I really like the brownie and vanilla ice cream dessert at chili's.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197999215868 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:38950140] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:19475070 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 27, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 24, 2025 at 7:22 PM |
Posts | 2182 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 12 inches/360 |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | 1 |
900 |
Resolution |
1080p |
Refresh Rate |
420hz (120) |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | vaxee something |
Keyboard | durgod |
Mousepad | steelseries something |
Monitor | benq 144hz |
piccolo: pie_hero
goku: yomps
weighted training clothes: the cattle
namassinHuggesYour symptoms very much remind me of a person addicted to fapping, like your name suggests. Try not fapping for a while and watch your problems go away. Check out reddit.com/r/nofap for more info, and thank me later.
honestly dude, not the time nor the place.
lol honestly I checked out /r/nofap not too long ago to see what the buzz was all about.
Changing my major might help and its something i'm currently looking into. I have no idea why I'm trying to do anything programming related when thats not where my skills are and I know its something I think I enjoy more than I actually do. Maybe something like idk marketing would be better suited for me.
and once again thank you, everybody.
Dehydration makes a lot of sense. I probably drink more coffee than water. I usually get about 7 hours of sleep but I tend to wake up a lot unless I'm completely exhausted so improvements can be made there. Until a couple weeks ago I was eating a lot better and going to the gym which helped with stress but everything else was still the same. I'll try to talk to an adviser and check out my schools student health services before I go home for winter break. Thank you for your words and advice, Obi, BeryTaQ, hektik, griff, Pankeyman, dr_djones, and comanglia.
I've always had a pretty tough time with school, specifically with math, but I've had trouble getting stuff done for other classes too. When I was in high school my parents would take away my computer thinking that was the problem but it never really seemed to make much of a difference. I'm not failing out of college but my GPA is an unimpressive 2.5 and I have failed a couple classes. I feel horrible about wasting my parents money becuase I know how lucky I have it and that there are people way less privileged than I am that can manage to get good grades and work a job. Many of the teachers ive had growing up have suggested that I might have ADD which I resonded to by saying that I just wasn't trying hard enough and didn't want any excuses. Now im starting to think they were right. Im forgetful, disorganized, my brain feels foggy, and the only thing more inconsistent than my train of thought is my DM. I want to talk to my parents about seeing a psychiatrist so I can know whats really going on in there but I'm afraid they'll just think I'm just looking for an excuse for my laziness. I'm sure somebody else here has been in a similar situation so I would really like to hear about you learned to deal with it. I know this thread probably won't actually do anything for me but hearing other peoples stories might help me feel a little better inside. Thank you for your time.
ForefatherBest thing ive read about this
"I want to be very clear: what you are seeing today in Paris is the natural (or perhaps more accurately, preternatural) endpoint of forced diversity, which, in practice, is really just putting people separated by both physical and genetic geography from each other in unnaturally and unwanted close proximity.
Make no mistake, the future for Europe and the West looks like Paris does today. Brown, violent, sectarian, and ugly. Gone, the ideals of fraternity, egalitarianism, and liberty; third worlder’s do not care (or have the capacity to care) for such lofty ambitions. When the West is no longer white, it will no longer be the West. And we're not going to be going sending Matt Damon to Mars, science fans, because we'll be fighting endless war for our survival instead.
It is not racist to want to be around those who are alike you, in culture, in creed, and in appearance – all of the world, save for postmodern whites, know this to be normal. Or, perhaps it is racist; at this point, who cares? The crazy thing about life in 2015 is the "racists" actually have the intellectual high ground, while those who noisily call for impossible equality for disparate and unequal peoples somehow enjoy the moral privilege.
This is the future. Diversity + Proximity = War. Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, and Europe for all of the third world. Importing the third world, by the way, does not a first worlder make. Life is unfair, and evolution doesn't occur equally.
End this madness. Equality will be the idea that kills the West if left unchecked, as has been predicted by smart men and women for hundreds of years. You don't need a doctorate to see where this is headed; incidentally, I have one, but the average Joe on the street can articulate the points I've made here with more insight and passion than a legion of Ivy League charlatans.
In short, there is nothing sophisticated, esoteric, intellectual, complex, or even fun about ethnomasochism, the likes of which we see made plain in Paris’ arrondissements today."
thats so fucking stupid. if we kept people of all the different races to their respective continent then I wouldn't be able to see cute asian girls anymore.
On a more serious note, this is truly horrible news. My heart goes out to the people of Paris.
For some reason whenever I try to open my game once it gets past the initial loading screen the game "minimizes". By that I mean I can see my desktop but the game is still open and I can hear the little click when my mouse goes over the tf2 menu items. anybody else having this problem?
bump. Just a fair warning, I'm going to be gone from Thanksgiving until the end of December so I may miss the beginning of the season depending on how long the break between seasons is.
his sister is very cute:) he is cute too.
is your community accepting of girls? I was harassed in the last gaming community i joined :/