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Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ⋅⋅ 38
#2 Something strange in the SteamVR Home update... in TF2 General Discussion

Optimistic as fuck there tbh

posted about 7 years ago
#4 No IM this season? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#19 Esport United Community Rumble, Lidköping, Sweden in LAN Discussion

I will be there :)

High/prem team?

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Who will teirs season 28 in TF2 General Discussion

epx^ are a really old team (from about season 5-15) and it looks like they're back for this season

not gonna win but really cool :-)

posted about 7 years ago
#103 awful clothing choices in Off Topic

I went through an emo phase and wore sequined/rhinestoned shirts only
and the classic studded belt

god I looked like a retard, every time I look back on my pictures I'm just embarassed

posted about 7 years ago
#18 TDM Servers in TF2 General Discussion

I really don't like the fixed spawns one. Its awful if you're on the 'losing team'. Especially on maps like badlands there's just no point, you come out of house or choke there's invariably some shitmuncher spamming and by the time you've even jumped you're already fucked. Some of the maps are alright for this, like snake, but maps like gran are tedious at best and borderline unplayable at worst.

posted about 7 years ago
#47 What instrument do you want to learn to play? in Off Topic

I used to play the flute (concert not american wood thing that we call a recorder) - unfortunately it turned out my hands are literally too small to reach some notes so I stopped

I really want to learn some classical asian instruments, like the guzheng and the dan bau, both sound incredible to me

posted about 7 years ago
#31 PEOPLE NEED TO MAKE TEAMS in TF2 General Discussion
HildrethIt's added stress to lead a team as well, not just as a maincaller but as someone who organises outside of the game.

Personally I think organising outside the game is the worst part, I enjoy maincalling

The part I don't enjoy is when you ask people if they're available, set up a scrim, then 3 people don't turn up and the other team doesn't want to scrim you again, repeatedly, until you can barely get a scrim, then everyone complains when you don't set up games and start 15 mins late

very fresh in my opinion

posted about 7 years ago
#20 I made a podcast/discussion on growing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
HiipFireYou do realize that the only reason valve jumped so hard on supporting on dota 2 and csgo was because of the big grassroots scene(and then relatively big tournament organizers jumping on that before them) that it had previously right?

Like we don't need valve at all, obviously it would be great to get dev support into the game, but it's not the only route that the scene could take to becoming "big"

my friend tf2 is a shrinking game, it pulls less players now than it ever has before, competitive is experiencing no growth since years and years. We've lost like 30% of our users in the last 2 years or so and competitive signups in europe are on a downward trend since 2011.
There is nothing you can do to make sponsors arrive for a 10 year old game that's losing players - put yourself in the shoes of a serious company with actual capital, you hear a pitch like that you're not gonna go in on that, that's like buying a business that loses money.

once you start growing the game again you can have a discussion on whether it's possible to grow competitive. That's in valves hands. Once you're growing competitively, you can have have a discussion about meaningful sponsorship, until then you're just living in a pipedream. Nobody would invest any money in a game which doesn't project any growth.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 How Do I Get a Black Outline on My Crosshair in TF2 General Discussion

Those are HUD crosshairs. You can get em in most popular huds :-)

posted about 7 years ago
#7 I made a podcast/discussion on growing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

We can work as hard as we want but the simple fact remains tf2 is considered a joke by the wider gaming community and competitive is by extension.

You can produce the greatest quality streams but that doesn't make an ounce of difference when average Joe sees the tf2 finals with couple thousand viewers and just thinks, wow people play that hat game competitively? ROFL.

Even most tf2 players think comp is a joke. And actually it doesn't matter at all how professionally our top players act because they have no following. My mate in tier 8 csgo has more fans than bottom prem players to be honest.

I'm not saying don't put work in, but do it for the love of the game because if you're only there to hope it'll be a huge game one day, you're going to be disappointed in almost every timeline.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Essentials.TF Season 0 in TF2 General Discussion

Very cool :-)

posted about 7 years ago
#5 koth_almih in Map Discussion
SolloWoloI like both layout and theme-ambientation.

Here are some other thoughts (+screenies)

good stuff. some of these things are gonna be sorted by default once there's decoration (for instance, the roofs will get taller as there will be more stuff etc, the inside wall will become a 'netting' type of wall. there's inspiration from my local shisha shop which the center will become eventually. I have to create all of these textures first though, so I decided to create the layout first and do just a basic draft.

but yes some stuff can be done here, like especially the ideas with the packs, I think those are good ideas for sure and removing the hide under area, that's not something I thought about at the time. I'll sort out some of that stuff for next version, and I can tell you that I'll keep the rest in my mind.

thanks for looking :)

Kuferlpictures or i'll drop you in ubers (even more)


posted about 7 years ago
#2 koth_almih in Map Discussion

map basics

more talkings about design choices later

posted about 7 years ago
#1 koth_almih in Map Discussion

Almih is the result purely of me wanting more koth maps and not liking viaduct very much. With it's bisected form, it is designed to be less DM based, less snipery, and more fun for the flank.

You can't currently find the map on serveme. However...
Download the map – Version A5 - it's still mostly a draft.

I've not gone through the formalities of sealing it properly, optimisation or decorating it. The FPS is fine, so this version is playable and fine for layout testing. There aren't screenshots yet, due to the draft nature of it. Please don't mind the visuals for now, it will be done when the layout is fairly secured. Hey, at least it's not green.. yet.

Below you can read some of my thoughts on the design of the areas and stuff like that, if you're interested in it, it might answer a few questions.

Thanks :-)

posted about 7 years ago
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