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Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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#50 cp_drudgery - 5CP in Map Discussion

DL out :)

please enjoy, feel free to look around, give it a cheeky like on workshop if you have time, and if someone happens to be bothered, I'd appreciate a serveme mirror as mine expired in my season off

love, me

posted about 7 years ago
#6 17: Day 1 in Events
TetzioNot sure if this is the correct place to ask but, If I wanted to donate how would it work since I'm from NA? Would I not be able to use PayPal or Credit Card since the currency is in Pounds and not Dollars?

you can use paypal no problem

I think there's some charge to converting currency in settings somewhere you may wanna turn off

posted about 7 years ago
#49 cp_drudgery - 5CP in Map Discussion

Hey all, just bringing this back up to say drudgery is back in active development. I'm basically done for the year at uni, and well prepped for exams, so I have plenty of time to finish this off finally.

The changes you see might not be too big, but I think it's enough that it might make the map quite a bit better. It should still retain the same simplistic charm some people liked, but I think it should be well improved. If that isn't enough to convince you, please read this review by "drezzo" of premiership level and nunya fame.

drezzo: This map is absolutely beautiful.
drezzo: i can feel the heart and soul you poured into this project
drezzo: and it shows

I am just ironing out a few kinks in the 3d skybox, then the next release will be here.

Thanks. If you'd like, please view screenshots here.

Full changelog and explanation follows, feel free to skip

This version is a total rebuild of the existing drudgery, cleaned up, lit properly (with HDR), and the detail is stronger (still to do -> custom CC and soundscapes)

This should improve performance, and it should hopefully look a lot nicer.

last changes:-
I've moved the point a little further toward the shutter. This should make top-right feel a bit more spacious for the defenders, but increases damage falloff of people in spawn, such as heavy. It also increases the power of the shutter push slightly. 

The ground has been changed from that horrid concrete block to a nice grassy area. Flat ground makes you really easy to hit, these slight undulations should allow people to play normally, which should be more fun than playing floor is lava. 

It's important to note that this isn't supposed to make the shutter particularly viable for actual uber pushes. I still envision and would like attackers to be forced to take lobby before pushing, the shutter area remains as a kind of risky 'fast push' if you get a wipe, or potentially a slow push with sniper. 

Lobby changes:-
I've removed the lobby shutter, I believe the shutter was too easy to hold and it was holding off a lot of the play in lobby. Teams were often preferring to avoid lobby even if they had an advantage and despite it actually being faster to go lobby. I've replaced it with a double-choke structure, which shouldn't be impossible to hold, teams will just have to put a scout or soldier with the demo, so not a big change for defense, but it should feel more 'safe' to go into and requires a larger commitment to hold instead of just being a free pick for defenders.
This should also improve pushing out-  teams usually went out window to avoid the shutter, which meant usually losing someone or the entirety of lobby and made it awkward.

I think the removal of the shutter should centralise the play around the lobby a bit more healthily, with the outside acting more as an extra route instead of the main one, as was originally intended.  

I was planning on also removing the other lobby shutter facing last, however upon testing it's obvious that having vision that far isn't workable, it retains the same issue of a very low risk low commitment hold, and also opens a sniper can of worms.


Small scale changes during the rebuild. The 2nd point and balcony have been moved away from the lobby ever so slightly, the point has been biased away from the balcony a little bit, this should reinforce the isolation playstyle I hoped for. Balcony is harder to escape from which pushes it toward a full commitment, while the slight movement of the point away increases falloff, this will hopefully keep allowing attackers to play the point even with the increased cap time, changed from 5.5 to 6.75, which will hopefully help alleviate some of the captime problems.

Mid + connector changes:-

The ceiling of the main route has raised and the choke made larger. On the left side (looking from mid) the shutter now opens up further into mid, which gives mid a bit less of a boxy shape and also gives attackers a little bit of incentive to go through the shutter sometimes. While the shutter moved forward, the main choke moved back a bit, so mid defense teams should have to commit more instead of standing up top and spamming, then leaving usually unpunished. This should have the effect of allowing teams to go through into mid without using uber, instead of having a situation where nobody can go anywhere without using and you just leapfrog uber ads with nothing actually happening. I considered adding an 'above' route to main and creating a balcony, for usage of pushing mid, but I really didn't want to give teams the option to do a pussy boy mid aka sitting up there the whole time, couldn't find a way to make it viable to push but not go to mid.

These changes should make for a much easier mid push and be a little more interesting with the connection. I am hoping it allows teams to rotate a little faster to and from lower, making it less dead space. 

The middle and lower mid connector areas are connected via a shutter. The shutter/pit/lower area now has a bit of actual dimension to it, more information can be seen in the screenshots. The aim is that teams should want to control the health pack, however there's risk involved for both teams, the mid team has to worry about the shutter being held by their teammates, as someone can easily cut them off, and the 2nd team should be worried that the exit is on low ground, so overcommitment to holding it should easily result in getting picked, you can't just jump out without any risk.

The hope is that lower becomes a much stronger and more flexible flank, along with having push potential if it's left passively guarded, which should make teams want to control it, for instance control here allows teams to rotate between mid choke and shutter very quickly, which gives more flexibility on mid, while pushing from lower remains solid when attacking second. This should be a lot more interactive than both teams just watching the exits and I think a lot of micro flank fights could happen here. Hopefully this will result in a lot of picks to push off of and more fluid gameplay.

For cave, I opened the top so it's more like a valley now. This should make it faster to traverse and stops a single soldier denying a team. The vision the mid team has is a lot stronger but I think the speed increase and extra space balances it out. I think it will work quite decently. It could be hard to force here, and it's almost as fast getting into shutter -> deep second as the enemies can exit, so uber ad pushes are going to be super strong. This will also help alleviate uber leapfrogs.

I also put a fence on the upper radio tower on mid ok you guys win stop trying to jump up there please x
posted about 7 years ago
#173 Lowpander swaps out Kissakala and Grenjabob, Crayon joins in News
It's almost as bad as getting consistently Market Gardened by dd5f
going 8-29 in an official as scout.

who are these?

ond kaja and lupus respectively (I think)

posted about 7 years ago
#3 please help me in Off Topic

no this is not normal and you should try to see your doctor if you can

remember that it may take time to find a treatment which works for you, but one of them will

posted about 7 years ago
#19 Uncle Dane's gunslinger video in Off Topic

the gunslinger used to be totally obnoxious and gay because of the tiny hitbox and weird health regen while building

now that it doesnt have either it doesn't have any real effect if you use it mid fight so it's not nearly as frustrating or good

posted about 7 years ago
#28 i61 cu@ thread in LAN Discussion

cu@ with hl players maybe and various brits

posted about 7 years ago
#371 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
yttriumhere u go Ex Why Zee Spy

i hope u like it

yes... this actually works ingame.

how hard was this to do? I had my viewmodels bugged out like this for a while a long time ago and I've wanted it permanently ever since, so having this for scattergun and pistol would be great, if you get time at some point, please. Otherwise no problem, thanks :-)

posted about 7 years ago
#18 TF2 at Calgary Expo 2017 in TF2 General Discussion

I really don't get it, awful whitelist and in game format, even worse tournament format, with awful justification. This is a total upsetti spaghetti post but honestly wtf

Using the same format for years because once extine ran a fairly unsuccessful cup FIVE YEARS AGO? Apparently been developed over years, but by the whitelist and map pool it's pretty obvious it's not been changed for 5 years too, or the devs, who are unnamed but apparently have won multiple tf2 tournaments are completely incompetent.

Apparently it gets signups, but only enough that they can't process them, which is a completely meaningless measurement. I don't understand why you would obfuscate the information like this if the signups are actually as good as the other games, and if they're not, why say it?

"We also hand-vet the map list too based on a plethora of parameters. We are the authoritative body for this ruleset, and for those who are aware of it, they recognise this element too." -Organiser
what did he mean by this????

Just look at this. This just seems like a really shit way to run a tournament. What happens if everyones eliminated and nobody has qualified for stage 2?

You're not even allowed to plug in your own peripherals, professional grade ones will be provided apparently, also, the map pool contains such godly maps as harvest and 'rocktop_a3' which was apparently made in 2011 and has a grand total of 64 downloads on tf2maps. It's also got viaduct and viaduct_pro.

I'm not an expert in tournament organising but I don't understand how this could possibly be the best way to play tf2 for your LAN that you could possibly come up with, you could put in about an hours worth of research and immediately do way better. I get it's a small lan but still. smh

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Fun Facts!! in Off Topic
viperdonut bones?

did u know an infinite amount of moons could hold an infinite amount of data

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Fun Facts!! in Off Topic

did u know sharks donut have bones

posted about 7 years ago
#66 Mr Slin - Potential Fixes for 5cp in Comp TF2 in Videos

Winning 3-1 instead of 2-1 is not an incentive to push

It still puts pushing on the losing team so what difference does it make

posted about 7 years ago
#60 cheater in dm server vol 2. in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#28 ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge in TF2 General Discussion

Looking to mentor/buddy :)


posted about 7 years ago
#243 ban b4nny in The Dumpster

You must be a very intelligent gamer

posted about 7 years ago
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