I don't really pug a lot so idk why my opinions would matter and I don't think I'm going to say anything that hasn't already been said but I find faceit unenjoyable. In every pug I've played I've had to med. I've captained some teams that were great on paper and I was like ok, I'll med for this team to give us the best chance to win. And my very good pocket decides "I'll demo", my good demo decides "I'll play roamer", and my roamer is forced onto pocket. Poverty ensues and I'm left feeling like I wasted 20 minutes and I close faceit immediately. From the perspective of someone who doesn't pug much I would always rather decide what classes I play, decide what classes my players are playing than the randomness of faceit. It's so worth it to me to wait an extra 10-15 minutes for a quality pug to start. But again I don't pug much. I understand what lucrative is saying and he's making very good points. Well said Luc, but if faceit was the only option for pugs I just wouldn't pug. And I think the people who feel similarly to me are the ones adding to pugchamp. Luckily faceit isn't the only option and I still have a worthwhile option to play pugs on. For me personally there are things I'd rather do than play in the faceit chaos pugs be it 2v2, dm, jumping, surfing, etc. And what sucks is when we hear back from faceit admins saying basically "ok, ok, we hear your major concerns and we can't really fix them (subs and queuing on specific classes) but we're open to fixing the small things that don't bother people as much like elo and starting level." I understand the limitations of the system. I understand that faceit is doing what they can withing reason to cater to a small community that doesn't drive in a lot of revenue and from the bottom of my heart thank you. But as a customer I am dissatisfied with your product and I do not see myself using it often if at all.