I feel like pugchamp was really the last time I felt like pugs were in a good way, so I'd love to see a simple / clean website style system like that again. That said, I'm not around as much anymore so I could be wrong / missing something.
Things I liked:
1. Adding up on specific classes with just one click was dope and made picking teams really fun, incentivized captaining, and gave captains so many options / avoided the problem of, "I picked you to play XYZ not XYZ you're throwing" style complaints.
2. The stats on pugchamp were cool. I liked knowing how many pugs I had played and on what classes. Also gave captains a vague idea of what to do with players they didn't recognize. If you don't know a player in an inhouse pug you really have no indication at all of what classes they play regularly.
3. It had the option to run captain/picking pugs for higher and mid level players OR mixchamp for players that didn't feel like they'd get picked in higher or mid level pugs if they weren't well known.
4. I didn't have to be added in a discord voice channel in order to add up for a pug
I don't remember why pugchamp died tho, so maybe I'm missing something huge that contradicts all of this.