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Country Belgium
Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted January 30, 2025 at 11:51 AM
Posts 1665 (0.5 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 106 107 108 109 110 111
#96 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion

Someone report him to a csgodouble moderator please. I'd do it but I've been warning as many people as I can on their profiles before they get scammed and now the mods won't add me because I have a comment cooldown. None of them add you without writing on their profile first

here's the links you'll need
The steam group:
Delta's profile:
Anicca's comment:
You can also just link the imgur link but this way you might as well tell them to read the entire thread for more evidence
Delta's steamrep:
TannerMcMan's steamrep (Delta's "main" with like 20 banned alts):

At least I helped one person

posted about 9 years ago
#92 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion
strazyyy1tob first one's in!
i can't understand why people consider this guy to be trustworthy considering he's on trade probation

people rarely check, I guess. he was mod in multiple big raffle groups and nobody in tossup ever checked his steam profile or steamrep until they started getting scammed

posted about 9 years ago
#90 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion first one's in! found this on the profile of someone in the group "Where did all the skins go?"

Looks like I'm too late. At least 2 people already got scammed and there'll surely be more. sorry fam

posted about 9 years ago
#89 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion
He's back but so am I. Probably trying to scam people with a keylogger this time

posted about 9 years ago
#45 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
SkittlesBTif for some reason you want a really shitty 360p video with god awful camerawork (blame my potato ass pc) of the viaduct demo here it is:

i think it speaks for itself regarding whether or not he's cheating

thanks for the upload

for everyone's amusement I'm just going to put a couple highlights
5:45 the one that was linked before

8:15 dodges an invisible spy
11:15 looks at the enemies through walls then shoots a bunch of bs rockets
14:20 aims at the sniper through walls then shows off his smg aimbot on the soldier
15:30 tries to pretend he doesn't notice the cloaked spy, then SMG aimbots the spy with some weird flick at something near middle point, then has jittery SMG aim on the scout
16:00 his crosshair wasn't even close to where he fired the arrow to kill the sniper. He was so proud of that kill he just had to taunt
16:15 fires at an invisible spy then does the most pathetic display of trying to not be obvious while still looking at the spy every now and then to not lose track, casually guns down a scout with his SMG, then tries to block the invisible spy's path, then 180s the spy
17:15 aims at the spy through a wall when the spy is about to jump down then fires a 20° arrow at the soldier

plenty more but I was cringing too much

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
TuryThis guy is clearly hacking, and I'm not saying he isn't or trying to prove he isn't a hacker, but is it possible that if the logs were bugged, the accuracy and other parts of the logs would be bugged to?

there can be a bug where every pellet from scatterguns/shotguns from 1 shot counts as a hit which would make accuracy higher than it really is and can even give you over 100% accuracy. In the previous hacker thread someone pointed out a suspected hacker had bugged accuracy in some logs because of this. There's a way to see the true amount of "shots fired/shots hit" when watching an stv using console which showed a lower hit ratio for at least 1 stv then

I don't know the exact conditions for it to happen, but as far as I know it's a completely seperate problem from the double damage logs bug. I might go through the old hacker thread later if I have some time to see if I can find it

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

Some guy with the last name Cap called his son Andy Cap

Some kid like 10 years ago in my school called Blade. He was 4-5 years old back then. Always wore a leather jacket, had combed back semi-long blond hair with hair gel in it

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Tf2 Update 07/01/16 in TF2 General Discussion
BrimstoneWhy is it reversed for us, now that I think about it?

Apparently there is no answer to that question according to some article I read.
It might have to do with how dates are sometimes written down in the format "September 1st, 2015" but from what I found that's just a theory. Nobody has been able to confirm anything regarding the subject

posted about 9 years ago
#88 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion

I had a bit of free time and saw this. He got new sponsors?:
here's the links:
He also used to be a mod in another big raffle group that was sponsoring Tossup but they kicked him from their group and stopped their sponsorship not too long ago so that's nice.

Anyway the leader of both these steam groups is Croix. I had contacted him before his groups were listed as sponsors.
I'd seen him in's chat and saw he was a moderator alongside Delta in Unitedgives but now the leader left and made him the new leader. And Delta is no longer a moderator in the group.
Croix told me he knew Delta was a scammer like 2 days ago so I think he kicked Delta from Unitedgives but I haven't confirmed that.
Tossup also isn't listed as a partnered group in Unitedgives (yet).

So my current theory is that they're not sponsoring Tossup and Delta is just buttmad about getting kicked so he listed them as sponsors. Just a theory though.

I sent an email to Noscopeglasses about Delta with some of the evidence that was gathered in this thread. they said they're going to investigate so he's soon losing his actual partnership.

Thanks for providing me with some entertainment during these boring times without videogames, Delta :)

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Steelseries Rival 700 in Hardware
VanguardDLKwhat the fuck was the design ethos here LOL

"we want more money so we're installing more useless shit on copypasted old mice and selling it as brand new"

Steelseries is just marketing

posted about 9 years ago
#87 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion
thmpsn1tobsnipr u like a detective? how much time this take?

finding these alts didn't really take that long. I just looked at the friends lists of known alts and the circlejerk steam groups they were in

In total I did invest a couple of hours trying to figure everything out if you include all other posts I made. More than I wanted to because I'm in the middle of exams. Was something to keep me entertained when I wasn't studying. I guess I'm easily entertained. And I didn't want to do a half job. Someone had to do it

In the end none of it really mattered because the dev figured out Delta couldn't be trusted before I was even able to figure out who the dev was. But maybe the info I gathered saved some people who'd otherwise have been scammed so I guess it was worth it even though I'll never know if it actually made a difference

posted about 9 years ago
#83 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion
phobiathis is the same person who posted on these forums under the name tanner right?

yes. the UGC profile's steam profile that made those posts links to a known alt of his

posted about 9 years ago
#79 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion

I've been looking for more of his alts. And I'm really confused. Tanner's steamrep and 'some' of his alts.

I knew there had to be more. BeerBear and Delta were already known alts of eachother but they weren't linked with Tanner yet. I found 2 other accounts. But one of them is really weird Backside Ollie <-- this guy BeerBear Truzic
Truzic is a confirmed tanner alt on steamrep, BeerBear is a confirmed Delta alt and is also Tanner.
Backside Ollie has the same steam profile layout and a trade probation. His custom steam url is An obvious alt, right?

Then I found this: Backside Ollie's steamrep. He's an alt of ShaquelBlack lft iM.
Ollie has a trade probation, Shaquel has a VAC ban. Scamming + hacking? Where have I heard that before?
Ollie's friends list only has Shaquel and what looks to be another Tanner alt, MinnesotaTryHard. One of Tanner's known alts also has some random googled chick with similar text on it.

Cool. All of these are Tanner alts, right? nope. • Elextren • is Tanner in this log. Yea...
Tanner and Shaquel have played together before also found this but it doesn't prove anything. Tanner can't even play tf2center without hacking and often lost still so i doubt this was serious

So wtf is going on? Is he account sharing? Is Tanner actually 2 people? Did a friend play with him on his alts to look legit? Did he make teams for the sole purpose of making it look like 2 scammer/hacker accounts were 2 different people (he never cared about this with other alts)? this was the other alt I found. But this one isn't that weird. His alias is an anagram of Truzic, he has a trade probation and he doesn't know how to spell 'competitive'. Looking for terrible spelling has actually helped me find some of these alts

edit: confirmed that they're friends

posted about 9 years ago
#75 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion

I return once more with an update! And it's a juicy one!
The dev wasn't in on the scam and has shut down tossup after discovering delta's a scammer
End good, all good. Delta will probably make a new alt or something like that, but I'm certain we'll find him again.
For now we celebrate. Huzzah! Julian's response

posted about 9 years ago
#74 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion
CookieMonsterSteam most likely not shut it down as some of the employees over there completely disagree with steamreps existence.

Plus we are just providing proof that was from a while ago.

I'm talking about reporting him to valve on his profile. He already has a trade probation. They probably take reports of scamming more serious if the account already is marked as a scammer in their own database.
I'm aware valve doesn't care about steamrep, but the guy has recent screenshots of him getting scammed which does in fact help to get him banned

posted about 9 years ago
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