It would be awesome if we (the community) could fund two major international lans a year. iSeries is a great opporutnity for NA people to travel to EU for a couple of days and meet people there but it's simply not feasible for a lot of NA people to travel there and the majority of the audience is EU players meeting EU players with a handful of NA players thrown in.
ESA was a good chance for NA people to meet more NA people with a handful of EU players thrown in. I'd love to go to an iSeries one time but I can't take time off of school to travel for 4-5 days. ESA is only about an hour drive from me and it was great to meet NA people as well as some EU players.
Especially since LAX is one of the biggest international airports it's convinent for most people who wants to fly there. Luckily I'm close to it so tickets to EU are cheap for me so if I could manage to go getting a flight wouldn't be a problem. The problem is for people that don't live near airport's like LAX such as knuckles with his $1300 plane tickets.
As b4nny has said though having two options (iSeries and ESA) is great.