Sorry I should have been more clear. My point wasn't to say that "the best unlock of the slot should be banned because it is obviously too good." This is clearly false as there will always be a "Best" option to play with. My point was that when concerning the bow, piss and mach, the are not only objectively the best unlock but they also add a massive amount of power to the class with no rhyme or reason. You could argue that the skillstick is a tad OP and requires a ban as well, but the big difference between it, and say the mach is how it effects the game and what it does to the class. Mach makes sniper more powerful at what it does. Not only do you get more single target pick damage and potential, but now you also get the chance to get multiple picks with a single shot. Yet again for literally no good reason it is a direct upgrade to what sniper does and how it is played. Now compare that to the stick. You get to run away faster. That's literally it. Its downside is you take minicrits, but that doesn't matter because you would be dead with or without them on you in 99% of the situations that you pull the stick out in. At the same time you could also be using the paintrain, (for backcaps) or the MG, (for memes) but the fact is that there are at least 2 other viable side grades to the stick, most people do run it 99% of the time, but not because they are forced to, more because the would rather have the extra survive ability chance. The same can be said for the saw and gunboats, yes they are "best" in slot, but there are other viable options and they don't add massive power to the class. With gunboats you trade firepower for more efficient rocket jumps, but you lose out on the shotty or banners. Ubersaw you might be able to get cluch ubers off because of it but if you have to pull it out you are more then likely dead either way, and (not many people use it) but the amputators taunt AOE heal is actually really good for post uber fights on lasts. So yet again, you are not forced to run either the boats or the saw, they are the better option the majority of the time but they are not a must.
I would be fine with the bow if it didn't heal so god damn much, and if it didn't build uber. Put it back to the 2014 bow and its fine. But yes you are right, god knows anyone who plays this game still is only in it for the fun so fuck piss and vaccs, those are the anti-fun incarnate.