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Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted March 2, 2025 at 12:12 PM
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#1508 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
About that wallhack thing on granary. Never experienced that before, but then again I don't really mess with settings to try to find exploits. I have heard that on some maps you may be able to see through the spawn doors with the transparent view models. But I've never experienced anything like that and been running the transparent view models for 2-3 months.

Yeah it's definitely not something that just happens randomly (or if it is it happens extremely infrequently), I've never had it happen using transparent viewmodels for multiple months too

Powah's also been using transparent viewmodels for a while now and he has played Granary multiple times since then. This was the first time the crates were transparent. A couple of things like Snakewater last spawndoors, some cosmetics, etc have always been transparent for him when using transparent viewmodels.

There might've been an issue with the pug server's plug-ins which would explain why this never happened until then.
Also it only seemed to happen to the crates in yard. The crates at middle weren't transparent.

posted about 9 years ago
#577 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

Apparently Valve is going to focus on 5cp maps(?)

I asked B4nny during a stream, that was his reply.
No idea what was discussed about maps at Valve though. I don't remember it being brought up during Fully Charged.
I wouldn't mind koth maps being included.
I personally don't like the idea of ctf and attack/defend in comp though.

posted about 9 years ago
#550 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

So I had this idea for item/class limiting...

A couple of concerns that were mentioned concerning banning were:
*it shouldn't take too long
*Valve doesn't want it to limit the meta the way 6s is played now

So I had this idea where each team gets 3 bans. A ban would limit the usable weapon of a certain weapon slot to the stock item.

An example of the bans of 1 of 2 teams:
Engineer slot3 ban (only stock wrench allowed, would be popular to prevent combat engies)
Sniper slot2 ban (only SMGs allowed, would prevent snipers using the Darwin's Danger Shield)
Pyro slot1 ban (only stock flamethrower allowed, no degreaser. Wouldn't matter too much if it's to defend last when it comes to airblasting)

Other examples would be Heavy slot3 to prevent rollouts with Golves of Urgently Running, Spy slot1 (mainly for the enforcer, though I don't think a ban like this would be a priority)

I think this method of banning would not limit the meta too much, but would give the teams the option to get rid of some of the more annoying weapons people don't want to be used.
Ofcourse it's not perfect. It would still take some time for people to discuss what they want banned and people might troll with this (for example banning soldier slot2 to annoy roamers).

So it should probably require a majority vote from the team to ban something to prevent trolling if it's just 1 guy trying to vote for bans like that. Banning should have a time limit (no banning after the server has been full for x minutes) so it doesn't take too long.
If it should still take too long, maybe have only 2 bans per team. or have 3 bans that are voted on by both teams.

Maybe it can also be used as a class limiter. Instead of banning a certain slot of a class the class limit is lowered to 1. This would be a good option to have when a team wants to play the classic 6s classes with just 1 medic and 1 demo.

Just a concept I had in my head. Haven't really thought of how to make it work as good as possible that much. mainly just wanted to hear what you guys would think of such a system

posted about 9 years ago
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