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Last Posted January 11, 2025 at 4:39 PM
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#119 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Roll the bow back to this update and I 100% want it in, because it is actually fun as fuck to use and does add another dimension to med. The only reason I want it banned right now is because of just how absurd it actually is, it heals way too much and as has already been stated, the uber building is actually retarded as shit, and this is coming from someone who abuses it, and has been abusing it for 2 years in literally every game I play, including pugs. I love it, but its stupid.

I don't want to ban it just because I want needles back (i also do but that's not the reason), I want it banned because in its current state it is much too strong, and that comes back to my question about consistency when it comes to ban reasons. I am not advocating for single weapon bans, I am advocating for a ban list that follows a set of rules that make sense and that people can easily understand, because currently we have to write essays and have 5+ page threads to try and justify bans or unlocks. That's whats i want to change, it just so happens that the bow is a glaring example of that.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 RNG? Another Sagerz video in Videos

I think you need to stop shilling for him.

posted about 7 years ago
#79 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

People also seem to forget that the charge shot disables any engy building for 5 seconds, if this gets abused its actually better then stock if you have one because the sentry cant knock back the uber then.

As for this,

nopethe xbow isn't the best option 100% of the time either.

??? I have no words.

posted about 7 years ago
#73 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
RaelynI mean, tbh that is just the slow part of the game in general. If there was no crossbow, that would be replaced by 3 players scrambling for health packs, or standing waiting for acceptable heals from Medgun before they move anyway.

Not saying that players standing still in between pushes isn't dumb, but I find it more engaging than only having my Medgun out the entire time and nothing else.

This downtime with lack of heals would not happen as much as you think it would because the damage that you have to wait 15 or 20 seconds to heal up is damage that the other team can push off of. 3 players scrambling for health packs is a massive advantage that can be pushed off of because of the length of time it takes and the terrible positioning it puts you in. Where as now you wait 3 seconds and everything is full HP, no incentive or reason to try and push that because you cant take enough ground in 3 seconds to really make a difference.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Point botmode.

posted about 7 years ago
#57 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry I should have been more clear. My point wasn't to say that "the best unlock of the slot should be banned because it is obviously too good." This is clearly false as there will always be a "Best" option to play with. My point was that when concerning the bow, piss and mach, the are not only objectively the best unlock but they also add a massive amount of power to the class with no rhyme or reason. You could argue that the skillstick is a tad OP and requires a ban as well, but the big difference between it, and say the mach is how it effects the game and what it does to the class. Mach makes sniper more powerful at what it does. Not only do you get more single target pick damage and potential, but now you also get the chance to get multiple picks with a single shot. Yet again for literally no good reason it is a direct upgrade to what sniper does and how it is played. Now compare that to the stick. You get to run away faster. That's literally it. Its downside is you take minicrits, but that doesn't matter because you would be dead with or without them on you in 99% of the situations that you pull the stick out in. At the same time you could also be using the paintrain, (for backcaps) or the MG, (for memes) but the fact is that there are at least 2 other viable side grades to the stick, most people do run it 99% of the time, but not because they are forced to, more because the would rather have the extra survive ability chance. The same can be said for the saw and gunboats, yes they are "best" in slot, but there are other viable options and they don't add massive power to the class. With gunboats you trade firepower for more efficient rocket jumps, but you lose out on the shotty or banners. Ubersaw you might be able to get cluch ubers off because of it but if you have to pull it out you are more then likely dead either way, and (not many people use it) but the amputators taunt AOE heal is actually really good for post uber fights on lasts. So yet again, you are not forced to run either the boats or the saw, they are the better option the majority of the time but they are not a must.


I would be fine with the bow if it didn't heal so god damn much, and if it didn't build uber. Put it back to the 2014 bow and its fine. But yes you are right, god knows anyone who plays this game still is only in it for the fun so fuck piss and vaccs, those are the anti-fun incarnate.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
corsathat is impossible because it is opiniated to what adds more depth to a game than the negative attributes.

My point was about how subjective the bans are. There is zero constancy when it comes to things being banned and the reasoning behind it. xbow, piss, and mach all are objectively the best choice for that slot without question, all of them increase the power of the class with almost no, or very little drawbacks but yet only one of them is banned. We are not banning things with an objective viewpoint, it is being done subjectively and with, as you have said, personal opinions on the matter.

My point was that the bans should not be a subjective thing. If it is OP or massively broken it should be banned, regardless of what else it add or detracts from the game, because all 3 should be banned if we are following that.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Well at least 2 things got banned i guess...

But still disappointed to see bow and mach legal, you ban piss because "Jarate is uncontested as the best Sniper secondary in the sense that it allows the Sniper to have a greater impact in team fights by granting his team a temporary increase in damage output, at no expense to those using it" but keep the other two legal even though they have the exact same issue, crosbow being even more so. Wish there was some consistency when it came to the bans at least.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Advice on Cortana in Hardware

Hope this helps.


On a serious note, if you are looking to play esea stick with windows because the client doesnt run on anything but that. And if all else fails just do a reinstall of windows to wipe the settings.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 Tino LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Just got back after a week away. Will be free the usual times.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 wtf just happened on esea gf stream in TF2 General Discussion
I still dream about a tf2 event like the starcraft homestory cup, where it would just be a non stop shitfest.

Go watch any pre 2013 cast or any DJC cast. Thats what all of them used to be like.

posted about 7 years ago
#66 teamfortress.tv is looking for talent! in TF2 General Discussion

I am genuinly dissapointed in the lack of professionallity from you TurboTabs. First you chose to ignore me for over a week, saying you were busy when I know you were watching the Rewind LAN finals. Then, you completely ignore me for another two weeks despite us agreeing that we were going to talk. Then you simply decide to remove me with no further information as to the current situation. If thinking that it is unprofessional and wrong to completely ignore someone and later break all communication with them then by all means I am pissy. I have no interest in working with you or your associates.

posted about 7 years ago
#156 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help

He had better needles then he did arrows.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 jynxed lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Will bait you into playing the shittiest russian CS mods.
Would recommend 10/10.

Super fun guy to be around and pounds on scout; deserves to play in invite.

posted about 7 years ago
#91 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help

If your think that med turns into only hold M1 if you get rid of arrows I don't know what to say other then your blatant inexperience is showing. The xbow does add some mechanical skill to the class yes, but it also removes a huge amount of brain power that you used to have to use on med. Before the xbow you had to actually choose heal targets, who deserves the heals and what class is best in what situation, not only that but if you were decent at aiming needles you actually added a lot of DPS to a fight that could win the game for you. Now you just sit back, bait your team and hope the +130 arrows hit during big fights. Along with that the #1 issue new medics have is the fact that they use arrows way, way too much because they think they are good with them, when in reality they are not. So not only will the removal of arrows bring back some of the mind games to medic but it will also help the lower level players because it forces them to actually heal and to actually think about what the fuck they are doing.

posted about 7 years ago
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