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Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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#9 cp_5gorge discussion in Map Discussion

Gorge has almost no interesting geometry to fight in - in my opinion its very basic, similar to my maps heh!

I don't think 5gorge is particularly salvageable for highlander due to the lack of space and sightlines that overarch through the entirety of mid, second and last

I think for 6s it could work if you rebuild it. I would recommend using mid from the original. S shape it instead, using the more interesting side areas instead of cutting it off mostly. You would also have to rebuild the 2nd to split it - you would want to use the current side to blo k vision of a s potential flank then bring the rest round as well in order to shape it to make the flank not worthless

At this point you could change the theme and you'd be fairly close to passing it off as your own map. I'd say take the interesting components and do that, because no matter how good you make gorge everyone will write it off ad shit immediately

posted about 7 years ago
#100 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
crackbabydumpsterMouldThis really isn't simple stuff and requires way more from the community if we want people to make these innovative maps. Mapchamp was about half way there, but top players have to get involved. A+ effort from banny who worked with phi on cardinal and stark who worked with me on my map, other than that I can't think of much tbh.
i know the new map cup wasnt perfect but we did have a bo5 grand final played entirely on new maps for $500 between the top 2 teams in NA doesnt that count for something :(

Yeah of course it does - but that is just one thing. The fact is these maps can/do contain the exact same problems that other maps do like corsa said and that's exactly my point. None of these maps solve stalemates in particular. That's not to say these maps are bad I'd much rather play log or cardinal than granary and both are far better than mine was.

Creating a map which does solve stalemates takes far more design time and far more testing and far more versions and far more experimenting. Its arguable obviously but making something that solves a problem others can't do, that's hard. It just is 100% not as simple as just keeping stalemates in mind. If it was we would all have done it.

Absolutely stuff like that big map cup are great for bringing up the notoriety of the maps and that's perfect, but that's not going to solve the stalemate problem - koth does, 5cp does not unless we are willing to put more in, that's all I'm saying. We have talented mappers who can do it if we give them more back, I probs can't.

posted about 7 years ago
#96 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
corsaPeople are still thinking the way maps are designed isn't one of the reasons stalemates occur....

There is no point on any map where the map maker thought how long it takes a team to rotate from one choke to another, and if they did, it's not designed that well. On top of that, half the maps have ONLY chokes to push through (gullywash, badlands, etc).

There are more reasons why tf2 is stalematey, but I'm 100% confident that if somebody made a map with these things in mind, each team would be able to take more risks without a high chance of failing. Take granary 2nd (holding yard, pushing 2nd) and snakewater (holding mid, pushing 2nd). Which is easier fail?

The answer's obvious. The map does play at least a small role in being able to take risks.

One of the main reasons we aren't building maps in that way is because people are so used to being defensive that if you create an easier push people aren't necessarily happy with that. Its actually hard to make maps that aren't small variations of map design that already exists, not only because the design space is actually very small, but people also don't even want to take the time to practice new maps. In EU at least, nobody ever scrims new maps in the pool until their week.
Its not necessarily worth the risk because if you experiment too much you can lose your audience immediately. It takes a lot of mapping talent to be able to create a map good enough for competitive and general play, and even with a good understanding of tf2 (I'm nowhere near prem granted, but I can comfortably play solid high) I was still unable to create an idea that worked.
This really isn't simple stuff and requires way more from the community if we want people to make these innovative maps. Mapchamp was about half way there, but top players have to get involved. A+ effort from banny who worked with phi on cardinal and stark who worked with me on my map, other than that I can't think of much tbh.


At any rate, I have managed to get my housemates to watch some tftv and the main complaint I get is always that the maps are too similar, because to someone who barely or doesn't play at all, the difference between a stalemate on gullywash and a stalemate on granary is almost nothing at all. We need koth in the map pool so things are changed up and frankly we could do with a decent ad map as well, but that's a while off.

posted about 7 years ago
#80 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

Buff kritz until its run by default

Game will never be a snoozefest ever again

posted about 7 years ago
#29 list of things that would be cool in Off Topic
KEVCHEVcompettetive team fortress two on the wii console. that would be fun af aiming with the remote

I've tried this and its really shit - can't hit anything

posted about 7 years ago
#46 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

Unfortunately creating a map which doesn't appeal to stalemates is very tough. I think until we move to a different map pool that isn't majority 5cp we won't get anywhere.

posted about 7 years ago
#62 Babdysky is over ? in The Dumpster

Sorry dolly people of legal age only -_-

posted about 7 years ago
#60 Babdysky is over ? in The Dumpster

Anyone fancy entering an online relationship with me? X

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Babdysky is over ? in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#18 Forward spawn script with item presets in Customization

But why not just press the load out button that you're already using? This changes your spawn as well, so it seems a bit pointless

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Quarter final Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Do you see that "WARHURYEAH" of multiple 1st place premiership finishes fame? I am the best player on the team, you washed up nonce

posted about 7 years ago
#97 Team SVIFT - i61 Announcement/Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

the design is actually kind of nice, most esport apparel is stuff you'd never even consider wearing, but I wouldn't really be embarrassed to wear that, though it would be a lot nicer without the brown and red splodges, just having the bird would be preferable, for me personally

is it ok to ask questions on the merch? I'd like to know how the shirt is printed, like screen printed or is it that stuff that cracks horribly?

posted about 7 years ago
#9 ETF2L Season 27 Highlights in Videos

Omg no, I was waiting till after playoffs to submit my frags :(

I thought we were friends..

posted about 7 years ago
#11 i61 represents the 10 year anniversary of TF2 in LAN Discussion

fuck you mean? visualise the 2 dates being the same when they're not?

gandhi would be proud, fixed my emotional damage, 5 stars

posted about 7 years ago
#40 Playoff predictions in TF2 General Discussion

we will lose 0-2 round 1

mkcat WIN

posted about 7 years ago
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