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Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⋅⋅ 38
#41 Heart of the Oak (5cp) in Map Discussion

I had the chance to play a tf2 center on this and although the map is seriously aesthetically pleasing, in terms of gameplay, I would say I had a few issues with it

I can't say much for 2nd or last, it's not an organised game and there didn't seem to be anything particularly wrong with any of that, which is nice. And I really like the dropdown onto 2nd which allows for a fast push if they failed a last push, I think that's well executed, and I like the relatively neutral high ground on last.

But the mid is unfortunately really flawed. When you play the mid, it seems the best way to play is to just sit up top and spam the whole time, because from there you can see everywhere and it's very safe, the height advantage is far too significant for the side routes to do anything relevant, especially since you can see into it, and to top it off there's also a medium health pack. If you're stood there and the other team actually attacks you, you would have to seriously fuck it up in order to lose the mid

Actually it happens that if you sit up top it's also impossible to really attack aswell. If you're holding forwards then you have height ad and a health pack, and coming through the top you have an extreme choke which isn't going to go well if you try to uber through there, you're gonna get stuck against explosions you cannot move around and have a terrible uber.
Sitting far back on mid, the same thing basically happens as it does on mid. If you have equal ubers the first team to aggro will lose, but you have the added negative of you have to eventually aggro or they just keep getting forwards and then you just lose.
If the defenders have a sniper on the far back area, it sees literally every entrance except the one at the bottom which you can't push unless you have a deathwish. This is a serious problem because you're way too far away to do anything, you're forced massively early, you can barely get to the upper area with a sticky jump and I don't see how you would ever get in.

Not to mention if you do get to push them out, you end up putting a scout on the cap which is so far down he becomes completely irrelevant which maybe allows the enemy to repush if they'd have ad now.

So my solution to these problems would be as follows:-

I would redesign the flank routes so that you can potentially get behind without being spotted, so for me that'd be widening it and making a pillar that blocked vision to the upper area. I would remove the health from up top, there's no need for it, and I'd add hp to top off point. That way after the soldier is denied trying to get up there, he can at least get a meaningful rocket off, and he can jump again after taking health. I think this would make the mid fights a lot less grindy. I have no idea what I would do about the sniping problem, this is one of the struggles when you make a I-shaped map instead of an S-shaped map :-(

PS, you can hide stickies in the upper area pillars on mid, which imo is a big problem

posted about 7 years ago
#10 i61 invite group in LAN Discussion

That's really good, I was worried TCM would get into invite, good to see more teams coming than I thought :)

posted about 7 years ago
#47 euro soldiers and snipers in TF2 General Discussion
mathemaphysicistCan b4nny beat thaigr in mge

Can he beat thaigrrs dad is the real question

posted about 7 years ago
#189 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

yes do that I like my tf2 to look nice

posted about 7 years ago
#7 does anyone here know /u/ultralightdick in Off Topic
googleblehJeff Bezos is worth about $89 billion. If he had the chance to raise that to 89 * 1.2 = $106.8 billion, I think he'd do it.

I think OP understands that everyone else thinks its a waste of his time, so let's not criticize him for what he wants to do.

The key difference here being that 10 ref is worth like 3 dollars

posted about 7 years ago
#49 whats your oldest steam screenshot in Off Topic
19 Feb, 2012 @ 10:54pm
trying to run tf2 on a computer from 2003 with no graphics card

what was your fps
man i dont even know, was under 30 for sure tho

I feel this

I played tf2 for almost 2 years with intel integrated graphics at 5 frames per second, those were dark times

posted about 7 years ago
#12 The Supposed God of Scout in The Dumpster

not really funny this time around tbh

posted about 7 years ago
#113 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Config mains smh

posted about 7 years ago
#53 If TF2 comes to ESL - What would you like to see? in TF2 General Discussion

I think it's really important you don't try to compete with teamfortresstv in terms of coverage, I reckon this would split viewers really heavily. Plus I would worry that it would end up being a caster who has no experience or knowledge about competitive, so perhaps it's a good idea to contract out the tftv guys and have tftv1 host the channel while it happens?

that's if there is official coverage

posted about 7 years ago
#33 how to not tilt/reduce tilt in TF2 General Discussion

If you find yourself not enjoying the game you just shouldn't play - there's zero point in going through a whole 'cooling off' routine for after you get angry at tf2, if you get angry every time you play how can you be enjoying it?

posted about 7 years ago
#16 shotgun pocket = noob? in TF2 General Discussion

I think its very map dependent. I see a lot of pockets running gunboats even on last which in my opinion is dire on gully for instance. But then there's pocket soldiers playing mids with shotgun on process mid too. I think the key is to be flexible and use whichever weapon feels better on whichever part of the map and make sure you're playing your part

posted about 7 years ago
#23 TF2 update for 8/2/17 in TF2 General Discussion
Vulcanthe update broke static jumping and healing during setup time

what on earth is static jumping

e- ok my bad thought he meant like you can't jump unless moving instead of jumping in spawn


posted about 7 years ago
#21 i61 invite group is going to be kinda bad in LAN Discussion

TCM r gonna play but we won't have war :-(

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Team Fortress 2 - A Underdog Story in TF2 General Discussion
Brolyi'd hate to be a smartass but the 'h' in 'huge' is stressed when spoken and therefore you don't use 'an' before it.

Think he means an* underdog story not an huge LAN


I'd say the main difference for tf2 back then is that every e sport was small and crap, nowadays whatever we put up pales in comparison to other games and seems unimportant :-(

posted about 7 years ago
#14 ETF2L S27 GF: Se7en vs. Arctic Foxes in Matches

That makes me hope 7 loses

posted about 7 years ago
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