhy would you want to look at cancer when you're trying to enjoy a twitch vod?depends on what you're watching. if a CSGO streamer I watched unboxed a knife I would love to see the chat flip out, that's like half of the experience (with the other half being the streamer going crazy)

This, it seems a bit awkward when you watch moments like that and it just looks like one lonely dude hyping over a virtual item. Now having the whole chat of people over the world to go crazy about it is where it's at!

posted about 10 years ago
#6 [Action Skit] Team Fortress 2 vs Counter-Strike in Off Topic

10/10 Glad there was no pyro. Subscribed and hope to see more!

posted about 10 years ago
#47 Maps w/ your favorite Mids, seconds and lasts? in Map Discussion

mid - freight
second - badlands
last - granary

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Easy way of finding scrims in TF2 General Discussion

Whoa, when did you guys start making this site? It's pretty well done and already steam integration for login.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Street Fighter 4 in Off Topic
DrewYou guys make me want to throw $30 at this. I was considering it while it was on summer sale for $15 but I forgot. I'd be a keyboard warrior either way. No job to pay for a stick atm. How's the PC community? Big enough?

Some people on tf2outpost are selling it for 4-5 keys, which is much cheaper the $30. I got mine during the sale for about 2-3 keys. Save that money man.

posted about 10 years ago
#134 The International in Esports
SaberMagikarpJust an interesting find:
The guy posted that around 2AM this morning before the finals.
believing d2g...



posted about 10 years ago
#132 The International in Esports

Just an interesting find:

The guy posted that around 2AM this morning before the finals.

posted about 10 years ago
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