iconaHow do I make this work with the detonator, cow mangler, and scorch shot explosions?
This does not work for the detonator and scorch shot since those do not have a seperate weapon text file and are just considered regular Flareguns. You can do it for the cow mangler though
step 1:
download for all the default weapon text files
You'll see these are the same text files you also have in the Scripts folder of the config
step 2:
the cow mangler's weapon txt file is tf_weapon_particle_cannon.txt
extract somewhere and open it in notepad (I recommend downloading notepad++ for some quality of life)
find //buckets at line 30
step 3:
go to Scripts where your already working txt files are. Open one with the explosions you want the cow mangler to have and also find //buckets
step 4:
Inside the buckets paragraph you'll find something like this
"ExplosionEffect" "ExplosionCore_wall"
"ExplosionPlayerEffect" "ExplosionCore_MidAir"
"ExplosionWaterEffect" "ExplosionCore_MidAir_underwater"
That's what you'll see in tf_weapon_particle_cannon.txt. But those aren't the explosions you want.
So go into the other file that has the right explosions and just copy paste those over in the cow mangler's file.
For example I use
"ExplosionEffect" "electrocuted_red_flash"
"ExplosionPlayerEffect" "electrocuted_blue_flash"
"ExplosionWaterEffect" "electrocuted_red_flash"
Then just make sure you save the cow mangler file and put it in the Scripts folder where the other txt files are