Hey gemm, thanks for the post, I won't respond to all right now of it but you said
Big Sexy Manive never seen someone get banned on faceit in advanced or invite for offclassing or throwing on captain. on pugchamp admins played pugs, saw that shit, banned for it. they can also check logs quickly for offclassing. in faceit i never see thumbs down reports or whatever get answered, and there's like 1 admin who plays advanced/invite in eu (degu)
Are you sure you're using TF2PL's reporting feature and not FACEIT's reporting feature? We have no way of reading into FACEIT's, I don't remember if there are any plans on letting us, I will ask again. The thumbs-down affect the FBI (in your profile), AFAIK we have no way of reading that either, and I doubt it affects anything in Hubs. Regardless, in Discord there's a #reporting channel with instructions on how to report bad actors, I do encourage adv/inv players to take the 30 seconds it takes to report someone, however I assume most just don't care enough to do so. Please do.