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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted April 22, 2020 at 11:40 AM
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#106 stream highlights in Videos

When I watched the latest highlight on YouTube from tagg's stream
and I saw that little silent pause at the beginning
I felt guilty about not fixing that bug.
So I finally fixed it.
Note: After it downloads the vod, the ffmpeg bit takes longer since it now has to reencode the video. I found out it can't slice up an flv/mp4 losslessly, so I make it reencode at highest quality. Usually takes 1.5-2x the length of the highlight on my i5 laptop, so not too bad.

And as an extra little present, there's now DIYHighlight in there as well.
You type in the ID of a full VOD, so '347586742' for the djc one above, a start time and end time, I went with '45:52' and '46:50', and you end up with this mp4, untouched by any other programs:
For reference, this 58 second clip took ~2 minutes to reencode, ~5 overall.

Both of them also ask you for a file name now, so you don't have a folder full of randomly numbered mp4s when you're done.

mewwy cwismis

posted about 12 years ago
#24 tf2 on lunix in TF2 General Discussion

I should have worded my OP better.

ompIt would be a severe waste of development hours for Valve to add a similar layer for DX8 calls.

This was my original point; they didn't make a layer for DX8. So anyone who is using DX8 on Windows should expect a performance drop as they will be forced to use DX9-equivalent settings on Linux. I didn't mean translating from DX8 would be somehow slower than DX9.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 tf2 on lunix in TF2 General Discussion
ompIt doesn't use DirectX at all. OpenGL.

[edit] I should probably add that DirectX is a strictly Windows API, to avoid any confusion.

Yes, but the games still call DirectX functions, there's a layer in the engine to convert those to OpenGL functions on osx/linux. The problem is they only made it compatible with DX9 calls.

posted about 12 years ago
#10 tf2 on lunix in TF2 General Discussion

Oh? It crashed for me when I tried dxlevel 81, and some other sites seemed to say it was limited this way on osx/linux. If it's actually there and just buggy for me right now then happy days.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 tf2 on lunix in TF2 General Discussion
shortbussince steam has gone over to Lunix for a little while now has anyone started to use it and if so hows does tf2 play on it

Depends on how well your drivers work. The nvidia chip in my laptop runs only a little better than the Intel graphics, and it fucks up the fonts. However, the Intel drivers have improved a ton, and I'm getting basically the same fps as in Windows when forcing it to use the Intel card.

Another thing to consider is you are forced to use DX9. Same as on Mac, Valve didn't make a DX8 mode available, so if you use DX8 expect a performance drop.

Haven't done any timedemo tests myself, but yea, works well.

posted about 12 years ago

ty, show me the way to the airshot

i need more face shots pls

edit: by demand of seanbud's stream chat:

posted about 12 years ago
ukmoh muh gawwwwwd this guy is adorable what breed is this

she's a cavalier king charles, too cute.

had a siamese cat since childhood and a chihuahua for a few years, but both have passed away and i have no digital photos of them :(

posted about 12 years ago

posted about 12 years ago
#91 New iT! Server - What do you people want? in TF2 General Discussion
lynaI don't mean to be rude, but what is the purpose of a EU surf server? I understand why you need a EU jump server, but you can surf at any ping. There is literally no difference between surfing at 5 ping, to surfing at 300 ping.

Bhops are weird with high ping. You'll land on a surface and bhop, but on your screen you're frozen for a second then suddenly teleport to where you should be, and it can get pretty annoying on some maps.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Classic Mixup wins S12 LAN in flawless record in News

STV demos in this thread

posted about 12 years ago
#72 ESEA-Orang-eXplosion in TF2 General Discussion

I don't want to take any sides in this (yet?); I respect Extine and the eXtv crew hugely, and I have equal respect for the individual casters.

What I'd like to see is Extine and the casters discussing this in a private mumble or Steam chat, together, then coming back to us with a final statement on what happened and how it happened. I understand that might be hard to ask for in the middle of the week, but I feel like it would be better than posts spread amongst pages of a thread. I really want to chalk this up as a breakdown in communications, and not hang on to some conspiracy that the casters intentionally avoided telling Extine.

Also want to hear ESEA's position, because to me it seems they told Extine one thing, and something else to djc and co.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Event pages have no title in Bug Reports

Pretty minor, but now that I've noticed it it sticks out like a sore thumb alongside any other beautiful tabs

posted about 12 years ago
#3 steam error in Q/A Help

It's basically re-installing Steam but without having to download all your games again, since they are in the steamapps folder.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Threads load incredibly slowly half the time ATVM in Bug Reports

Only time I've seen it like that is when I'm on an old iPod on my Uni's slow WiFi

posted about 12 years ago
#67 stream highlights in Videos

Extract the twitch folder somewhere, run twitch.exe and follow the instruction.
If it crashes and warns about a missing dll, run the vcredist file included.
If it still fucks up feel free to bitch at me over steam.

Also, I haven't tested this with the old highlights, but I don't think it works with them, so always try with the old site first and if it doesn't work then use this.

posted about 12 years ago
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