4RAR Gaming Recruiting for TF2 Division
Who We Are:
4 RAR is a new and expanding Milsim Gaming Clan. 4 RAR was created because of the lack of Australian Milsim Gaming Clans in general, although we are not solely Australian. We offer membership and leadership to all men and women around the world but we are an Australian based role playing Milsim clan for DOD:S, TF2 and upcoming games such as Renegade Line. 4 RAR has set a solid foundation for years to come with a strong ranking structure and leadership positions giving members a room to grow through the clan enhancing your gaming experience in the 4 RAR Gaming Community. 4 RAR is a clan for mature teenagers and adults but we do not tolerate silly people within the Community. 4RAR is a tight knitted community and a home away from home.
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What does Milsim mean?
Milsim - Military courtesy, ranks, & high level organisation.
Keep in mind that, we the people describing themselves as "milsim players", although quite often, are not always stuck-up a-holes pretending to be soldiers in a video game.
TF2 isnt a military simulator though.
No TF2 is not a military simulator but by keeping the military ranks and organisation. We are able to maintain and function as a community.
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The rank system forms the backbone of 4RAR Gaming which defines an officer’s or other ranks role and degree of responsibility. The ranks are based upon those of the Australian Army.
At this moment we have:
General of 4 RAR
Lieutenant Colonel
Regimental Sergeant Major
Warrant Officer 1
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What We Offer:
Ranks and Leadership Positions for growth.
Promotions- http://rar4gaming.wix.com/4-rar#!promotions/p2b6y
Two Different Divisions: TF2 Division, DOD:S Division
Website- http://rar4gaming.wix.com/4-rar
Structure- http://rar4gaming.wix.com/4-rar#!ranks/zi2id
Specialist Courses & Training
Have a mentors with over a 1,000 hours of experience.
New Active Community
Role & Position Selection
Medals & Badges
Fun War Events!
Contests and prizes to be won!
Lead a battalion, Division, Platoon or Section/Detachment!
Promotions & Ceremonies
Last but not least a fun friendly community.
Other Divisions Recruiting:
Clan name : 4RAR Gaming Community
Clan website : http://rar4gaming.wix.com/4-rar
Contact e-mail: rar4gaming@outlook.com
Number of players: unlimited
Officers: unlimited
Location: Global (Australian Based)
Min age : 16
Skill level: depends on rank please see Rank Structure
Please join at our application centre
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