how do i edit the background of these? (what the arrow points at)
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Country | Finland |
Signed Up | July 25, 2013 |
Last Posted | December 26, 2023 at 3:43 PM |
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how do i edit the background of these? (what the arrow points at)
if anyone else is having the same issue: mat_bumpmap 1 and mat_phong 1 fixed it for me (as mentioned here)
cringe soundtrack artists in my top 5 because of ost playlist running in the background all year........
Chinese Cooking Demystified - explains concepts and recipes from chinese cuisine as well as suggesting substitutes if you want to try cooking the dishes at home
fantano - anthony fantano's secondary channel, mostly interviews and funny videos
Rambalac - random guy walks around in japan, very comfy to have in the background when studying
I just updated my linux distro from fedora 32 to 33 and now I have this strange visual bug:
It seems to happen when enemy players model are in view. It's not consistent as it doesn't happen on every launch, sometimes the error appears for your teams models instead, and other times no error at all, most common is displayed in the youtube video. I have tried with both kernel 5.9.8 and 5.8.18, kde and gnome, removing mastercomfig, but the strange visuals still happen.
Has anyone else had this issue and/or know what causes it?
i also have this problem on some casual servers, some times it works if i just search again but now i got it three times in a row. no idea what the cause is
Hello, I am looking for the stv demos of OWL 12 since I lost them when my old computer died. The links in are all dead so if anyone have them please share!!
On the topic I remember there being some issue with watching old demos, will this be the case with these?
alias "weaponone" "slot1;cl_crosshair_file crosshair7;cl_crosshair_scale 30;cl_crosshair_red 0;cl_crosshair_green 255;cl_crosshair_blue 0;r_drawviewmodel 1;MW1"
alias "weapontwo" "slot2;cl_crosshair_file crosshair3;cl_crosshair_scale 35;cl_crosshair_red 0;cl_crosshair_green 255;cl_crosshair_blue 0;r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias "weaponthree" "slot3;cl_crosshair_file crosshair3;cl_crosshair_scale 35;cl_crosshair_red 255;cl_crosshair_green 0;cl_crosshair_blue 0;r_drawviewmodel 1; MW2"
bind 1 weaponone
bind 2 weapontwo
bind 3 weaponthree
bind 4 slot4
bind 5 slot5
//bind q lastinv
alias Q1 "weaponone"
alias Q2 "weaponthree"
alias MW1 "bind q Q2"
alias MW2 "bind q Q1"
this should work, weaponone at the end is just to init when you spawn, you can change it to weaponthree if you'd rather spawn with knife out.
ken ashcorp
only really listened to Selected Ambient Works 85-92 but that is very good
great job, nice to see that they are white (at least tobdot) so you can set color yourself :-). doesn't show that on the screenshots though!
Tino_... the Foundation series by Asimov. ...
TailorTFThe entirety of the Foundation series by Asimov
I see people recommending the foundation books a lot and while i agree that it is a true sci-fi classic i think that the robot novels (caves of steel, etc) are much more interesting.
Not saying that the foundation books are bad though, just that imo there are better books in Isaac Asimov's foundation universe (unless robot novels + empire novels + prequels/sequels are included in this definition of the foundation series).
I've been reading Iain Bank's the culture series recently and it's p good. There are 10 books though so some of them are better and some are worse ofc.
Robert Jordan's wheel of time series is also OK, it's like 14 books too so there are good and bad books here as well. I think i've read up to book 9 and the books are good at least until then.
James Clavell's asian saga is very good series too, the chronologically first book, shogun, is probably one of my favourite books.
If you are looking for non-fiction i can recommend Max Tegmark's book on AI, although it is pretty technical.
Haruki Murakami's book about running is interesting and quite motivating.
I also read a really good book about ancient languages by Ola Wikander not too long ago but i don't think it's translated to english. The book was easy and fun to read despite difficult language stuff so if you find books by him they might be good.
CronkPhilosophy is great, read some philosophy. The whole field of philosophy is more or less old people with beards theorizing the optimal way of living your life. Going to the gym can make you confident in one way, but knowledge in general is another strong path to confidence.
Some introductionary books I recommend:
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Fredrich Nietzsche
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Pragmatism and Other Writings - William James
The Ego and Its Own - Max Stirner (spooks)
Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder is another good book that covers some history of western philosophy (I can't remember if it covers philosophy from other parts of the world). It is also a novel so probably an easier read than jumping straight in to pure philosophy.