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Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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#12 Essentials Experimental One Night Cup #1 Season 0 in TF2 General Discussion

Good to see map testing- gl all :-)

posted about 7 years ago
#35 Why do all the Top scouts use the scattergun? in Q/A Help
YppYI love all these people how have never play against Flushy. If you have you would know that scout has primary weapon options, it's that on one wants to bother getting good at gimmicky weapons.

I've played VS him on FaN in season, there's no doubt in my mind he's limited by that weapon. It's super exploitable in midrange. I think he would be 3x better with the regular scattergun.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 i61 democall in Videos

ticks inside

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Tunnelvisioning my aiming in TF2 General Discussion

I can see exactly what you mean, I'm also limited absolutely by my DM and don't really want to grind hours of DM

I think its important to realise you can play on a fairly good level while not being able to hit things, so try to think about improving your fundamentals and positioning if you don't feel your aims getting better, there's no secret strategy for getting better DM.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 Why do all the top soldiers use the original? in Q/A Help

I hate them both

One I can't rocket jump or hit airshots

The other I miss the floor and can't speed shot :-(

posted about 7 years ago
#20 etf2l sunshine replaces granary in TF2 General Discussion
rocketslaywhat a retarded argument, people don't ban maps that they find boring, they ban maps that they're bad at

the point is that people are bad at the maps they never play

it's irrelevant anyway because nobody scrims either of these maps in eu outside their week

posted about 7 years ago
#14 etf2l sunshine replaces granary in TF2 General Discussion

replace one map people don't like with another map that people don't really like either

I don't see the point

posted about 7 years ago
#45 i61 photos and videos in LAN Discussion
Maxi-Didn't take as many as I have previous lans,

Why do you always take surprise pictures of me and make me look butters -___-


posted about 7 years ago
#43 etf2l prem s28 in TF2 General Discussion

Ora elektro is alive and will probably enter prem playoffs, we at TCM are alive but we won't try for prem obviously

I don't know about 3.5 stars and animate probably won't be in prem

Yak will end up making his own team probably for prem

posted about 7 years ago
#53 i61 Thanks in LAN Discussion

Thanks to Cornish bakery for giving me food poisoning and making me miss all the social hours - was gonna be my last lan cause I've been meant to b quitting for a while, now I want to go to another to not end on a sour note

Ofc my boys from TCM - we will some day win a game on stream and it'll be joyous
And those who had to listen to me whine about how sick I was and how unfair everything was

posted about 7 years ago
#14 SWEDEN????? in LAN Discussion

I will go

who wanna team up

posted about 7 years ago
#24 i61 streamed? in Q/A Help
weird politics shit fucks stuff up atm with the orgs still technically being competitors and fighting over scraps of a dead game. cross promotion and brand-image are still relevant for some reason. hence hosting is on a case-by-case basis same as the events stuff

This is exactly what I worried about, I really hope this doesn't happen because this kind of infighting does nothing but hurt the scene, and for what reason?

All I can say is that it would be a total disappointment if you guys didn't work together on this, especially if as Hildreth said it's projected to be one of the biggest events.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 i61 streamed? in Q/A Help
ArieIt's not about splitting the community, it's about who shows up and actually does the work. There's coverage of i61 because is making it happen.

It just worries me that despite actively following the scene I had no idea this was happening on the essentials twitch until now, and that's 3 days before the event starts. Someone that doesn't follow that much might not know, and I think it would be wrong for me not to be concerned about that.
Obviously I don't know the situation and I'm sure there's a great justification for them to want to do it under another banner but from the outside perspective I can't help but just wonder why it's not just blobbed into one big org, given that it looks like the same casting/observer talent as seen in tftv, though I'm sure the people I don't recognise are also great at things.

For me personally, I'm often trying to tell my friends that maybe don't watch any tf2 but watch csgo or LoL and that, where they can watch tf2 content and it's easier in word of mouth to advertise one brand compared to two. Probably should have been a bit less callous in my wording originally, but I think it's worth discussing because I'm sure I can't be the only person who had no idea.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 i61 streamed? in Q/A Help

I sure do love splitting a tiny community over multiple sites and channels

posted about 7 years ago
#21 i61 snapchats in LAN Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
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