Hi folks. I recently wrote a little history of how Viaduct's been played in ESEA 6s and I'd really love feedback from y'all.
I started watching 6s in 2009, and watching comp was the reason I ended up picking up the game in 2011. One thing I've noticed is that newer players/redditors seem to have a very confused notion of what "the 6s meta" is and like to criticize it for being stale. This has always baffled me, but I think it's because these players may only have seen recent games and don't have much to compare them to. I figured a history explaining where the 6s community has come from would help newer players give a more nuanced view that doesn't focus wholly on unlocks. As such, I've written this guide primarily for newer players and not so much for people who know 6s well (I don't think there's anything I could teach you guys).
Despite the fact that I've been watching 6s for 6 years now, I've never advanced past the lowest levels of 6s. I have a lot experience watching the games (I've probably spent more time watching VODs and demos than I have actually playing), but I'm obviously not a great TF2 player and I'm sure there are a number of mistakes I've made or Viaduct stories I've neglected. If anyone would be willing to skim through and point out my errors (be they content or grammar) I'd really appreciate it. I had a ton of fun writing it, and I'm hoping to make more in the future if people find it useful. I'm linking the guide below.
I'm going to post it to the tf2 subreddits once I have some more feedback, but if anyone knows a community of lower level players who might find this useful I'd love to share it there too.