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Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ⋅⋅ 59
#165 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
CorsaThe funniest part of this thread is how you guys are interpreting each other's arguments in a different way than intended and then say that argument is wrong.

That and how the thread became a bit toxic itself. Also I hope stabby's words don't leave such a huge impact on the tf2 community.

posted about 9 years ago
#77 Help! If TF2 had CS:GO ranks what would they be? in TF2 General Discussion
  1. Iron 1, 2, 3
  2. Steel 1, 2, 3
  3. Bronze 1, 2, 3
  4. Silver ...
  5. Gold ...
  6. Platinum ...
  7. Australium ?

I'd say get rid of Iron and Steel, it might be good to just go the way of SC2/LoL a bit and keep it even more basic. Maybe even include one of the TF2 metals like Refined metal. Refined, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Austrailium. Have up to 3 divisions in each rank and it should be fine.

posted about 9 years ago
#40 d i g i t a l s p o r t s in TF2 General Discussion

If TF2center had skill rankings, that'd be much better, and being able to set a lobby type meant for high level, mid level, or low level players only. The problem is, that there are a few people in those community who thinks it's fun/okay to just troll people, go on alt accounts, and be able to use those alts to stomp lower level players. I feel like this is a problem with Invite/high IM players making an open team just to stomp/win 1st place/etc.

I haven't heard occurrences like this happen much in CSGO or Dota 2, cause the people are mainly focused on their own ranking and want to improve. Not saying it's a MAJOR problem, but it definitely might be an issue to just have players stomping around, cause it can discourage players to give up, quit, and stop trying competitive due to those players.

It's probably happened already or still happening time to time. Even if we just lose those "few players", each player counts in our situation and it's immature to do so, which is one of the few minor things holding TF2 back a bit.

EDIT: Also, what about attracting players from other games like CSGO? Maybe have them learn about competitive TF2 and attempt at it or try it out. One way to do this is maybe to compromise with some known CSGO teams, have them sponsor a TF2 team, not maybe support financially, but have them on the roster and be able to use the tag legitimately, and give out info on it, and maybe get actually CSGO invite players to try out competitive TF2. It could be like 3 invite TF2 players + 3 Invite CSGO players vs 3 invite TF2 players + 3 invite csgo players, it could be like an event stream and the CSGO players could spread the word, gain viewers, and show others what competitive TF2 is like.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 d i g i t a l s p o r t s in TF2 General Discussion
eeeto decide whether or not tf2 needs a lobby system, u have to look at whether or not it actually nets valve more money, relative to the effort required to execute it (assuming valve is purely profit motivated)

Not saying you're wrong, but I wonder how much Valve made off from those duck trackers or whatever that are $5. I believe it does something to track how many ducks you collected and puts you on the leaderboard? There's probably a number of ways to do something equivalent to that for a lobby system, I mean if you consider MvM, they release ToD tickets I believe and give back prizes(Australium weapons afaik).

There is definitely a way to add that in and make it balanced(maybe make it where all the people who dedicate to improving their skill in TF2 is rewarded rather than mindlessly farming/trading for the Aussies). It definitely can and probably would make Valve more money, I guess what needs to be considered is how much it will make them. I've kind of stated the obvious, but I thought it needed to be restated to remind people that there's always possibilities that aren't looked into enough or have been mentioned.

Also I apologize for the lack of knowledge on this duck stuff and MvM stuff, I never looked far into that kind of stuff or got time.

posted about 9 years ago
#124 What pub community did you come from? in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#15 End of the Line in TF2 General Discussion

Weird SFM, but

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I nearly cried when Heavy risk life ;_;
posted about 9 years ago
#11 Fortress Forever Steam Beta in Other Games

The pubs are fun, but I didn't like the competitive format when I played.

posted about 9 years ago
#86 Coolest Alias in TF2 in Off Topic

cool: spadez, Yz50, and cyzer
worst: cookiejake

posted about 9 years ago
#145 Legend of Korra in Off Topic

Thanks for the link Wraith!

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Great to see Toph again, that Chief convo
posted about 9 years ago
#795 It begins! in Off Topic

Thank you!!

posted about 9 years ago
#23 whats your guys favorite episode of spongebob in Off Topic

Krusty Krab pizza episode hands down. The episode represented not to take anyone's shit and defend your bros

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Any other 5k+ DOTA players here? in Other Games
cMwKanecoI know Mirelin is like 5.2k or somethingi read that as merlini at first

Holy shit, it all makes sense now. Either Mirelin is secretly Merlini, or related to him! Guess Dota 2 runs in the family.

posted about 9 years ago
#130 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion

I was gonna close this thread immediately when I heard about the competitive mode and new matchmaking, although I want it, I was like "Wait, this is Valve, they'll find a way to make me lose faith", glad I kept reading and saw mp_highlander.
Also, I don't think the matchmaking will require that many servers. If it was 6's, then yes, but since it's HL, that's 18 people a server, and a big part of TF2 players might not play it and stick their pubs/trading.

But would restricting this mode to people with a certain amount of hours be a good idea? That way players with barely any TF2 experience or knowledge can't join and possibly create a disadvantage for the team. This would also help limit the amount of people that can join matchmaking, and require a bit less servers. I think maybe setting it to requiring 100 hours to play would be fair. This would also help stop people making a new alt and trying to matchmake and try to stomp players that are lower skilled. They have their own kind of guard like this for Dota 2.

posted about 9 years ago
#37 PAYDAY 2 Giveaway in Off Topic

thank you!

posted about 9 years ago
#33 running on little sleep in Off Topic
natapondo what matters first and get them done well and quickly. staying healthy helps a lot, exercise regularly; you'll have a healthier mind and find yourself able to handle things easier.

good luck there!

This so much. Don't be like me who's pulling all nighters like 3-4 times a week. I've been sleeping in some of my classes(luckily not during some important times) and been trying different methods just to stay awake in school like 5hr energy, energy drinks, sugar, and etc. I'm probably going to regret this as I've been told by many friends that I'll be paying it all back in the future. Heck, I'm actually doing an all nighter right now, and I know I'm in for trouble.

posted about 9 years ago
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